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Beneath the Shadows Information and Sign-up Thread


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Aeson levels for real for once!


161 points -> 81 points

His experiences as a target had strengthened the priest! He could take anything! +HP, +MAG, +DEF

New stats

RAW: Aeson HP:8 (24) STR:0 MAG:9 SKL:5 SPD:7 LCK:6 DEF:5 RES:4

Simp: Aeson HP:24 MT1:15 HIT1:8 AS1:7 AVO1:10 DEF:11 RES:4

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With her (128+43=)171 points, Chandra levels to 1/2: +HP, +SKL, +SPD

Gains Sneak Ability

RAW: HP:7 STR:0 MAG:12 SKL:8 SPD:7 LCK:2 DEF:1 RES:7

Simp: HP:21 MT1:17 MT2: 12 HIT1:9 AS1:7 AVO1:8 DEF:1 RES:12

Points remaining: 20

Ahava points remaining: 48

Edited by Toogee
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Name: Micah Brownlee

Gender: Male
Age: 26
Race: Human
Class: Dark Flier, 1-2
Appearance: Shaggy light-brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a slender face. He has an average build, with light blue armour underneath his riding tunic.
Occupation: Scholar at a small university
Nationality: Antarian
Personality: Normally, Micah is very subdued in terms of how he handles himself. However, whenever he gets into the proximity of something he finds "cute", he goes completely bananas and dotes on it as if it were the most precious item in existence. This extends to people, as well, making him somewhat awkward socially.
Inventory: Earth Tome (Offensive Rank C), Resistance Armour C,
Skills: Wrath, Weapon Swap
Raw Stats
HP: 6
Strength: 3
Magic: 7
Skill: 9
Speed: 8
Luck: 3
Defense: 5
Resistance: 3
Simplified Stats
HP: 18
MT: 13
HIT: 10
AS: 8
AVO: 9
DEF: 5
RES: 9
Micah Brownlee, also known as "The Sand Scholar" in Antar for his proficiency with Earth magic studies, is a mage born into the influential Brownlee family, known for having tamed the powerful race of wyverns, to the point of being able to ride them. Despite the other riders in his family being much more skilled in terms of fighting, Micah is able to hold his own due to being able to utilize tomes atop his wyvern.
Looking to further his understanding of the practical usages of Earth magic, Micah travels the world, now looking to sate his curiosity.
Mount Name: Veronica
Species: Wyvern
Gender: Female
Age: 4
Appearance: uh
(Points left: 8)
Edited by Polydeuces
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Points management:

Alfonso currently has 155 points

Erbert currently has 192 points


Alfonso levels up! From 1/1 to 1/2! 80 points spent! (75 left)

From the endurance test that facing such odds were, the man proves that there's still higher heights his stamina can reach! + 1 HP!

Alfonso won't be beaten in bulk by any fancy mage that happens to wear armor! + 1 def!

From his spar with Ernce, he realizes not being outsped by the younger ones means he can survive combat for longer! Maybe he has things to learn from youth! + 1 speed!

Raw stats: HP: 14 STR: 6 SKL: 8 SPD: 5 LCK: 2 DEF: 7 RES: 2

Simp. stats: HP: 42 MT: 6 HIT: 9 AS: 5 EVA: 6 DEF: 7 RES: 8

Aldonso also decides to upgrade his weapons! He now possesses a slayer sword (Journeyman) (35 points left), as well as a defensive lance! (5 points left)

His simp. stats now are: HP: 42 MT: 6/18 HIT: 9 AS: 5 EVA: 6 DEF: 13/7 RES: 8


Erbert levels up! From 1/1 to 1/2! 80 points! (112 left)

Then from 1/2 straight to 1/3! 90 points! (22 left)

The hulking man is unparalleled! Nothing better for your muscles than hacking through an army, right? + 2 Str!

Erbert had good luck in his strikes, but he realized, if any of them missed, that would have sucked! Time to work that accuracy! + 1 Skl!

Being outsped by things also suck! + 1 spd!

Taking such a beating also helped his endurance! + 1 HP!

And, most of all, his ability to recover himself has gained some profficiency! + 1 mag!

Raw stats: HP: 8 STR: 15 MAG: 4 SKL: 6 SPD: 5 LCK: 2 DEF: 4 RES: 2

Simp. stats: HP: 24 MT: 22 HIT: 7 AS: 5 EVA: 6 DEF: 11 RES: 2

With the extra points... why not get a Tonic? You never know when it'll be handy! (2 points left)


Points management:

Alfonso: 5 points left!

Erbert: 2 points left!

Edited by Xinnidy
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Zeff gains 123 Points

New Total: 175 Points

A hero is born - Zeff levels up twice! 
The God of No Face is getting a little tired of seeing Zeff all the time, so he gives Zeff +2 HP.
The Senian commanders are tough, but maybe Zeff will have a fighting chance with +4 STR.

New Total: 5 Points

*Note: Vera should have 28 Points on the sheet.

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Name: Raakus Norther Schwarz

Gender: Male

Age: 128

Race: Dwarf

Class: Wyvern Rider

Appearance: About five feet tall and somewhat stout, Raakus has graying black hair with an impressive, bushy beard. He generally wears large gloves and boots that are protective in a metalworking environment, and otherwise wears rather plain brown clothes. In battle, he wears heavy protective armor of his own making, and an axe he crafted that was enchanted by a colleague.

Occupation: Metalworking, trader

Nationality: Feaolian

Personality: Raakus is a wise man, having learned much during the many years he's lived. He will freely give out his knowledge on subjects he has expertise in- however, he is generally rather humble and will not impose his views upon others if his opinion is not asked of. He is generally serious and makes use of every minute that he can, whether it be metalworking or learning a new trade. Though he usually acts with self-interest in mind, if he believes that making a sacrifice on his own part will benefit a greater cause he will not hesitate to do so.

Inventory: Resistance Axe C (30), Defensive Armor C (30)

Skills: Intercept, Block, Shield (70)

Raw Stats: Level 1/2 (200), HP 9 STR 10 MAG 0 SKL 5 SPD 5 LCK 2 DEF 8 RES 5

Simplified Stats: HP 27 MT 10 HIT 6 AS 5 AVO 6 DEF 14 RES 11

Backstory: Born into a rather large family in Ilddan in control of a healthy trading business, Raakus found his specialty to be in crafting, specifically metalwork. He operated within the family, using their resources to sell his work abroad, and often traveling himself to intermingle with other workers and cultures. He began to learn some of the ways of battle after an unfortunate meeting that cost him many goods and nearly his life, and has purchased a few wyverns in the Republic, finding them more suited to his trade. His current wyvern Luther has been his preferred steed for many years. Currently, he is working on a business deal in Celisa involving a massive shipment of weapons and armor.

Mount Name: Luther

Species: Wyvern

Gender: Male

Age: 44

Appearance: Rather large and dark brown in coloration. i don't really know what else to say here it's a wyvern

8 points remaining

Let me know if anything needs touching up or whatever or if this isn't accurate or anything else I may have done wrong.

Edited by Reinfleche
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Name: Ben Shablem

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Race: Human

Class: Level 2 fighter

Appearance: Basically looks like this with average height and weight for a young man: FE8_Ross.gif

Occupation: Wanderer

Nationality: Feaolian

Personality: . Ben is enthusiastic about adventuring and most new things in general, but not enough to be foolish. He also strives to improve himself and strongly believes in the value of teamwork.

Inventory: Offensive Axe, Rank C, , 1 Vulnerary

Skills: Hard Hit, Demon Slayer,

Raw Stats: HP: 8 STR: 9 MAG: 1 SKL: 7 SPD: 6 LCK: 5 DEF: 5 RES: 4

Simplified Stats: HP=24 MT=13 HIT= 10 AS=6 AVO=9 DEF=5 RES=4

Backstory: Ben was always interested in magic from a spectator's perspective, but not enough to invest himself in it full time. He also found the Feaole idea of using dark magic to akin to playing with fire, but was never really sure if it was harmful or not. Searching for a powerful mage to tell him whether or not darkness is truly evil, he has begun to head to Celisa.

23 points left

Edited by Rowdylord
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... Right. Issues.

You can't have a second weapon until you promote to T1. You can only have one consumable item. And your stats are wrong. Really wrong. Also no backstory is not ok.

Edited by scorri
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Hello, Rowdylord. I'm Snike, the co-GM. There's a few issues with your signup I'd like to elaborate on, before we move on.

First, here's the current rendition as of 2 PM EST:


Name: Ben Shablem

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Race: Human

Class: Journeyman

Appearance: Basically looks like this with average height and weight for a young man: FE8_Ross.gif

Occupation: Wanderer

Nationality: Feaole Human

Personality: Ben is like an shounen anime male protagonist but more realistic. By which I mean he's enthusiastic, but not enough to be foolish. He also strives to improve himself and strongly believes in the value of teamwork.

Inventory: One offensive weapon (Axe), , 1 vulnerary

Skills: Hard Hit, Demon Slayer, Sneak, Dampen

Raw Stats: HP: 3 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 3 LCK: 3 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified Stats: HP: 4 STR: 5 MAG: 1 SKL: 7 SPD: 5 LCK: 3 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Backstory: Ben was always interested in magic from a spectator's perspective, but not enough to invest himself in it full time. He also found the Feaole idea of using dark magic to combat dark magic akin to trying to save a drowning man by pouring water into his mouth. Searching for a powerful light mage to halt darkness, he has begun to wander the land.

13 points left

Class: Now you have the class name right, but what's missing is the level. It's important for clarity that you list your class with a level, so it's easier for us to deal with. In your case you would be a Level 1 Journeyman, or 0/1 Journeyman.

Nationality: Race shouldn't be mentioned here. Just the country. In this case, Feaolian.

Personality: Please try not to describe your character as a shounen anime male protagonist, even though it may be tempting. The odds of us approving a signup like that plummet. Instead try to use the rest of your signup, but with words like hard-headed, or determined, or even stubborn.

Inventory: You should list your offensive weapon as Offensive <Weapontype> <Weapon Rank>, for point calculations. Vulnerary is also the proper name of the item.

Skills: Your skill cap at your current tier is 2. You have 2 too many skills, so those must be refunded for 140 points. With that in mind, you have 223 points.

Raw stats: Those are the base stats of your trainee class and are thus too low to properly accept. In this case, it would be, with race factored in,

Raw stats: HP: 3 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 6 SPD: 4 LCK: 3 DEF: 1 RES: 1 + 4 free points.

I believe you actually have them under simplified stats, in which case you copy paste them into raw.

Simplified stats: As previously mentioned, those are raw stats you have there. To convert them to simple stats, I'd suggest you reread the combat section, convert the stats appropriately, then apply the bonus from your offensive axe (+1 right now).

Backstory: That backstory doesn't make sense. Feaole has been a haven for dark magic users for quite some time, so what's this about halting the 'darkness'? They don't quite fight dark magic with dark magic, so much as use it to contain the corruption. There is no obvious threat at the moment from Feaole's perspective, except maybe a slight surge in demons, as the continent's been at relative peace up until about a couple of months ago. Furthermore, he shouldn't be 'wandering' so much as heading towards Celisa. They are staunch opponents of dark magic and would absolutely be the best choice for finding a mage to 'halt' the darkness, whether it be some threat that hasn't been introduced IC and I am unaware of, or it being the complete annihilation of the dark magic users. Which would be an unfortunate goal, suffice to say. Please revise accordingly.

That's it for actual signup issues, though I would recommend spending your 223 points. With that many points, you could spend 200 and level up, promote to tier one and thus one of the five journeyman classes, and level up again. Or you could forgo the second level and buy some armor and/or a secondary weapon.

Anyways, please fix the issues I brought up, and we will speak again.

Edited by Snike
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As a continuation of the lore: Feaole has always fought the odd demon or two because of how close they are to the Shadow Desert. So they've noticed a few more than usual, but nothing worth worrying about as far as they're concerned. If you don't want to go to Celisa, you could head to Antar, but they have more of a "Lets study dark magic, it's interesting" type of view as opposed to a "Must destroy" type view.

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