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Return of the Emblem Chapter Twelve: Divergent Paths


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After Amon got back from his exposition with Shadrak, Veronika and Reign, he, Gytha and Fizza managed to get their time in together. Gytha came up with a game for them all, having taken into consideration Amon's talk of urban racing. The game went as follows: two out of the three of them would team up to try to catch the one remaining. The game had to have a perimeter, of course, since Weyland's estate was rather large, but it was an obstacle course of sorts. Also, in order to capture or to keep from being captured, mock-fighting was permitted. Amon was reluctant about the idea and Fizza didn't mind the idea, so Gytha took their answers as approving and that was what they wound up playing.

Gytha's strategy during the game didn't involve a whole lot of running when Fizza and Amon were teamed up against her. It more involved firing off her unloaded pistol (which resulted in a clicking sound due to being rendered harmless) and standing her ground to try to fight off the Rexians. She usually was captured pretty quickly by the two, but she didn't care. She was having a blast and that's what mattered to her. It seemed like Amon and Fizza were enjoying themselves, too. It was interesting teaming up with Fizza. As it turned out, she was even faster than Amon! And of course, when she was teamed up with Amon, it brought back that good, old, familiar feeling that came with relying on the Sancturan.

The game only lasted for about an hour before Gytha was informed that she needed to go get ready for the ball. As it turned out, she would have to dress up fairly fancily. Though she was a little sad that the game had to come to a close, the mariner was grateful for the fun she'd been able to have with Amon and Fizza. The upcoming ball was exciting, too, as she didn't know what to expect. She was fairly aware that she didn't know what she was doing, however, and so asked if Amon and Fizza would like to see what she looked like once she was ready for the ball. Both agreed, Fizza more cheerily and Amon giving fair warning that he didn't think he was a very good judge. Gytha was just glad they agreed, though. It made her feel less nervous about the whole thing. In fact, her nerves vanished completely with the support of her old and new friends. And so, Gytha went with the maid to get ready for the ball. It certainly was a unique experience.

It started out normal enough with a bath, though the maid had insisted on using some strange and unfamiliar cream in the water that was supposed to be good for the skin. After that, Gytha was taken to her room and that was where everything got strange. Aside from the usual underwear, a corset was also fitted to Gytha. It was not so tight that she couldn't breathe, but it certainly gave her the inclination to keep better posture. The maids also picked out a perfume for her and asked her what sort of dress she would like before offering several suggestions of their own while they applied her makeup. It was difficult to please them, it seemed, seeing as though they wanted her to look over the dresses, they also didn't want her to move. It took a few scoldings before she figured out a way to satisfy both requests at the same time.

When she wasn't giving input on the dresses, one of the maids seemed to be trying to teach her how to speak without her accent. Gytha wasn't entirely pleased with that. Though she could speak without most of it, it was how she liked to talk and indeed was the most natural way for her to say things. For the moment, though, she did her best to appease the maids. Her hair was pulled up into a chignon with a strand intentionally loose here and there, particularly on either side of her face. After her dress was picked out, the maids had to tailor it some to fit Gytha, too, but in the end the mariner was happy with it. The maids gave up on trying to give Gytha long, elegant gloves fairly early on, seeing as they wound up accentuating the muscles in her forearms rather than giving her that graceful, delicate look they were hoping to achieve.

Finally most of the work was done. All that really needed refining at that point were Gytha's mannerisms, such as the way she carried herself. The maids didn't quite realize that until the mariner began more or less trudging along, though. Her dress was primarily a dark, vibrant blue. The full-length skirt of it had some free movement and shine, too, with wave-like, silvery line work separating the dark blue from the pale sea-green below it. As for the upper portion, though it had a decollete neckline, it still covered her up fairly well and the thin, transparent, sea-green sleeves that hung from under the deep indigo bodice only barely covered part of her shoulder tops while the rest hung down like pouring water, trimmed with silver lace. She was also loaned an extravagant, silver necklace adorned with aquamarine and opal gemstones. Though she did not wear long gloves, however, she did wear short, white gloves with the same, silver lace running from the pointer finger to the wrist in a diamond shape and on each wrist she wore a silver bangle, one of which was set with an aquamarine.

One or two maids tried to catch up with her as she jauntily walked down the staircase to the main hall to correct her on how to walk like a lady. She didn't pay them any attention, however, instead waving with that grin of hers to those already gathered. "Ahoy! We all reada t' go?" The maids seemed mortified.

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Greta's Room

Greta thought she was going to be in for a pretty lonely evening, and though she was probably right, it wasn't yet time; there was a knock on the door. She approached and set her nearly empty glass down on the dresser. As soon as she opened the door, there was Jamilla, dressed to impress and ready for the ball. "Whoaahohhh, how much does that outfit cooost?" she asked.

"Oh, I'm just borrowing it," Jam replied. "Apparently, the rich guy here has a collection of gowns and suits in case a wayward group of travelers needs to go to a ball."

The dancer twirled around to show off all sides of the dress, displaying a wild smile while showing off. "But it looks great, right? I don't want to embarrass myself in front of royalty or anything. I mean, I think I look spectacular, but I just wanted your opinion before I go public."

Her smile somewhat lessened upon seeing the empty glass on the dresser. At least it wasn't a whole bottle. Jam felt bad for leaving her alone like this.

"I wish I could stay a little longer, but Erion and Alphy are probably waiting on me. Hey, are you going to be OK tonight?"


"Apparently, we're having desserts first," Eli responded to Aneda's obsession with chocolate. "Fortunately, I happen to know a baker's apprentice. Back in school, he was pretty good at carving things out of chocolate. I wonder if he's still in the area..."

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"Well we don't have to have dessert first, I'm just saying I really want some junky snack foods..." Aneda grumbled but realized she may have sounded way too complainy there after she said it out loud. I mean I'm getting my way anyway, so why complain? Ugh I'm never satisfied, hehehe. "Um... anyway, where is this guy located?" she quickly just sort of went with it but probably not quick enough for her own tastes. Fidgeting with her newly purchased coat, rather enjoying the slightly snug fit on it, she began exploring the pockets and giggling to herself mentally about it. Oh, the things I'll hide in these bad boys.

Smiling again at the potentially good news, "That's good to hear." Mushirah admitted up front. Well, not so much admitted as was genuinely glad to hear but yeah. She vaguely knew what was going on regarding that but she'd simply ask about it later, hopefully after the celebration. He really is focused on the Emblem and people around it, isn't he? she noted mentally before trying to think of something, anything else to say. Instead she decided to reiterate a previous statement, "Then lets just enjoy the night then, alright? You promised you'd make it good and memorable for me, don't forget!" she decided to throw in the last part for emphasis, trying to let loose though she already felt awkward saying it out loud like that. I should've just kept that to myself, hopefully he won't take it the wrong way or something... Ugh i'm too nervous, I need to stop thinking about how big this is, just focus on the guy in front of me I suppose. That'd be a start. Looking Shadrak in the eye, she smiled at him, noticing just how handsome he looked in a suit.

Edited by ReformBlade
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Raquel herself approached first, so Blake simply offered his hand, ignoring Gytha for the time being. The mariner might cause a problem later, but he would have to deal with it at that time. For now, time to be a gentleman.

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"I think in a waltz ya put your hands on each other's shoulders and twirl around real slowly," Nadya replied to Haythem hesitantly, before turning around towards Gytha. "I'm ready to go, don't know about anybody else." Wouldn't think this would be Gytha's kinda party either...she should liven things up a bit.

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"You needn't worry for your carriages... I'm more comfortable flying than riding regardless." Annelise replied, noting the giggling on the woman sitting next to Weyland.


"Ah, Gar. I was lookin' for ya, any idea how many more people we're waitin' on? Raquel said you'd know." Arietta noted to Gar as she caught sight of him.

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"Uhm, I said I thought you looked fine. Nice even. I need to go now." Hurrying off, Hoshi stuffed the knives into the hands of the nearest free maid and stuttered some directions about where they were supposed to go. After that, she wandered around before eventually winding up back in her rooms. Falling down onto her bed, she sighed, staring up at the ceiling. It'd be nice to go to the ball... dress up all fancy... but it's safer here. Fewer people I don't know, quieter. This was the right choice.


Laughing, Lumi placed a hand on both her friends' shoulders. "Now now. I like chocolate for dinner. It's more interesting! Beisdes, Eli, we're not kids anymore. Our parents can't make us eat dinner first."


Pacing slightly, Erion kept glancing at the stairs, hoping that Jam would appear soon.

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A Man Called Gar

"Um," Gar eked out when some woman he'd had no contact with but he knew she was there for some things asked him something. "Well, uhhh, let's see," he looked around to get a handle on who was here. Which was just meaningless time wasting as he already had the answer. "I haven't the slightest of ideas. The list is back with all my stuff." He shrugged.

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"Great... well, thanks anyway I guess." Arietta replied with a slight scowl, before making her way back to Weyland, tanking note of the Fallen woman.

"Uhh... Mr. Weyland... no one seems to know. Even the planner doesn't remember who's supposed to be coming..." Arietta reported, not happy about the news she was meant to deliver.

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Greta's Room

"Well I think ya look spectacular, too. Don't outdo the lady of the hour though, or they might just kick ya out," Greta teased, though she began to wonder if that could actually happen. Before long, Jamilla asked her if she would be alright that night. Remembering their last talk and how that went, her gaze shot straight to the glass she had set down. "Oh don't worry about me, it's only the first one and I ... umm ... may just go for a walk or somethin' ... try and clear my head before I hit the sack. You just make sure you have a good time, alright? I'm gonna be real disappointed if ya spend the whole party worryin' about me."

Reign's Room

While waiting to get word back from one of the maids he had spoken with earlier, he lied on the bed wearing only his shirt and pants. His coat was on a hanger in the closet next to a couple of other coats and cloaks, and his boots were sitting at the foot of the bed. It was a long wait as far as he was concerned, but eventually there was a knock at the door.

"It's open," he said, raising his voice just enough for it to carry through the door.

The door opened and Tamara quietly stepped into the room, shutting the door behind her. She then revealed a small note in her hand. "It took some work, but they found the address, Reign."

"Tell Weyland I owe him one, and not just for the hospitality," Reign replied as he got out of bed and put his boots on. He then accepted the note from Tamara and grabbed a dark brown cloak from the closet.

"Are you going right now?"

"Yeah. I'll miss dinner, but I can't think of any good reasons to wait. Thanks again." He donned his coat and then the cloak and left the room with Tamara. The two parted ways after that.

Main Hall

"Hmm, even she cleans up well, it seems," Steinn commented when Gytha arrived. "The others should be along shortly. Shall we go head out?" he asked Gabbie, to which he received a dignified nod of approval. She seemed to be a completely different person now, as she took his arm and allowed him to take the lead. The two made for the front door.

"Don't worry, I won't," Shadrak assured her with a confident smile. Now he just had to figure out how to actually do that and he would be golden. Until they actually got to the ball and he had some idea of what sort of environment they would have to work with, he had to battle with his own anxiety. Once he noticed her looking at him, he blushed and quickly tried to come up with some way to get the ball rolling, so to speak. "Oh, almost forgot, take my arm like Gabbie's doing with Steinn," he gently instructed, trying to get them both to look the part. Come to think of it ... when did she learn to act like that? Hmm ... no, don't think about it. Focus on Mushirah like the lady said.

Haythem meanwhile, tried to imagine the waltz as Nadya had described it and was a little disappointed. Putting that disappointment into words, he said, "That sounds ... really boring ... but I guess it's safer than rexian dancing, especially since you have to do it in these clothes."

Raquel didn't understand the upper class practices very well, but she was at least familiar with many of them, and offered her hand to Blake once she reached him.

Not too far away, Amon was heading toward the main hall along with Fizza, whom Amon had to remind of the time just to get her out of the dining hall. When they arrived, they saw Steinn and Gabbie leave right out the front door, a few other pairings gathered, and Gytha greeting everyone. "Strong lady is strong," Fizza teased, mimicking a thick skotian accent and clinching her fist while her opposite hand held her bicep.

"I think she did a really good job getting ready for this thing ... though all of these outfits kind of make me glad I'm staying here. I would feel completely out of place, there ..."

"That's not stopping Haythem, but I see what you mean."

Main Entrance

"Don't be so conspicuous; get in whichever carriage Steinn's taking," Weyland replied to Annelise. Before Steinn and Gabbie arrived, however, Arietta returned and gave Weyland the report he was expecting. "Alright, I suppose we'll just have to wait a bit longer, then. Get in," he instructed, opening the door for her. I wish there was a trumpet or some other noise maker on this carriage I could use to tell them to get a bloody move on.

Steinn and Gabbie emerged a moment later and began approaching the line of vehicles.

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The maids following Gytha seemed to desist as the mariner caught sight of Amon and Fizza and happily hurried over to them. "Ahoy! Sorra fer th' wait. I-- oh, right, they wanted me t' talk different t'night," Gytha cheerily began before interrupting herself, figuring she may as well start trying to get that under control now, "That sure took a lot longer than I was expecting. As it turns out, there's a lot involved with getting ready for fancy parties. So, what do you think?" Speaking without her accent forced Gytha to focus on her speaking more than usual, so she seemed calmer and she spoke more slowly as a result.

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"Very well." Annelise replied with a slight bow, making her way back over to where Steinn was now headed.

"Lord Devlinos, Sir Weyland wished for me to ride with you."


Taking Weyland's offer, Arietta stepped into the carriage, resting her signature maul against her leg as she looked over her bosses' date, not having seen the woman before today... it wasn't something for the bodyguard to question, she supposed.

"I don't know what to think about that Gar, though... the one who was managing the whole thing. One second he seems to have his head on straight, the next he's a complete buffoon... either his skillset is completely lopsided or he's a damn good actor, and what scares me most about him is that I have no idea which one it is... that worries me. I know you didn't spend much time around him, but did you catch anything, boss? He's the white-haired one, by the way, built real lanky." She inquired, bringing up the most recent thing on her mind... may as well try to make conversation.

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Taking his arm, Mushirah could really start to feel how real it all was He wasn't just her imagination!, the idea that she'd ever be going to a noble's ball, let alone a princesses never really crossed her mind in terms of things she'd ever accomplish in her life. That being said she refrained from getting all excited, well... any more excited than she already was. To do that, she simply thought of perhaps taking time to really look at the place when they get there and try and draw it, for some reason she didn't quite have mapped out yet but it sounded like a project she'd like and boy it certainly beat thinking of how much she didn't know, like what kind of atmosphere it'd be or what exact kinds of foods there'd be or how people acted and all of that. She tried to control her breathing to mete out the anxiety, and it seemed to work for her. "Hey, don't worry I was just teasing you, Shadrak. I'm sure you'll think of something, and if you don't there's no pressure, in all honesty. I think that just getting the chance to go is more than enough a gesture for me."

Edited by ReformBlade
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Blake took Raquel's hand and kissed it, before returning it, cracking a slight smile.

"Evening, milady," he said, as he returned his hand. "I trust you got your rest in? I apologize for not checking in on you, but I figured that might interrupt said rest."

That he had had a few errands to run, in the meantime, was better left unsaid. Besides, he was trying to get his employer's mind off of the meeting, and make things half-way bearable, and talking about what he was busy with was definitely not the best conversation-starter.

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"You'll have to show me this Rexian dancin' sometime," Nadya said to Haythem, noting that Gytha appeared to be trying to change her accent. They never said anythin' like that to me...maybe they figured I'm a lost cause or somethin'?

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Main Hall

Well this was interesting; Gytha was speaking without an accent ... as best she could, but it was a little uncomfortable for Amon to watch. Those maids had likely been trying to change as much about Gytha as they could in what little time they had ... all for the sake of some party. It felt wrong and had him grimacing at first. Soon enough, he managed to cover it with a genuine, albeit sad, smile. At least she might be able to enjoy the party without being verbally abused. "You look great, Gytha ... just ... remember it's only a party. Don't make yourself too uncomfortable."

Meanwhile, Mushirah let Shadrak know that she wasn't actually planning to hold him to his promise, though he only felt a little less obligated as a result. "I'll keep that in mind ... shhhall we head out to the carriages ... milady?" He was emulating Blake now, somewhat, and hating every second of it. Not having any experience to draw from that wasn't just plain mockery of the upper class was making this a challenge every step of the way.

"Oh sure! I'll have to change out of this thing first," Haythem answered Nadya, deciding in that moment that dancing might be another way to impress the nomad.

At the steps, Raquel's exchanges with Blake continued. "I did get enough sleep to make it through this, but I still think I'm probably going to collapse for the night the second we get back," she answered honestly. "... and thanks for that. I really did only barely get enough sleep."

Main Entrance

"I suppose you might as well," Steinn conceded. Figuring it was time to pick a carriage for the trip, Steinn began leading the two women over to the carriage just behind Weyland's. Since they had approached the wagon before the driver was expecting them, he didn't move from where he was. He noticed them once they were closer, but Steinn made his move first and opened the door and gestured for them to get inside. The driver meanwhile, stopped trying to get down and stayed in the seat. Most of the other carriage drivers were standing by waiting, but some were relaxing while they waited. They had been parked there for an hour already, after all.

Back in his own carriage, Weyland continued to wait for everyone to get a move on. "Nothing in particular ... yet. Raquel attracts an enormous variety of help, some I like more than others. At the end of the day, everyone traveling with her has their own motives. I'm sure she'll be betrayed several more times before this all ends, but it's inevitable, really."

"I was wondering why you treat these people like an extension of Raquel herself, and not as the complete unknowns they are," Chie chimed in. "I wouldn't trust most of them with the information about the fallen staying here, for example."

"As far as I'm concerned, they are indeed an extension of her. These are people she has put her faith in to fight on her behalf. It's her responsibility to choose her allies well, and until she proves that she can't more than a third of the time, I'll treat her and her companions as if they at least function as a cohesive group ... when it really counts," he explained. "If that turns out not to be the case, I'll consider some changes to our relationship."

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"Whoa, 'great'? Heheharr, I was hopin-g" she caught herself at the last moment on that one "to just meet the standards! Thank you!" That (what she thought of as the more important thing to address) settled, she added, "And don't worry about me. I may not have my pistol or sword, but I can still throw a good punch of anyone starts treating me discourteously, heheheharr. And enjoying myself is something that comes easily to me. I'll do my best not to embarrass everyone else, too."

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"Well we don't have to have dessert first, I'm just saying I really want some junky snack foods..." Aneda grumbled but realized she may have sounded way too complainy there after she said it out loud. I mean I'm getting my way anyway, so why complain? Ugh I'm never satisfied, hehehe. "Um... anyway, where is this guy located?" she quickly just sort of went with it but probably not quick enough for her own tastes. Fidgeting with her newly purchased coat, rather enjoying the slightly snug fit on it, she began exploring the pockets and giggling to herself mentally about it. Oh, the things I'll hide in these bad boys.


Laughing, Lumi placed a hand on both her friends' shoulders. "Now now. I like chocolate for dinner. It's more interesting! Beisdes, Eli, we're not kids anymore. Our parents can't make us eat dinner first."

"Sorry, old habits I guess," Eli replied to Lumi. "The monks where I grew up were pretty strict about order; that certainly included meals. No dessert first under that roof. I can still hear their voices: 'You can't have any pudding if you don't eat your meats!'"

The rider stopped rambling long enough to lead the women down the road to a little bakery. It looked quite quaint with its faux candy cane pillars on each end of the door. Inside it was surprisingly chilly; ice magic was employed to keep the business as a giant refrigerator for the desserts inside. Such desserts included simple cupcakes and cookies to a giant multi-tiered wedding cake lined with chocolate animals carved with intricate detail. Some of the chocolate carvings were on display, which ranged from chocolate insignia of the royal seal to a chocolate knight. There were simpler offerings as well, such as chocolate candy drops, chocolate pastries filled with icing, and much more. Eli spotted his friend behind the counter, putting the final touches on a chocolate rose. A quick wave got the apprentice's attention.

"Eli!" he called out as he took off his magnifying glasses. "What can I do you for?"

"Well, this is Lumi and Aneda. They wanted some chocolates tonight. I told them this was the best place to go."

"Well, in that case, I am Pierre, apprentice to one of the finest bakers in Europa. Please have a look around. I'm sure I can spare a few samples if you want to taste test."

Greta's Room

"Well I think ya look spectacular, too. Don't outdo the lady of the hour though, or they might just kick ya out," Greta teased, though she began to wonder if that could actually happen. Before long, Jamilla asked her if she would be alright that night. Remembering their last talk and how that went, her gaze shot straight to the glass she had set down. "Oh don't worry about me, it's only the first one and I ... umm ... may just go for a walk or somethin' ... try and clear my head before I hit the sack. You just make sure you have a good time, alright? I'm gonna be real disappointed if ya spend the whole party worryin' about me."


Pacing slightly, Erion kept glancing at the stairs, hoping that Jam would appear soon.

Jam giggled as Greta teased her about looking better than the princess. "Thanks, Greta," Jam replied, "I'll let you know if I hear any gossip."

Looking out the window, the dancer realized how late the hour was, "Yikes better get going. Don't wait up for me!"

With that, Jam waved goodbye to Greta before walking swiftly down the hall. As she approached the stairway, she found Erion pacing in front of the stairs. He looked like he was waiting for some time. Jam decided to treat her entrance as casually as possible.

"You're looking spiffy tonight," Jam said to Erion as she came down the stairs, making no mention of her own looks.

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Chocolate! her mind screamed like a little kid. "Ummmm um um... You sure I can sample some things?" Aneda asked, rather unsure this gentlemen knew who he was dealing with, "I mean, once I get goin I probably won't stop, haha." Of course as she was admitting to being a pig she was scoping out the local chocolate delicacies, bars of chocolate, chocolate pastries, she even swore she saw jars of what appeared to be chocolate syrup. Chocolate on the go... is this heaven? Is this real life? Is this seriously happening to me?

Meanwhile, Mushirah smiled and nodded, replying simply with a, "Yes, lets." Making herself more comfortable on his arm, she was anticipating a wonderful night ahead of them. Good heavens she needs a reality check, am I right? Guys? Anyone...? Ok...

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"No problem, milady, though carrying you to your room costs extra," Blake said, widening his smile. "To be more serious, though, it should not be a concern of yours. Events like these generally are energetic enough to keep one awake. Anyways," he continued, as the man noticed that some of the others were heading out. "Shall we?"

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Alphonse was grumbling and messing with his tie as he walked down the stairs, damn did he hate having to dress up like this. He'd have preffered to just ditch his jacket at the mansion and go dressed normally, but naturally the maids wouldn't have any of that. Instead the swordsman was dressed in black dress pants, a white dress shirt, and a vest with a tie. Despite his dressed up state, Al's sword was still strapped to his side, a hand covered with a black leather glove resting on the hilt. The weapon would have to be left in the carriage when they actually arrived at the party, but until then he'd be damned if he was parting with the blade.

He noted that Jam and Erion already seemed to be talking, and he'd had enough of the thief for today already. Leaning up against a wall, Al would wait until it was time to go or someone decided to talk to him


Zachary, on the other hand, was having a less terrible time. Having been the protege of Kerrigan for over a year, along with being a high ranking member of his cult, the sage had been to more than one fancy party in the past.

He wasn't necessarily still comfortable with the idea of it though... still somewhat wondering how he'd been dragged along in this. Dressed in a classic red and black suit, Zach found his way over to his.... date? Partner? Accomplice? What kind of term was he supposed to use here? Nevertheless Zachary was slightly stunned when he caught sight of Faatina

"Hey Tina, you look... agh...." Zach trailed off, rubbing the back of his head while slightly blushing. "pretty"

what an inspiration to us all.

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Sitting inside Steinn's chosen carriage, adjusting her scythe so as not to slice or break any parts of it, Annelise waited for the fallen prince to enter. Folding her wings as well to fit them was a rather awkward affair, but it would seem that flight would stand out to much...

"Lord Devlinos... Sir Weyland was of the opinion that I would be too conspicuous were I to fly alongside rather than within this convoy... I suppose Kestrellii are rare about these parts, so his logic may be valid, but it feels odd..."


"Is that right... mind letting me know what I should be ready for if those changes come to pass? It sounded like you were wanting me to stick with her after she leaves." Arietta replied.


"Ah, Gar... there you are." Angelica noted as she closed in on the man... his full black attire and clashing white hair a striking contrast to the snow white dress she herself wore... had her own hair been black it would have been even funnier, but Angelica had no want of such a thing, her hair was just fine as it was, as far as she was concerned. Still, if a pair could give the impression of a devil and angel forced to attend a social event together, it wouldn't get much closer than this.


"Hehe, thank you Zach... you look rather handsome yourself." Faatina replied with a smile, a slight blush of her own making it's way to the surface, as a moment of silence hung between the two.

"Err... if I recall, I think... ah, right." The paladin mumbled to herself for a few moments, before extending her hand, allowing the sage to take it.

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A Man Called Gar

Wasn't he helpful. Whistling a tune he walked over to dear Angel. What a mismatched pair they were eh? Well this was gonna be take it easy time now. "Yes, here I am in all my dashingness," He invented the word solely for this moment except not really. "What an amazingly gorgeous pair we'll make."

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Main Hall

"I'm sure you'll do just fine, Gytha," Amon said with a nod. He was feeling a little better about this, but only a little.

"Oh I don't embarrass easily ... too bad I'm not going, huh?" Fizza joked.

Meanwhile, Shadrak led Mushirah outside, glancing back at those still standing around one more time. What odd pairings. And what do you know, Gytha still looks like she could just throw me across a room. Go figure. Hmm, I wonder if Mushirah and I look like an odd pairing too ...

Raquel was familiar with the practice, but would have actually been more comfortable just holding his hand or something. She carefully took Blake's arm, smiling embarrassingly about being carried back. Uuuugh, I feel like a giant black purse, holding his arm like this. "Ready when you are."

Main Entrance

"There are two issues Weyland likely considered with regard to that," Steinn began his explanation, entering the carriage just after Gabbie. The driver decided to do his job and got down to close the door for Steinn. "The first is that we must impersonate avians ... or rather, dark avians, while we're here, and as it turns out, their flight capabilities are severely limited at night. It isn't completely dark yet, but that brings us to the second issue."

Gabbie immediately imagined a hooded dark avian soaring between buildings and eventually slamming into one. Surprisingly the figure survived the bloody crash. She giggled to herself almost immediately after Steinn's first bit of explanation as a result.

"Humans can be quite paranoid. The harder they try to protect themselves or their interests, the worse it gets. Having you flying around right now could alarm them."

"Oh, and don't change your eyes to that eerie black," Gabbie added, deciding to help a bit. She retrained her noble-esque facade well, even though she wasn't actually in the mood for it.

"A good point. You'll have to work without the shift for the time being as well, unless you can do it without being seen."

In the lead carriage, Weyland and Arietta's conversation also continued. "You should be ready for ... ultimatums. I'm helping Raquel because Jethro is a friend, it's mutually beneficial, and it's giving both myself and Connor a better look at this world, one I didn't think possible. Still, if she's going to be in charge, she needs to prove that she can handle such a position. I would rather not have to get so involved as to pick and choose leaders, but if they can't be trusted to handle themselves in the end, then my only alternative is to cut ties and wish them the best."

"I doubt it will come to that. You only have to be stabbed in the back a couple of times to learn to choose your allies carefully and the lesson lasts for a life time if the wound is deep enough," Chie quietly chimed in.

Shadrak and Mushirah arrived outside to see a relatively long line of carriages waiting for them. He was a little dumbfounded by them ... this was the real deal, and they were headed for high society in a large entourage. "Okay ... which one ..." It was obvious that the two up front were currently taken, so he was gazing at the third, wondering if they should take that one, or head farther back to one of the others. The driver of the third seemed to be waiting on them, so it seemed to be first come, first seated.

Edited by Phoenix
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