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Zelda Wii U to be revealed soonish!


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Guys, check this out! It was posted on Facebook half an hour ago! :D

Iwata Hopes to Reveal Zelda U Soon

I'M SO EXCITED! Of course, soon could mean as far away as E3 2014, but you never know! We could see it before the end of the summer or during the holidays!

So far, we know that it's going to have a brand new art style and Iwata is excited about revealing the game. Gods, I'm so hyped already and we don't even have footage. XD

Who else is excited for it though? What would you like to see in the game? Me, I'd love for it to be a Four Sword title, but since we're getting TWW HD and had Spirit Tracks before Skyward Sword, that many Toon Link titles so close together seems a bit overkill. I'd love to see Ghirahim make a return though (could be a la Ganondorf, not necessarily a direct sequel to Skyward Sword). I mean, Demise is gone, but there wasn't anything saying Ghirahim was destroyed along with him as far as I can tell. Ghirahim is one of my favorite villains in the series along with Vaati. He's popular too, I think.

Oh, and the other article linked in the one that I just linked talks about regaining the Wii U's "momentum" too. Nintendo seems pretty adamant about wanting to match the competition, and with that kind of determination and the fact that they're freaking Nintendo, I believe they can do it. :D

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Well, I'm always excited for new Zelda, regardless of what it is.

Although, I am hoping for something a little more on the serious side.
Skyward Sword was good, but, I really liked Twilight Princess and stuff, so, I'm hoping they'll do something in that direction.

But, anyway, pretty excited, man.

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Didn't that sword sort of... disintegrate? Doesn't necessarily mean he can't be revived, heck, if I had a nickel for every villain Nintendo revived, I'd have enough to fill the mass of Bowser, Medeus and Ridley combined. (Why are they all dragons?)

There was a rumour going around that this was Nintendo's most expensive project ever, although never officially stated, I wouldn't be surprised.

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Well I for one am excited about the wii u zelda game, I wonder what othe game in the series this'll be a sequel/prequel too.

Just have to wait, though not too long but i'm sure it'll be worth it. Though I really want to see a game with Ganondorf and Vaati working together.

Also can't wait to see Link's new look and zelda's aswell. Yeah I thought ghirahim was cool, more than demise...

Edited by SwiftStrike
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I thought both games were great, though I prefer Skyward Sword a little more than TP. But I DO want SS-like gameplay again! I mean, swinging a Wii remote around like a sword was SO fun! :D

SwiftStrike; Actually, we already got a game where Ganon and Vaati team up. It's called Four Swords Adventures and was released for Gamecube. Vaati doesn't have as much of a role, but he and Ganon are both there (but not regular Ganondorf, only the pig guy Ganon) and on the same side. FSA doesn't play like other Zeldas though, it actually plays a bit more like a Mario game, what with the overworld map and going through "levels" and all. It has a style like TMC and every item kinda functions like Mario's power-ups. But it's a really great game and totally underrated.

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I can't wait! A Link Between Worlds can only tide me over so long! I'd like a somewhat refined Twilight Princess art style but maybe with slightly brighter colors. Also Ghirahim, his Debbie Dazzle-ness cannot die, as such he must come back.

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I thought both games were great, though I prefer Skyward Sword a little more than TP. But I DO want SS-like gameplay again! I mean, swinging a Wii remote around like a sword was SO fun! :D

SwiftStrike; Actually, we already got a game where Ganon and Vaati team up. It's called Four Swords Adventures and was released for Gamecube. Vaati doesn't have as much of a role, but he and Ganon are both there (but not regular Ganondorf, only the pig guy Ganon) and on the same side. FSA doesn't play like other Zeldas though, it actually plays a bit more like a Mario game, what with the overworld map and going through "levels" and all. It has a style like TMC and every item kinda functions like Mario's power-ups. But it's a really great game and totally underrated.

Ganon's role in Four Swords Adventures isn't really much more than a paste right on the end of the game like an FE Dragon.

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I'm certainly excited! Always up for a new Zelda game, especially when they're not re-makes, and they actually add to the series lore. (But I'm still excited for Wind Waker HD nonetheless!)

I'm hoping for a new setting with interesting and unique characters, locales, and enemies. Obviously, there'd be some familiar things to link this setting back to Hyrule somehow, but I really want to see a cool new gimmick (i.e. sailing for WW, shape shifting for MM and TP, trains for ST, and bird riding for SS). And I do want to see some type of new mount; Epona is great and all, but I like to see Link bonding with other animals like his Loftwing. I also hardly ever used Epona in TP since running around as a wolf was way more fun, so I'd welcome shape shifting if it came back in some way. And I can't wait to see what new weapons and items we'll get!

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Didn't that sword sort of... disintegrate? Doesn't necessarily mean he can't be revived, heck, if I had a nickel for every villain Nintendo revived, I'd have enough to fill the mass of Bowser, Medeus and Ridley combined. (Why are they all dragons?)

Bowser is a koopa, not a dragon. Do you call gorillas monkies too? If you do you have all of my pity.

Oh, right, Zelda. I hope it has a new graphical style because why not? The Wind Waker's style was neat, so was Twilight Princess'. A new style would be great. With mechs, and more dragons.

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I have some hopes for this new game...

1. Don't make the text move slower than a slug in molasses. (Skyward Sword)

2. Don't force me to slowly put an item in the menu when I've already collected over 30 of said item. (Skyward Sword)

3. Don't give me a useless, robotic companion who can only state the obvious. (Skyward Sword)

4. Don't make the intro 2 hours long, boring, and tutorial-like. (Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword)

5. Don't copy/paste boss fights. (Skyward Sword)

6. Do provide a great wealth of dungeon variety. (Twilight Princess)

7. Do provide a vast world filled with side quests, caves, and minigames. (Twilight Princess, Wind Waker)

8. Do provide fast, lag-free sword combat with special techniques. (Twilight Princess, Wind Waker)

9. Do make the water dungeon epic and fun. (Skyward Sword)

10. Do have a more creative story (Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess)

As for the new art style... maybe it will be something totally insane that will make our eyes explode.

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8. Do provide fast, lag-free sword combat with special techniques. (Twilight Princess, Wind Waker)

The "special techniques" to me were what made WW combat and more so, TP combat boring. Every enemy in TP could be beaten easily by spamming the backslice. Skyward Sword combat was, in my opinion, the biggest refreshment in the series, swinging the sword almost realistically, and enemies that actually block. As you went through the game, you yourself would get better and improve on how you swordfight.

Also the fact that the shield was always up in TP.

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Zera: Seeing two of the scorpion boss was kinda boring, I agree on that, but I thought Fi was awesome. She does state the obvious quite a bit though, I admit.

And I can NOT get how anyone can think TP's gameplay was better than Skyward Sword's. SS practically expanded upon what TP had by making using the Wimote as the sword more realistic and natural by actually making you swing the remote instead of merely shake it.

But whatevs, we all have our opinions. xP

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The GameCube version of TP is better, apart from ranged weapon controls, the good thing is you don't have to spaz out to use your sword and shield.

Personally, I prefer the Link that is my profile pic the most, he looks very Link-ish.

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I disagree, I prefer the Wii version. I like the gameplay more, you can equip an extra item, I like the fairy pointer icon, and I can aim better with the bow and stuff.

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And I can NOT get how anyone can think TP's gameplay was better than Skyward Sword's. SS practically expanded upon what TP had by making using the Wimote as the sword more realistic and natural by actually making you swing the remote instead of merely shake it.

The only difference between TP and SS is that you can shake a stick in different directions. That's it. Yep. Oh, and have a bit of lag too, but don't worry, the enemies will hold their basic four direction blocks for a good moment. Up, down, left, right. Don't forget those directions. After all, only one enemy in the entire game blocks diagonally! Man, this is SO realistic, it's like swordfighting in real life!


By the way, the Wii version of TP is better for 5 reasons:

1. 480p Progressive Scan

2. Widescreen

3. IR pointing for bow, clawshot.

4. GC version has occasional framerate dips.

5. One extra item slot.

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And I can NOT get how anyone can think TP's gameplay was better than Skyward Sword's. SS practically expanded upon what TP had by making using the Wimote as the sword more realistic and natural by actually making you swing the remote instead of merely shake it.

I can't get how anyone can think Skyward Sword was the better game, have you seen the fanbase's reaction to it (and its sales fell of a cliff, too!)

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This game along with X will push me to buy a wii u eventually. Zelda is one of my favorite franchises and I can't wait to see this game. I hope it's as fun as skyward sword.

I can't get how anyone can think Skyward Sword was the better game, have you seen the fanbase's reaction to it (and its sales fell of a cliff, too!)

Zelda is known for its horrible fanbase that complains about everything. Pick one aspect of zelda games and there will be always someone to complain about it. I loved every minute of SS and TP, so I don't really get why people dislike them, but whatever, everyone can have opinions. And I'm a part of the problem anyway, since I loathe wind waker and will say bad things about that game on every opportunity.

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I thought Skyward Sword was a great game, I like Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess better, but I still like Skyward Sword much better. Although the game had a lot of flaws, I still think it was really fun. In response to what Zera said, I know Skyward Sword's combat is far from actual sword fighting, but it's nice to see enemies who are competent. And in response to Shadykid, I don't really care what the rest of the fan base thinks, and I've never have or will care about sales.

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This game along with X will push me to buy a wii u eventually.

but I thought Pokemon X was on the 3ds :Kappa:

And I'm a part of the problem anyway, since I loathe wind waker and will say bad things about that game on every opportunity.


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I personally hope it looks like this


And I also hope, like I do with every Zelda game, a playable Zelda.

Oh wow it looks so amazing. I SO WANT IT NOW! I must calm down *takes a deep breath*

I love legend of Zelda. The art style is so beautiful. I will be so upset if they make it too colourful.

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Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person on the planet that dislikes wind waker. The problem is that I don't really care about exploration, while dungeons and puzzles are my favorite aspects of the series. WW has a lot of exploration, but lacks on dungeons and puzzles, so I don't like it. Also, sailing is slow and boring and then there is that AMAZING hahaha triforce hunt in the end.

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