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Even Hubba agrees with this pairing... (Spotpass)


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This. I see Ike and Soren's relationship as more of a brotherly one than a romantic one.

Modern community have no concept of "platonic" or "brotherly/sisterly/sibling" friendship between two character of the same gender. Every relationship must have some sexual tension behind no matter how their background stories said otherwise.

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Here's a fun thing. Not only does he work with spotpass, he works with guest MUs.

And if you happen to know, I made a team (of Guest MUs) based on Tales of Symphonia.

[spoiler=The Results of putting them to the "Hubba" Test?]





Personally, I find the fact that Lloyd x Sheena got slammed with "Friend Zone" at the first shot, is absolutely glorious, because like Gerome/Lucina that's a terrible pairing with no redeeming qualities.

Best. Idea. Ever. QFT!

And I find the Lloyd x Sheena automatic friend zone downright hilarious! XD

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I like Ike/Soren, the fact that they get a paired ending really made me happy. It's clear as day to me.

They don't get a paired ending. :/ Just an ending where they leave Tellius together. It says nothing about them becoming a couple.

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Ike and Soren are simply best friends, the best and most trusting relationship two men can reach and not even consider it a romantic relationship.

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I think I'm the only person who likes this pairing. >_<

Don't worry Vashiane. I-I kind of like it too...

In all honesty though, Hubba's ratings are pretty funny. I've had married people be "unfaithful" too many times with his ratings xD

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Ike and Soren are simply best friends, the best and most trusting relationship two men can reach and not even consider it a romantic relationship.

I agree, but the unfortunate thing is that some of the FE fanbase likes to go "OMG OTP!" at every close friendship between characters of the same sex, and even those of the opposite sex. This is why that I can easily foresee that if my fic were a game, people would be shipping Bryan and Skye like hell. They're as close as Ike and Soren, if not closer. And there will even be a scene near the end of the story where Skye cries and Bryan gives him a hug to comfort him, in much the same way Ike does with Soren at the end of RD. This friendship is somewhat based on Ike and Soren's, actually. Yet, Bryan canonically falls for and marries a woman and Skye is hinted to possibly have a crush on a girl himself. It's quite possible to have two guys be such close friends, but not outright in love with one another.

Fans just either don't want to acknowledge that or just plain don't care. So it's pointless to debate this. xP

Edited by Anacybele
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I agree, but the unfortunate thing is that some of the FE fanbase likes to go "OMG OTP!" at every close friendship between characters of the same sex, and even those of the opposite sex. This is why that I can easily foresee that if my fic were a game, people would be shipping Bryan and Skye like hell. They're as close as Ike and Soren, if not closer. And there will even be a scene near the end of the story where Skye cries and Bryan gives him a hug to comfort him, in much the same way Ike does with Soren at the end of RD. This friendship is somewhat based on Ike and Soren's, actually. Yet, Bryan canonically falls for and marries a woman and Skye is hinted to possibly have a crush on a girl himself. It's quite possible to have two guys be such close friends, but not outright in love with one another.

Fans just either don't want to acknowledge that or just plain don't care. So it's pointless to debate this. xP

Well, there's a quote that describes exactly how I ship them:

Soren and Ike are clearly asexual for each other.

This, sort of. It's an attachment towards the other person so deep that it cancels out any chance at having a stable relationship with anyone else. Ike is so oblivious to love that I don't think he notices any woman's affections towards him, and Soren's so crass and bitter that having a relationship is difficult. The two of them found a sort-of solace with each that they can't find with anyone else, and they're pleased with it. They don't feel a need to truly attach like that to anyone else, because they already had the only person they'd ever WANT to attach to - each other.

It's not exactly romantic, but it's way, way too close to ever been "just" a friendship.

And I feel your pain Ana.

I have two male characters, Kole and Sirius, who have a very vitrolic best friendship with each other that sounds more like martial bickering than anything else. But they confide in each other easily - and it barely takes a look to guess what's wrong with the other when they're upset. They'll stick up for the other no matter what, take bullets and hits for the other person, and are the first person there when the other's hurt or distressed. They just... know something's wrong. And hell, even I kind of ship them. And all of my friends do. But, y'know. People ship. Can't stop them from doing it, even if your intention was to have a certain two people together, fanon will always defy you.

Edited by Vashiane
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Uh... I don't understand. You're saying Ike can't understand or love anyone else because of his friendship with Soren? I agree that Ike doesn't seem to know what love really is, but I don't think he's totally incapable of feeling it. Soren, yeah, definitely, because of the shit he went through growing up. But not Ike, I just don't see a reason for it. I think he has feelings for Elincia, actually, but doesn't realize it or understand them (for at time at least). But this is just me. And he CERTAINLY knows that Aimee has a major crush on him.

And heck, even Soren could eventually learn to become close to someone else. It would be tough with someone like him, but perhaps not impossible.

Edited by Anacybele
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Uh... I don't understand. You're saying Ike can't understand or love anyone else because of his friendship with Soren? I agree that Ike doesn't seem to know what love really is, but I don't think he's totally incapable of feeling it. Soren, yeah, definitely, because of the shit he went through growing up. But not Ike, I just don't see a reason for it. I think he has feelings for Elincia, actually, but doesn't realize it or understand them (for at time at least). But this is just me. And he CERTAINLY knows that Aimee has a major crush on him.

And heck, even Soren could eventually learn to become close to someone else. It would be tough with someone like him, but perhaps not impossible.

He... does? I've never seem him pay a single bit of attention to it, unless it was in a support conversation or something. I probably missed it, because I watched someone else (my cousin) play RD and only joined in during a few certain chapters, so he may not have unlocked that conversation if it's there.

I think I explained it this way because (I really hate using objective examples, gods) I have a friendship like this myself. My best friend and I bond on such a level that I can't with anyone of my other friends, she is literally the other half of me. She is the Soren to my Ike, the Chrom to my Male!Avatar, the Kieran to my Oscar - I do not understand how I lived for 11 years without her in my life. There's actually several people who think I'm a lesbian because of how close we are, and trying to reach that same level with my other friends is impossible - she's the only one that I can become that close to. I've tried, I don't have that same bond that I share with her. And I think Ike and Soren are the same way. They can have different friends and come to know different people, but in the end their truest friendship is with each other.

It's a really strange sort-of friendship, so it's difficult to explain properly. It's like a... non-romantic bromance.

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Well, there is Ike's support with Elincia (he expresses that he cares a great deal about her in it), the fact that they have a lot of moments alone together, Shinon's outright saying Ike's in love with her (despite being drunk) and then Ike literally pausing and then changing the subject, and Ranulf hinting at the same thing in another Ike/Elincia scene by commenting how the atmosphere is romantic.

And in RD, there's one big one. Ike doesn't mind Elincia referring to him as her noble Ike. By this point though, Ike could already know he loves her, but whether or not this is the case, Ike seems to be completely fine with it and adamant about Elincia getting the hell out of there after being hurt so bad (it's her defeat quote in part 4 Endgame).

Of course, the Japanese versions may be different, but IkexElincia shippers have pointed out some hints to me from those games as well, even if they're fewer. NoA seems to ship IkexElincia, actually, with how much lovey-dovey hinting they've done with them. XD

As for Aimee, Ike is constantly running to hide from her because he knows she's after him and she's made it QUITE clear even in front of him that she's infatuated with him.

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Well, there is Ike's support with Elincia (he expresses that he cares a great deal about her in it), the fact that they have a lot of moments alone together, Shinon's outright saying Ike's in love with her (despite being drunk) and then Ike literally pausing and then changing the subject, and Ranulf hinting at the same thing in another Ike/Elincia scene by commenting how the atmosphere is romantic.

And in RD, there's one big one. Ike doesn't mind Elincia referring to him as her noble Ike. By this point though, Ike could already know he loves her, but whether or not this is the case, Ike seems to be completely fine with it and adamant about Elincia getting the hell out of there after being hurt so bad (it's her defeat quote in part 4 Endgame).

Of course, the Japanese versions may be different, but IkexElincia shippers have pointed out some hints to me from those games as well, even if they're fewer. NoA seems to ship IkexElincia, actually, with how much lovey-dovey hinting they've done with them. XD

As for Aimee, Ike is constantly running to hide from her because he knows she's after him and she's made it QUITE clear even in front of him that she's infatuated with him.

I'll admit, I haven't paid attention to half of these cues myself... especially not the Aimee thing, I barely remember her. :\ I think I need a refresher course in RD, but my Wii's dead so I can't borrow it from my cousin.

Mostly because I do pair Elincia with Geoffrey. I know you hate that pairing, I'm sorry.

And the second I noticed Shinon was drunk, I sort of dismissed the validity of what he was saying. I love you dearly Shinon, but stop drinking. Seriously.

Of course he wouldn't want her hurt, that's a staple of any close-enough relationship really. Having your friend - or lover - injured is the last thing you want.

That's a lot of context if all of that is actually IN the game itself... the closest comparison I can make is - ironically - Chrom and Sumia.

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Hey, you want information and evidence to a possible IkexElincia pairing, I'm your girl! I'm likely the fandom's most knowledgeable expert on the pairing. I've done plenty of research on it not just for fun, but also for my fic. ;)

I also run the IkexElincia archive at fanfiction.net (alongside my co-author, another big IkexElincia fan) as well as the group for the pairing on Deviantart (though it was originally started by a different fan. I merely volunteered to take over when she decided she didn't have time for it anymore).

EDIT: Oh, with the Shinon scene, it's not so much his words that got to me, it's Ike's reaction to them. I'd have been silent for a second and want to change the subject too if a drunk guy told me I loved a guy that I really do love!

Edited by Anacybele
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Hey, you want information and evidence to a possible IkexElincia pairing, I'm your girl! I'm likely the fandom's most knowledgeable expert on the pairing. I've done plenty of research on it not just for fun, but also for my fic. ;)

I also run the IkexElincia archive at fanfiction.net (alongside my co-author, another big IkexElincia fan) as well as the group for the pairing on Deviantart (though it was originally started by a different fan. I merely volunteered to take over when she decided she didn't have time for it anymore).

EDIT: Oh, with the Shinon scene, it's not so much his words that got to me, it's Ike's reaction to them. I'd have been silent for a second and want to change the subject too if a drunk guy told me I loved a guy that I really do love!

Whoa. That's some dedication to your ship.

I ship quite a few crack pairings, so I'm usually a minority on my shipping choices. Most of the more "canon" pairings are just so obvious and literally everyone writes for it.

The Hetalia fandom's a great example of this. If it's not Canada/Prussia (which is actually a crack pairing, but it's so popular you'd think it was canon!), it's Spain/Romano. If it's not this one, it's America/England. If it's not that it's either Hungary/Prussia (the only hetero pairing anyone can agree on) or Austria/Prussia and if it's not any of THOSE, then it's Germany/Italy.

Variety at its finest. ._.

I apparently deny it too quickly. I don't know how I'd react to legitimate love though, I've never gotten the pleasure of falling in love (nor do I want to at the moment. I'm eighteen, I kind of want ot play around for a bit before I think of settling into something long-term).

I'll look into that though - I hate forming an opinion of anything without knowing more about it.

And I'm sorry about the... confusing explnation of Ike/Soren. I tried, I guess.

Edited by Vashiane
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Whoa. That's some dedication to your ship.

I ship quite a few crack pairings, so I'm usually a minority on my shipping choices. Most of the more "canon" pairings are just so obvious and literally everyone writes for it.

The Hetalia fandom's a great example of this. If it's not Canada/Prussia (which is actually a crack pairing, but it's so popular you'd think it was canon!), it's Spain/Romano. If it's not this one, it's America/England. If it's not that it's either Hungary/Prussia (the only hetero pairing anyone can agree on) or Austria/Prussia and if it's not any of THOSE, then it's Germany/Italy.

Variety at its finest. ._.

I apparently deny it too quickly. I don't know how I'd react to legitimate love though, I've never gotten the pleasure of falling in love (nor do I want to at the moment. I'm eighteen, I kind of want ot play around for a bit before I think of settling into something long-term).

I'll look into that though - I hate forming an opinion of anything without knowing more about it.

And I'm sorry about the... confusing explnation of Ike/Soren. I tried, I guess.

Heh, yep, it sure is, huh? I just could never resist, for fans, my fic, and for the fun of it. :3

And geez, that's some shipping war. The Pokemon fanbase is adamant about shipping too, whether it's in the games or the anime. They even have names for every possible ship, crack or not. I like a few Pokepairings myself, but not many. I'm just not as into Pokemon shipping as I am shipping for Zelda or Fire Emblem for some reason.

And don't worry about it, I'm sure it was just my lack of interpreting skills. XD

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