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QOTD Thread: The End


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my weekend was ok

also have to add to my pet peeves (too bad i don't care if it was yesterday's question): censoring swearing. If you're going to censor it, you might as well not even use the word in the first place or find a replacement. It just pains me to see asterisks in the middle of words. For example, f**k. Why would you ever do that. If it's supposed to be "kid friendly" then just don't use the word damn it. When you type in f*ck it's not like people are going to think "well they could've meant fack or fick" or whatever.

Edited by Ciarre
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Saturday: I SAW PENGUINS FOR THE FIRST TIME. IT WAS GREAT. And Nathan's hot dogs and fries are delicious. Wow, I've been really deprived. And then my day went a bit more downhill later on... But that's typical of me so no change there.

Sunday: I don't remember. It got pretty bad later on. No penguin for a few hours. :< And Nuzlocke run got revised.

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Oh no! Can I answer the question from the day before also? Both the pet peeve one and then today's weekend question? :D

1) I come from a large family, my dad has 9 brothers and sisters, and my mom has 8. Family get-togethers were never, and will never, be a small event. I'm not sure if it's because of the nature of being family, or if my family in particular is just nosy as hell, but EVERY SINGLE TIME we get together, there's always someone mentioning someone else's lifestyle choices (whether it be related to who their current SO is, if they're having a kid, what school they're going to [if at all], sexual orientation, etc. etc.), and criticizing them about those choices. Now, I'm not talking about constructive criticism, either. I'm talking 100% condescending, rude, out-of-left-field none-of-your-fucking-business criticism. Like, come on, it's not your business, and it's especially not your place to talk to ANYONE like that, let alone someone who's not your kid. Seeing stuff like that just drives me nuts. If it's none of your business, don't ask/say anything unless the person involved brings it up.

2) If you're in a group setting, and someone is speaking, don't interrupt and/or talk over them. It's beyond rude, and basically says that you think what you have to say is more important than anything they could possibly be talking about. Obviously, if there's a legitimate reason, like an urgent situation came up or whatever, yeah, I'm totally cool with that, but when you want to interrupt what I have to say just because... well, just because? Consider my respect for you considerably lowered. On the flip side of this coin; it's equally as rude to talk so much that anyone else can't get a word in edge-wise. Maybe let others get a few words in once in a while.

So many things agreed with this. My number 1 pet peeve is when people interrupt/the talking over someone else thing, coupled with not listening to when someone else is talking. Interrupting/talking over is essentially stating that whatever you have to say is more important, like Raivix mentioned, and not listening to them could imply that you don't think that what they have to say is important at the moment or you just don't care. And that is really hurtful.

Also, I wanted to add about that the whole family reunion criticism thing? I don't know WHY this is the case, but it's a real problem with my Asian relatives. I think it has to do with the culture, comparing your kids to other people's kids? I remember just a couple months ago we had a bunch of relatives over, and whenever the older folks had nothing better to talk about, apparently they think it's okay to fill those gaps in conversation by insulting me. They can't insult the other young people, because they're guests, too, but my family is the host and they're more familiar with me. It tried my patience and I raged to my parents afterwards. Anyway.

My weekend was spent traveling, actually! Everything went surprisingly smoothly for being in a foreign country. I think they lost my luggage back in my home country, so I'll have to wait on that, but overall it was good! I really like fancy hotels, and miraculously there was a huge online discount on one of those, so I spent a couple hours prancing around my room and the lobby relishing the prettiness of the place. It gave me much joy XD

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Oh no! Can I answer the question from the day before also? Both the pet peeve one and then today's weekend question? :D

You can answer any questions that have already been asked. I just put up a new question each day to keep the thread fresh.

So don't worry about missing questions =P

Edit: I keep a list of questions in the first post and also have a document with a log of questions asked and to be asked.

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Also, I wanted to add about that the whole family reunion criticism thing? I don't know WHY this is the case, but it's a real problem with my Asian relatives. I think it has to do with the culture, comparing your kids to other people's kids? I remember just a couple months ago we had a bunch of relatives over, and whenever the older folks had nothing better to talk about, apparently they think it's okay to fill those gaps in conversation by insulting me. They can't insult the other young people, because they're guests, too, but my family is the host and they're more familiar with me. It tried my patience and I raged to my parents afterwards. Anyway.

I feel you there

Just casually over dinner mom would sometimes be like "xyz did this and is like this why can't you be like xyz"

Maybe it's because

I'm NOT xyz god fucking damn

They also don't like the fact I'm into having muscles and shit but will not hesitate to ask me to carry all the heavy shit around the house they can't lift

It's like


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Alright folks. New question for a new day! =D

This next two questions are provided by a video I recently watched, which I won't link until the second part.

The first question of this series is this: You are caught in a situation where you are driving a runaway train and are unable to stop it in any way. In its path are five people that will not be able to get away in time and will die. However, before hitting them you can go down a path and kill a single person who also would not be able to get away and time and will die. Would you choose to turn and kill the one or just stay the course and kill five? Why?

Personally, I would turn and kill the one because one tragedy, as unfortunate as it is, is definitely a lot less worse than five.

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AH I saw that video you're talking about not long ago, I know what you're getting at ;) But I won't say more about it just now. Great questions! As heart breaking as it would be, I'd choose to kill the one person because one death is still less than five. And when I changed tracks to kill that one person, I would try to make sure I don't look at their face. If I did, I just know I'd have nightmares about it for days.

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AH I saw that video you're talking about not long ago, I know what you're getting at ;) But I won't say more about it just now. Great questions! As heart breaking as it would be, I'd choose to kill the one person because one death is still less than five. And when I changed tracks to kill that one person, I would try to make sure I don't look at their face. If I did, I just know I'd have nightmares about it for days.

Yeah I had to kill the link because it would give away the point of this line of questioning =D

I thought it was a very interesting set of philosophical questions. Really pushed my moral boundaries.

If only I had actually applied to that particular institution...

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out of pity, i chose 1 since at least 4 are still alive, none would be that cruel/Crazy to kill 5 people for fun or out of boredom/ignorant...

but my alter ego says otherwise

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I think it would depend on who these people are.

If that one person was a young child for instance, I'm sure that would cast more doubt on those of you who chose the one person.

Edited by David the SecondWorld
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