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Sprite Request for Upcoming Hack


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Alright guys, basically I am trying to continue work on a project that I started roughly about a year ago. I have gotten all the basic events down; however, I have absolutely no experience with graphics so I need a lot of help there.

I have a patch currently that goes through chapter 1 + the prologue. If you would like to play and see what I have so far, feel free to send me a message or post here.

Here's the story that I have laid out:

So there's a guy named Kioji and he's coming back from a journey he took with a old friend, Rayne. Close to his hometown he realizes there's a bounty on his head. He receives word that it's because his brother, who's location is unknown, has gone mad and started a massacre in Ostia.

The story is about the journey he has to find his brother and clear his name.

Again, if you are interested please feel free to ask for the patch I have currently. So far, I need sprites for all but 3 characters so far.

I may be willing to negotiate help with events if need be.

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So, I don't really want to be "that guy" but I can safely say that you'll get a much better response for sprite requests if you post a topic in the ROM Hacking section with maybe some screenshots (or even a patch!). That way, spriters won't feel like they're making sprites for nothing. You should also give a good description of what sprites you actually need--appearances, class, age, colours, etc. Some of us may a few unused splices lying around that we could give to you but we'd need to know what you want first.

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