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QOTD Thread: The End


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going to the past to prevent my 8 year old gets a Gameboy advance, it ruined my already perfect social life...

oh my god. life must be sooooo hard for yooouuu hurrrrrrr ddduhhhhhhggggghghghghghderpderpherp

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oh my god. life must be sooooo hard for yooouuu hurrrrrrr ddduhhhhhhggggghghghghghderpderpherp

actually, i enjoyed my life a lot more since that day,,

i don't have that much regrets >.<

Edited by Pukuriripo
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Nope. I wouldn't change a thing. Shit stuff happens, but shit stuff always happens and it's not my place to retroactively avert it.

(nominating the counterpart: if you could peek at one potential future event what would it be)

I'll keep this question noted.

everyone's just quoting integ...i probably shoulda just told interest to change the question so that it would ask what we would change if the negative consequences wouldn't be there ^^;

I DID say this already. I knew people would be squeamish to answer if negative consequences happened. >_>

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what you're saying is you figure people didn't read the whole question? that's a logical assumption imhotep

It's certainly...a possibility. (Who knows, some people might just look at the thread title and respond ;P)

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I'm just gonna go think of my own past than the world's, and say... I would... wait, nothing really. I accept everything that happened for a reason, not because of negative consequences but there were positive things that came out of my 'bad past'.

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Probably nothing. We learn from our mistakes, so preventing one of them would take away the lesson learned. And if I changed something, who knows what it could do to affect the timeline so far.

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I'd probably go back and circumvent my birth, preventing my existence.

It's a weird, strange thing to wish for, but I don't know, it's a thought that's been cemented into my subconscious and will always be there, the thought of dying, or never having been alive.

I've had several rough and horrible times during my life, times I don't wish to repeat again or even recollect, but either way, the memories are always there, it's like being haunted everyday by things you can't change.

And you can't fix those things, there's not really much you can do about them either, you can't tell them to go away because it's apart of you, it'll always be there, in your head, forever.

I'd probably commit suicide, truly, if I wasn't a pussy. I know there are people out there who've had worse, I'll admit I'm not as down as I used to be, but after seeing a Psych for the first time in my entire life, just to have someone in official stature actually comment on my state so other people won't call what I say bullshit, it appears I suffer from severe depression and PTSD. It's a big thing, dying, I think about it almost everyday, it hurts, just the thought, it always lingers but then I stop and I look around, I think and I see, I smell and I feel, all these things, what lays upon the other side? I'm not a religious man, by any means, so the thought of an afterlife is not really something I endorse, a few years back my brothers and I laid rest to my mother, and whenever I visit her grave I'm hit with the realization that when I die, I'll be just like her, a rotting corpse in the ground, no life, no light.

It's that which stops me, that which keeps me going on, because I love life, I just hate mine. I would give anything to have been someone else, someone more normal, someone who had a chance to be someone better. That much, I cannot do, I cannot go back and change who I am, or who I become, there's too much that's lead me to here that makes changing any one thing irrelevant. Except, my birth. I don't know why, it's almost like a psychological sidestep, I don't really want to die, I can't bring myself to kill myself, yet isn't that the same as preventing my birth? But in my mind, my brain, it's like it's okay with the concept, no pain, it's easier, easier to do and easier to deal with the idea behind it.

I don't know, maybe instead I'll just go back in time and stop myself from masturbating that when time when my brother walked in or something, save me an awkward moment I guess..

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I'd never consider such a thing, because I'm really afraid of death. I don't believe there's anything after it, so whatever is happening in life is better. Just the thought of not existing frightens me more than anything that could happen in life.

Also, my life doesn't suck.

In topic, I don't think I'd change anything in my life. Maybe asking a certain girl out when I was 10, lol. I really liked that girl and from what I've heard she also liked me. it would also probably have changed my life in a lot of ways, because I'd probably have much more confidence in the few years after that and that would make ages 12~14, which were terrible for me, better.

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Yo, Nickt. You know who has absolute authority over your life and your decisions? YOU. That's something that no one else can claim (and if they do, they're full of shit).

Ahem. . .I'm not sure if meddling with the past would put me in a worse spot, so I'll just leave things alone.

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Now for a rather open-ended question:

If you could change one past event, what would it be?

This can pertain to a historical event or something more personal, such as an event related to your life or the life of someone you know. A changed event will result in a positive or neutral result (if intended to be a "positive" result) or a negative or neutral result (if intended to be a negative result). < You can feel free to explore the possibilities of changing an event with all considered possibilities if you want.

I would personally somehow prevent Nazi Germany from coalescing, thus averting the Holocaust. Obviously there's more events I would LIKE to change, but yeah...

You -know- you can't do that.

Hitler is totally immune to timetravelers.

(Actually, he might not be. Try making Germany win WWI. This should carry the effect of stopping Hitler without invoking the exemption act.)


I'd go back a few years, and stop myself from ****ing up my chance with "Nino"... somehow. Either I'd torpedo David and steal her before she left him (which I was considering, but I'm too ****ing loyal), or something else. I'd do -anything- to get her, man.

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Wow this place has been getting more and more activity.

New question. This one will be fun, I hope:

What is one piece of "futuristic" technology you think will exist within this decade?

I think one piece of futuristic technology that may make its way into being soon is the extensive* spread of nanotechnology at a commercial level, such as body-enhancing nano machinery that works within the body and the like.

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Where the hell is my hoverboard? :P:

Not necessarily a technology, but an event based off of the technology I see. Global warfare conducted in cyberspace.

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Large scale Teleported Information.

It's been done in labs. The next step is commercializing this. It'll start kicking in and it'll bring up communication speeds greatly-- I'd fathom this starting to occur within the next decade easily. (I don't see it being -too- widespread until the next 30.)

This does essentially come off as "Faster Internet" which doesn't sound all that futuristic, except for the whole "It's done by teleporters" thing.

The step from that are two things: 1. Physical teleportation (which I see happening within my lifetime) of certain goods. (followed by Teleportation of people within about 150 years) 2. Implementation of the Energy Transfer Theory (Solar Farms on Mercury, fossil fuel/nuclear power now obsolete. This is followed by a Dyson cloud going into production and effect. (Basically, thousands of satellites orbiting the sun, collecting solar power and teleporting that energy back to earth.))

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