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Normal Boring Generic FE7 Draft

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Chapter 17x- 3 (51)

Rigging dodges with Kent. Not the most enjoyable/reliable thing to do. Everyone else helps clear the way.

Chapter 18- 3 (54)

Kent and Matthew go down to take out the boss and steal the speedwings. Hector shops a bit. Fed Lucius as much as I could from the right side ship, but he was too frail to do it all on his own, so Guy helped gather the gem/longsword.

Chapter 19- 5 (59)

Kent and Guy go down the middle to take out Uhai while Lucius trains up top and Matthew chases after the Torch Staff (which he couldn't get to without Lucius's help, but I figured EXP was more useful than Staff EXP since he has an auto C-rank). Hector passes Guy to Kent so that they can both get down to Uhai turn 5 and kill him with a KE crit and Horseslayer.

Chapter 19x- 4 (63)

Kent BROmotes here, and then uses Pure Water and ferries Hector to Aion. Kent was able to ORKO Aion w/ the Iron Axe. Lucius cleans up whatever Kent didn't completely massacre. Guy got the Goddess Icon.

Chapter 20- 4 (67)

Lucius and Matthew help clear the way for Kent after he damages Cameron and his crew. Hector opens the door Turn 3, Kent ORKO's Darwin with the Heavy Spear. Guy gets the Brave Bow. Sorry Legault.

Chapter 21- 3 (70)

Lucius promotes. Matthew steals the Hero Crest from Oleg. Lucius gets Shine from the monk. Not too much going on here.

Chapter 22- 3 (73)

SEXYRATH. lolEubans. Matthew manages to get the Brave Axe while everyone else gets some brief training.

Edited by King Marth
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Sorry for the double post, I'm just really enjoying this game right now and am speeding through it.

Chapter 23- 4 (77)

Redid this chapter in order to get the Gaiden. Lucius still used the robe and killed both of the bosses, Rath trains.

Chapter 23x- Free (77)

Kent, Rath, and Lucius eat up most of the EXP this chapter had to offer. Hawkeye gets some training done too and uses the CH18 Speedwing.

Chapter 24- 1 (78)

Kent ORKO'd Lloyd with the Spear.

Chapter 25- 5 (83)

Kent books it north in order to make it to the right castle, Hawkeye solo's the left side, and everyone else gets some training done and makes it to the northern castle.

Chapter 26- 11 (94)

Rath gets some sword practice in and Lucius gets his A Staff rank. Rath visits the Hammerne village and takes on all of the Wyvern reinforcements in the South while everyone else (mainly Hawkeye and Guy) take on enemies in the North. Forgot to go Killer shopping, but my units are so godly at this point that I doubt I'll need them.

Chapter 27- 5 (99)

Got Kenneth's map, so I decided to promote Guy (kinda held back on him so that I could avoid Jerme's map) and Rath. Rath ferries Kent up in order to clear the way Turn 1, and Hawkeye rescues Hector and passes him on to Rath, who passes him on to Kent Turn 4 to drop him near the throne in order to seize Turn 5.

Chapter 28- 15 (114)

Matthew gets all of the goods and breaks his lockpick, but it's fine because there is a random hero who drops one for no reason (I also had him steal another one, just in case.) Guy gets the kill on Ursula, everyone else does their training shenanigans.

Chapter 28x- Free (114)

No fliers means that everyone had to wait for the pathways to appear, except for Hawkeye. Matthew got the speedwing chest, everyone else trains. The descriptions for these defend/gaiden chapters get pretty redundant, doncha think?

Edited by King Marth
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Chapter 29- 4 (118)

Matthew finally promotes into the Godly unit that is Mattsassin.

Boots!Rath rescue-drops Kent and heads left to the Warp village, Guy trails them in order to clean up. Lucius, Hawkeye, and Matthew go up the middle, Hector takes on the cavs rushing from the right side as well as the wyvern reinforcements. Kent clears a majority of the middle map turns 2-3 and takes out Linus turn 4 with the Brave Lance.

Also, I could have sworn that there were some paladins/nomads that spawned on the top right forts turn 4, so I had Lucius full move up every turn in order to get their in time to intercept them, but this time they didn't spawn? Whatever I guess.

Chapter 30- 4 (122)

Warp Rath carrying Hector, drops him on turn 2 and kills the boss turn 3, but Hector was 1 tile short of the 3 turn...raeg. If only I had Erk/Canas/Pent/Prissy over Lucius.

Chapter 31- 11 (133)

Denning gets Mattsassinated and I got the Body Ring. Hector takes out the Druids and Snipers on the right, most of the Knights by Denning go to Mattsassin and Guy.

Chapter 31x- 5 (138)


Chapter 32- 5 (143)

Warp Rath w/ Hector North and have him charge to Limstella. Technically, the 4 turn is possible, however the stupid ambush spawning Snipers block Rath from dropping Hector in a spot where he can get the 4 turn seize. I also tried going up the middle and crossing Rath over the river, but his either 1 range lock or his 2-3 range lock proved this way very inefficient, and the ambush Snipers yet again blocked Hector.

Chapter 32x- 1 (144)

Kishuna gets Mattsassinated for the lulz. Guy or Rath could have done it as well, but favoritism got Matt the kill.

Final- 4 (148)

Of all people, I gave Guy my last set of Speedwings so that he could double Uhai with the KE (the same one he had since his recruitment.) The team splits up in order to take out everybody in 3 turns (Lloyd/Linus always manage to cause problems for me) and Athos LunaCrits Nergal.

Athos, Hector, Rath, Hawkeye, and Kent all contribute in taking out the dragon, although I really wish Matthew could silence him.

Final Turn Count: 148 (194-6-20-20)


Unit Analysis~


Proc'd so much speed early on, and his 1-2 range made him invaluable, being one of the two units early on to have it (the other being Marcus). Sorry you didn't get that last level bud, could of capped speed.


Matthew was pretty handy early on, but his uses withered away as his combat became next to useless near Dread Isle and became only used for his utility. Eventually, he became the all and powerful Mattsassin, and managed to snag kills on Denning, Kishuna, Ursula, and Jerme. s0 br0.


Screw the fact that he costs turns, Guy's combat was beyond useful early on and never faltered until I had to essentially bench him in order to prevent going to Jerme's map. So glad I didn't just kill you out of rage.


Kent struggled a little bit from CH17 through Dread Isle, but even then managed to do his job with very little problems. When he promoted, it was pretty much GG from there. He became and all-out wrecking machine, and was capable of soloing most of the maps in the game. As good as you are Kent, your personality is still about as interesting as...well I can't think of a comparison, but you're still pretty boring.


EDIT: Also, all of his deaths were from trying to reach Fargus lol :/


Lucius was your generic somewhat useful combat, screw the desert I'm a magic unit, make the lategame a joke-Bishop. His frailness really stinks, holy crap, therefore he heavily relied on his dodge-tanking abilities. Overall, no complaints, except for that magic cap. Come on bro, 25 magic? Lame.


Rath is the man. His movement on PFoD was awesome, as was his ability to ferry promoted Hector. The only thing tricky about Rath was that he could never be able to address 1 range and 2 range units at the same time. Still, Rath was a total bro right from the get-go (after some babying on the Gaiden following his recruitment).


Hawkeye really surprised me. His overkill strength really made up for his not-so-great speed. Good combat unit that could walk over water, which is definitely a plus. Pretty bro.

Athos and Marcus don't get pictures, but they were obviously extremely useful and incredibly bro.

Oh yeah, and Legault...um...at least you stopped other people from stealing non-promotion items, right?

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Florina rescuedropped Erk on turn one, and he critkilled the boss at 17% crit (he doubled). Got the whip.


Florina took Bartre to the boss, he 2hko'd with a Steel axe.


this chapter is definately 2 turnable

not with my team sadly.

Wil did 5 damage to a cavalier, my hero.

Edited by General Horace
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Chapter 21 – 5/91

In this chapter I got promoted items for Raven and Fiora.

Chapter 22 – 6?/97

Promoted Canas in this chapter. I have Raven level up more so I can give him the hero crest. The reason why I was not sure about the turns in this chapter was that Oswin got a critical on the enemy boss during the enemy phase.

Chapter 23 – 4/101

I didn’t go for the 23x but I found a body ring in the desert.

Chapter 24 – 3/104

Fiora has promoted to Falcon Knight. In this chapter I have her get some items for chapters up to come. Both Oswin and Raven took on Lloyd and Oswin defeated him.

Chapter 25 – 5/109

I have Fiora go to the northeast point, Raven to the southwest point, and Hector, Eliwood, Canas, and Oswin go to the northwest point. All three points were seized on the same turn.

Chapter 26 – 11/120

I have Eliwood promote at the start of the chapter. Luck for him that he has lancebreaker on him when I sent him to get more weapons because of Vaida. Also Fiora went for the hammerne staff then defend the southeast area with Raven and Canas.

Chapter 27 – 10/130

Damn it! I end up at the chapter where I suppose to kill all enemies. I’m not going to say anything about what happened.

Chapter 28 – 15/145

I grabbed all the treasures and defeat Ursula with the help of Eliwood and Fiora on the last chapter.

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Chapter 28x

Fiora moved ahead to kill off the enemies with status staffs then go to kill Sonia.

Chapter 29 – 10/155

I have Hector stayed behind to recruit Vaida. Oswin , Raven, Serra, and Canas cut through the middle where Raven meet up with Fiora to attack Linus.

Chapter 30 – 7/167

Eliwood and Raven were in this chapter with Hector. They all go into the same route and Eliwood carries Hector close to the boss and manage to score a critical which is enough to kill him.

Chapter 31 – 11/178

Both Hector and Eliwood defend the right side while the others attack the enemies coming from the south. Fiora sneak by to kill the thief that grabbed a body ring.

Chapter 31x – 5/183

No comment.

Chapter 32 – 8/191

I started out with Eliwood carrying Hector and then half way, I drop him off so Serra warps Eliwood to attack Limstella.

Chapter 32x – 2/193

Both Raven and Fiora were warped near Kishuna. Fiora clear the enemies way so Raven can deliver the final blow.

Final – 9+2/204

Both Raven and Canas go for the low left room, Oswin and Fiora fight off the enemies at the low right, and Athos alone took on the enemies at the upper left. Raven then go for the enemies in the mid left and Hector attack the mid right enemies. But almost everyone took the final two. Fiora took the first move attacking Nergal, followed by Athos, then Eliwood to finish him off. Only Fiora and Athos attack the dragon during the first turn. Then Eliwood and Hector join in to help them finish it off.


Oswin - B: 195 W: 122

Serra – B: 47 W: 13

Marcus – B: 64 W: 52

Raven – B: 154 W: 111

Canas – B: 140 W: 111

Fiora – B: 208 W: 133

Renault – B: 7 W: 3

Eliwood – B: 205 W: 116

Hector – B: 160 W: 83

And now a moment of silence for our dead character:



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uh i forget my team brb


Dart went to the south, Florina across the lake, everyone else to the top. Except Wil. He's horrible.

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I finished this yesterday! But I forgot to update!

CHAPTER 26 - 11/87 TURNS

Erk hit C staves, and 22 magic




ran to kenneth and killed him

CHAPTER 28 - 15/107 TURNS




26 magic so good

also Bartre capped strength rofl

CHAPTER 29 - 4/111 TURNS


CHAPTER 30 - 3/114 TURNS


CHAPTER 31 - 11/125 TURNS


Wil reached 15 strength!!!!



CHAPTER 32 - 4/134 TURNS

Warped Florina ahead with Hector


Warp Dart Profit



Athos Bolting'd Uhai, and Wil took out the two other snipers there (they're worse than he is!)

Hector opened Darin's door and Wolf Beil'd them, while Florina opened the door to the Reeds.

Isadora opened Brendans door and killed them, and Nils danced Bartre up to deal with the magic dudes. Athos rescued Erk who warped him to kill Nergal.



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