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Self Erasing Data


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I need help. My Fe7 Data has erased itself and I have no idea why. My battery was running low, my Lyn died and I turned it off before the game over occurred in order to switch it over into my DS as I had to go somewhere. Now my data is gone completely. The only option on the screen is New Game. Has this happened to anyone else? What caused it? And, dare I hope, can I get my old data back (things were going really well fore me in terms of stats)? I was as far as the Dread Isles so I should be able to get there again pretty quickly if I skip all cutscenes and turn animations off but its still really annoying and above all else I want to make sure it doesn't happen again. Has anyone else encountered self erasing data?

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While some people claim this is your cartridge's internal battery dying, from what I've read, this only seems to be happening to people who attempt to play one of the GBA FEs on a DS. So probably avoid doing that, I guess.

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you were a terrible strategist AND NAO YOU MUST PAY THE PRICE

but anyway yeah, this happens on games once in a while, and that's a good reason why memory cards became so potent for some time. once i had a game that had forgotten my save files when i turned it on, and then i turned it off without doing anything as soon as i saw that. when i got back to the game though, it remembered the save file again. it was pretty neat. btw if you download the game and play it on an emulator, you'll never have to worry about losing your data

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Hmm at least some good came out of it. I didn't get Chapter 7X first time round so rushing through it a second time has given me some more content to enjoy. Though I still wish it didn't happen. Hopefully it's something to do with trying it on a DS and not something wrong with the cartridge itself.

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that's not even 2 hours of the game...

anyway, i suggest ya play on emulator, since if the cartridge's battery run dry, chances are your saves are dead for real...(my point is, your save will keeping be deleted..) Emulator on the other hand, even if the game can't save, you can play with save states

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I need help. My Fe7 Data has erased itself and I have no idea why. My battery was running low, my Lyn died and I turned it off before the game over occurred in order to switch it over into my DS as I had to go somewhere. Now my data is gone completely. The only option on the screen is New Game. Has this happened to anyone else? What caused it? And, dare I hope, can I get my old data back (things were going really well fore me in terms of stats)? I was as far as the Dread Isles so I should be able to get there again pretty quickly if I skip all cutscenes and turn animations off but its still really annoying and above all else I want to make sure it doesn't happen again. Has anyone else encountered self erasing data?

This happened to me in the past on FE7, while I was living in Switzerland and playing my games while riding public transit. Played it one morning on the way to work back in, oh '06?, working on my female only run. Shut it off when I got to work. Booted it up for the ride home, and... nothing. It was painful, considering I had 100% Supports, Hector mode unlocked, etc. etc.

But aside from the one time, it hasn't failed me again, and I went on to completed a HHM S rank on that very same cart a couple years later. I'm not sure if it was a fluke or not. Even if the internal battery had a hiccup, I don't think it's likely to completely fail any time soon, although if it does, it will suck.

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While some people claim this is your cartridge's internal battery dying, from what I've read, this only seems to be happening to people who attempt to play one of the GBA FEs on a DS. So probably avoid doing that, I guess.

I can personally confirm that my data got erased despite playing on a GBA SP at the time.

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I've been playing it a lot since the erase hoping to get back to where I left off and in the few times I've turned it off I've had the save data back. I hope it was just a freak accident and not something that'll pop up again. Fire Emblem games are really the kind of games you want a save feature for.

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Hmm at least some good came out of it. I didn't get Chapter 7X first time round so rushing through it a second time has given me some more content to enjoy. Though I still wish it didn't happen. Hopefully it's something to do with trying it on a DS and not something wrong with the cartridge itself.

when you go inside the castle after the level where eliwood meets lyn, keep at least one green soldier alive. you'll go to a side quest with the only shaman in the game.

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when you go inside the castle after the level where eliwood meets lyn, keep at least one green soldier alive. you'll go to a side quest with the only shaman in the game.

I actually got that level the first time round. He was turning out quite good. A bit slow to start but then he started getting RNG blessed and was well on his way to being my first promoted unit. Thanks for telling me the specifications for reaching the chapter though.I thought the only prize was the red gem.

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