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QOTD Thread: The End


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As I mentioned it's a little deeper than that. Consider the specific personality the restaurant owners exhibit.

(I can tolerate idiocy - a lot better than one might expect...I even explicitly mentioned that the idiocy/stupidity itself isn't the trigger for this pet peeve)

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I can't stand it when people complain about things they know nothing about. Seriously, do your research before you bash something, please!

Other big peeves of mine include bigotry, discrimination, discourtesy, and bad grammar in literary works, especially fanfiction!

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if u typ like dis i will h8 u 4ever

Also people who try to criticize my decisions in life. In high school in grade 12 I didn't take any free blocks, while literally almost every other student in grade 12 took two. Whenever it came up that I had no free something like "Are you fucking retarded bro? Why in the world would you take no frees?" would come up. and I would tell them I had no need for a free block and they would dismiss it as "that's stupid.". Yeah. Same thing when I took Calculus when it wasn't required and things like that.

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For me, my biggest peeve is when see some people goes irrational over something. Also excessive political correctness by social justice warriors turn my moodupside down constantly. The worst of all is when people don't take something seriously while their partner does.

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yeah, she's being annoying and dumb. "irrational," "over-emotional," etc. fall into either of those

i dont think there is anyone who doesn't find what you described annoying

5.55 you are (not) alone

Getting pretty warm there, though it's not much "irrational" as "refuses to listen to anyone but himself/herself when it comes to criticism, and meets any (particularly negative) criticism with significant levels of backlash" but what can potentially bother me is a lot more than that.

Also I'm bad at explaining stuff, lol.

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With an event that happened recently, I've begin to realise how much I hate it when I'm blamed for something I haven't done. It's only happened about 4 or 5 times in my life, but when it has, I was always close to just choking the nearest idiot.

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