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What do you think are canon pairings?


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Hey, I'm curious as to see waht you think are canon pairings. Avoiding shipping wars, please. Personally, I don't really ship or anything.

ChromxSumia - I think it's canon because the openings shows that.

VaikexMaribelle - I see Brady and you can pretty much tell it's Vaike's son! :awesome:

...And that's all that comes to the top of my mind, reallly.

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I'd argue that there are no canon pairings, but if there were I think Chrom x Sumia would be canon, and maybe Virion x Cherche.

However should canon pairings be revealed I imagine that there will be a major shitstorm among the fans who really care about shipping.

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Male Robin/Lucina

As for all the children characters (minus Lucina)? I haven't explored them all too much. So I'm not sure. Except Yarne/Noire, I would be sure on that one.

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But Gerome inherits his mother's haircolor.

You can't rely on official artwork as a few children (Inigo and Severa) cannot obtain the same hair color as their official artwork no matter who you pair Olivia or Cordelia with. (Even the Avatar cannot give them the hair color of their official artwork.)

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VaikexMaribelle - I see Brady and you can pretty much tell it's Vaike's son! :awesome:

I disagree with this:

1. Nothing says "I love you" like "I should fasten this axe to your hand... permanently".

2. Save the girl shota for Mariabell/Maribelle.

But Gerome inherits his mother's haircolor.

You're a little late on the "official art doesn't work" deal, Soul.

However should canon pairings be revealed I imagine that there will be a major shitstorm among the fans who really care about shipping.

Everyone loses.

I lose too.

But everyone loses with me.

That in itself is worth more.


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I see: Lon'quxOlivia being canon. Although their supports do come off as a bit odd to just spring up marriage after trying to slice a vase but his supports with Inigo seems believable, in regards to his personality


As for Lissa, I'd say between Lon'qu for him and Owain being a myrmidon and their suppots, Frederick for his servitude to House Ylisse and close friendship with both Chrom and Lissa, and Vaike for his hair, cockiness, supports with Lissa, rivalry with Chrom and being in his shadow like how Owain is for paling in comparison to Lucina and the Exalted bloodline

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Chrom x Olivia

MU x Nowi

Lissa x Ricken

Maribelle x Lon'qu

Panne x Kellam

Sully x VaIke

Tharja x Gaius

Cordelia x Stahl

Sumia x Henry

Miriel x Gregor

Frederick x Cherche

Because theyre optimal and that's ALL THAT MATTERS

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You can't rely on official artwork as a few children (Inigo and Severa) cannot obtain the same hair color as their official artwork no matter who you pair Olivia or Cordelia with.

And that makes me so mad.

I've always wanted Severa to have Cordelia's hair color.

It seems like the females in Awakening have more crazy hair colors (Red, Pink, Green).

Whereas the guys, Frederick & co., have brown, black, normal-er colors.

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I don't think there are any canon pairings, only people's headcanons. And I've stated my headcanon before, but I'll state it again.

Frederick x Female Avatar (obvious reasons I've stated over and over)

Chrom x Olivia (prince and sparkly pretty dancer with cute supports and hot Chrom look-alike flirty son? YES :D)

Stahl x Cordelia (adorable harp duet, plus Cordelia needs a guy like him)

Gaius x Maribelle (dat history, man)

Lon'qu x Cherche (not only do I love their supports, but Gerome just seems so fitting as Lon'qu's son. Neither of them smile much and both just want to keep to themselves)

Donnel x Lissa (Cute farm boy with cute princess and CUTE supports? Fuck yes)

Ricken x Nowi (I just think Nowi looks weird with anyone else and they appear to be on the same level of maturity)

Gregor x Tharja (sweet supports, plus nice hair color on Noire)

Henry x Sumia (leftovers, really, but also nice hair color and Dark Flier make up for Cynthia)

I haven't picked preferred pairings for Panne, Miriel, or Sully yet. But I do reckon I'll dig VaikexSully when I do it. lol No spoilers, please.

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Excluding MU from the entire scheme, if the first girl wins:

1. Chrom x Sully

2. Virion x Cherche

3. ??? x Sumia

4. Maribelle x Lissa

5. Frederick x Emmeryn

6. Gregor x Nowi

7. FeMU x MaMU

Honestly, Soul... do we need another BS pairing topic?

People have thrown crap at each other over this in this forum more than enough.

...Unless you haven't noticed the redundant posts people make... or the troll posts.

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I see: Lon'quxOlivia being canon. Although their supports do come off as a bit odd to just spring up marriage after trying to slice a vase but his supports with Inigo seems believable, in regards to his personality

The only way mentioning Lucina out of nowhere makes any sense is with Chrom as Inigo's father if you ask me. 8U Or My Unit, both who know Lucina reasonably well and can easily compare Inigo to Lucina to say he sucks compared to her.

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The only way mentioning Lucina out of nowhere makes any sense is with Chrom as Inigo's father if you ask me. 8U Or My Unit, both who know Lucina reasonably well and can easily compare Inigo to Lucina to say he sucks compared to her.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Henry doesn't mention Lucina if he is Inigo's father.

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Henry's father support with Inigo never mentions Lucina, once. Just thought I should get that out there.

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Avatar x Emmeryn

Avatar x Lissa

Avatar x Lucina

I wonder how Chrom will feel about that.

Seriously, Maribelle x Ricken, Maribelle x Gaius, Cherche x Lon'qu, Gerome x Lucina.

Just a few that feel right.

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From what I remember... it really seems like the development in writing was written in MUs supports with their potential spouses.

Like... "marriage coming out of nowhere" like many of the normal gen 1 pairings are susceptible to.

Well... there are some... like Frederick's bear meat and freaking Chrom's "WE'RE BOTH NAKED" FeMU supports... but, nothing jumped out like a lot of the Gen 1's sudden marriage proposals.

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To answer the OP, I don't think there are canon pairings. I agree with people who say that Chrom/Sumia is highly pushed and there are a lot of hints supporting it, but until the day IS makes an announcement saying, "X/Y is canon" I don't think anything is canon.

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I have headcanon pairings, of course, but I really don't think anything's canon. E

Each time I make a new save file, the original "canon" of the last playthough is lost to the wind.

It starts from the beginning, and I'm free to re-shape it however I please.

But a certain few pairings just ring with me in a way I can't shake.

I disagree with this:

1. Nothing says "I love you" like "I should fasten this axe to your hand... permanently".
2. Save the girl shota for Mariabell/Maribelle.

... We might hit a few disagreements here, I can see. [/wink]

Alright, let's go.

Lissa x Ricken

Sully x Virion

Miriel x Kellam

Sumia x Frederick

Maribelle x Vaike

Panne x Stahl

Cordelia x Gregor

Tharja x Gaius

Olivia x Chrom

Cherche x Lon'qu

Silver (Male!Avatar) x Say'ri

Silvia (Female!Avatar) x Henry

And I actually have a semi-serious crack ship that I just... I can't help myself.

Libra x Emmeryn.

But anyway, if anyone wants an explanation for any of my OTPs, I'll gladly give it. :)

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I wouldn't say Frederick's proposal to the female Avatar was out of nowhere. Freddy says himself that they spent a lot of time together and that he had previously decided to propose because he knew he had gradually fallen in love with her. Sounds reasonable and realistic enough to me. A man and woman spend a lot of time together, it's not unreasonable for them to grow so close as a result.

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As much as I love my shota husband, I can admit the S Support is very much out-of-nowhere. 8U It's brave and cute of Licht to risk his life to get a pretty jewel to give to My Unit, but it felt very disconnected from the C-B-A supports before it. I wish they didn't get lazy in the My Unit Support department... Especially since like 80% of them are exactly the same for both genders, with an S-Rank tacked on for the opposite gender.

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I wouldn't say Frederick's proposal to the female Avatar was out of nowhere. Freddy says himself that they spent a lot of time together and that he had previously decided to propose because he knew he had gradually fallen in love with her. Sounds reasonable and realistic enough to me. A man and woman spend a lot of time together, it's not unreasonable for them to grow so close as a result.

While you might think it's romantic because it's your Freddy bear, "spending time together" like say... Lon'qu protecting Liz/Lissa... or say... Donny/Donnel carrying Liz/Lissa to safety because of a broken leg... would be probably times when they'll say to themselves, "do I like this person?"

While they lampshade the hell out of Frederick and FeMU by saying "she was in love with him from the first time they met", it's still raises eyebrows.

This is a game where, besides Tiamo/Cordelia, rejection doesn't exist.

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While you might think it's romantic because it's your Freddy bear, "spending time together" like say... Lon'qu protecting Liz/Lissa... or say... Donny/Donnel carrying Liz/Lissa to safety because of a broken leg... would be probably times when they'll say to themselves, "do I like this person?"

While they lampshade the hell out of Frederick and FeMU by saying "she was in love with him from the first time they met", it's still raises eyebrows.

This is a game where, besides Tiamo/Cordelia, rejection doesn't exist.

I never said anything about my preference for the pairing. xP

And the female Avatar wasn't in love with Frederick when they first met, only since that night the group ate bear meat. And that was a little later. But whatever the case, it works fine for me because I would've been in love with him then too. XD

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