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Avatar+Hubby Run - Pick my Hubby!

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Hi all, new to SF ^^ Doing a normal/casual run for the heck of it, only using avatar + husband :D It's a fairly casual run, no rules outside of Avatar and husband only! :D Leaving a poll here while I eat dinner, be back soon!

Also, please note that hubby choices are those that I don't have S supports in my log yet XD

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Wow, only away for about 15 minutes and got a few responses already :D I'll start my runthrough in about 5 minutes, the hubby picking shall remain open till I finish chapter 4, when the first of my potential hubbies is available!

Also, I'll be placing FeMU with the female of best bonuses until either her hubby is available or after ch 11, when Chrom marries his maiden fair.

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My avatar, Caitir, also known as Patchy (cause why not) or Cait, is build 2, face 5, hair 2, hair color 10, and voice Female 1, for reference

Setting her birthday as Aug 1 (expect to be done sometime tonight, of course!) asset luck, flaw HP.

And here... we.. go.

Cutscene, Chrom fighting Validar ~.~ seen this a few too many times. Beginning of battle pep talk, also seen way too many times, hit start and time to adjust settings, since right now they're NOT what I usually have them set to. Pair Chrom up with Caitir, run forward, end turn. Yawn. Shut up Validar, can't you just run up and attack me? Of course not.

Turn 2, run close to Validar and attack with Thoron. Chrom, unfortunately, is unhelpful this turn, and Validar hit Caitir. Lovely. End turn. Validar, the least you could have done was attack me...

Turn 3, time to finish this guy, I hope. Use Thoron again, and Chrom remains his usual, unhelpful self. Lovely, down to 4 HP while Vali has 5... end turn. Validar sits there like a bum again.

Turn 4, time to ACTUALLY finish this chapter. Use Thoron, Vali goes down, the end of the premonition, thank god... Of course, Caitir and Chrom aren't heroes because this chapter was too short.

I bet the RNG is spiteful because it knows I'm telling SF forums about this playthrough... onwards to prologue!

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Prologue, I just skipped all the dialogue, since I've beat this game many a time before already. WHATEVER.

Lissa meets her new BFF for the next few chapters, Caitir, while Chrom goes and cries to Frederick that he doesn't get a real spot in this playthrough this time, and Frederick hands Chrom his lance because all this exp is Caitir's! Meanwhile, Caitir, with her lovely 5+2 magic, goes and attacks that first Myrmidon because she needs all the exp. Myrmidon is left with 5 HP BUT THAT'S OKAY. End turn, time to see what a more realistic level looks like.

Axe bandit attacks Cait for 3 HP, Cait shrugs it off and hits for 10, Myrmidon runs up and hits for 1 while Cait tells him to shove it with a thunder attack to his face, killing him. Mage bandit's running up now, but I think Caitir will be just fine~

Turn 2, Fred and Chrom continue bonding in the corner while Cait kills the axe bandit and Lissa continues adding that nice +2 magic to Cait's thunder. Cait levelled up! CAIT GOT A PERFECT LEVEL UP FADFASDFASA THANK YOU ANNA End turn and wait for the mage.

Mage attacks for 0 damage, but apparently that ticked Caitir off enough she decided to crit him in his face. Nobody else moved this turn.

Sparkly tile number 1, what do we get?! Titania's Axe? Well... I guess that'll be useful for whatever I reclass to eventually... end turn while Chrom and Frederick make out in a corner or something. AND NOTHING MOVES ON THE ENEMY PHASE

Turn 4, Chrom, shut up, jeez ~.~ I know how to play this game, even if this is an easy playthrough a monkey could likely do. Cait rushes up to two spots away from the myrmidon next to the boss, end turn, Chrom and Frederick play pattycake. enemy myrmidon attacks on enemy phase, does no damage, Cait moves to sparkly tile number 2, which yields...Weapon exp! (that she won't really need LOL) End turn, enemy myrmidon attacks and misses, Cait hits him in the face with lightning, and gets a level up with HP, Str, Speed, and Luck, all nice level up assets!

Turn 5, boss time! Cait equips her sword, hits the boss for 8 damage and gets hit for 4. End turn, boss attacks, and the same exchange happens.

Turn 6, Cait kills the boss, levels up! Gains HP, Str, Skill, and Speed this time, yaaaay~ End of chapter. Wait, that was 7 turns? must have messed up my turn count apparently. On to chapter 1!

(I'll do the traditional unit updates after I have access to the inventory post chapter)

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Just to make this look cleaner write it on note pad and before you start writing type (spoiler) and when you are done writing type (/spoiler) with [] instead of parentheses, after that just copy paste it and proofread it here.

And Virion because he is THE husbamd.

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Chapter 1! Risen Fight!

Turn 1 I have Chrom and Freddie go and hide in a corner again, with Lissa and Caitir paired up. Hm, north or south sparkly tile first? Caitir goes for the south one, and attacks the fighter next to it with her sword for 11 damage, and dodges his blow. The sparkly tile then yields... 28 exp! End turn. Fighter attacks again, Caitir dodges and kills, gaining another level, along with HP, Str, Mag, Speed, and Luck. All the enemies move closer, while Sully and Virion join the battle!

Turn 2, Caitir begins moving towards the north sparkly tile while sully and Virion start retreating to the corner that Chrom and Frederick have been banished to. End turn. Merc attacks for 1 damage and gets hit for 10, all other enemies move closer.

Turn 3, Cait moves to the north fort and attacks the archer with Thunder for 12 damage, and gains a weapon level, while Sully and Virion finish their journey to banishment. End turn, time for the onslaught! Merc from last turn attacks for no damage and Cait returns his attack with a kill. Fighter comes up and hits for 2 damage, which Cait shrugs off and returns with a lightning bolt double attack for the kill, gaining a level and only one strength this time :( The other fighter attacks, but Cait dodges, and, upset at her single strength growth from her level up decides to critical the fighter. Another mercenary attacks, doing no damage and Cait replies with 12 damage. Lastly, the archer attacks, misses, and then dies from a lightning bolt. Boss moves last, still not closing the distance.

Turn 4, sparkly tile! We get... 23 exp! But Cait maxes at 99, since we had 88 already. End turn, merc attacks and dies for a level up, which yields HP, Str, Skill, Speed, Luck, and Defense this time! Boss attacks, but Cait dodges and double attacks for 20 damage.

Turn 5, last turn, Cait attacks and kills the boss with her sword, levelling up to level 8. Gained HP, Speed, and Luck.

End chapter 1, 5 turns, Heroes Cait and Lissa!

Edit: Herpderp I don't know how to spoilertext, I think it works now

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Wow, only away for about 15 minutes and got a few responses already :D I'll start my runthrough in about 5 minutes, the hubby picking shall remain open till I finish chapter 4, when the first of my potential hubbies is available!

Also, I'll be placing FeMU with the female of best bonuses until either her hubby is available or after ch 11, when Chrom marries his maiden fair.

You should go for Priam. I'm not sure if that will be to late for you or not.

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Chapter 2! Unlocked supports, and obviously Cait and Lissa have a support. MOVING ON.

Oh god, all these units that have no business being on the battlefield ~.~ Chrom hides behind Fred, Sully behind Cait (need to work on her sword levels now) Stahl behind Virion and Lissa behind Vaike. Everyone except for Cait and Sully moved away from the red zones to sulk while Cait gets all the glory. Cait equips her sword and starts moving towards the first sparkly tile. End turn. Merc attacks for 1 damage, Cait replies with a two-hit combo that kills him and gains her a weapon level. Fighter now attacks for 4 damages, Cait also decides to kill him. Soldier attacks for 2 damage, and also gets killed.

Turn 2! Miriel appears! Miriel trades her fire tome to Cait! It's super effective! Then Cait goes to the first sparkly tile of the level and gets... 18 exp, again placing her at 99 exp. End turn, no enemies move.

Turn 3, Cait moves into range of the fighter north of the bridge. I suspect the fight that ensues will be the only action of the turn. End turn. I was right, Cait gets hit for 5 damage and kills, getting a level up and HP, Str, Skill, and Speed.

Turn 4, time to sit on a fort and heal a bit. Cait equips the fire tome to give her weapon triangle neutrality for when the soldier attacks. End turn, soldier attacks to die to a barrage of flames.

Turn 5 is spent as another heal turn. OMG SO INTERESTING

Turn 6, move as far north as possible and wait two spaces away from the second sparkly tile. Keep fire equipped for the next barrage of enemies. End turn. Merc hits 1 damage, dies. Fighter misses, survives with 1 HP.

Turn 7, equip a sword and attack the fighter and level, getting strength, Magic, speed, luck, and defense, along with Solidarity! BUT WAIT, SPARKLY TILE TIME More exp, this time 13! End turn, enemy merc attacks for 1 damage and dies, but I got his sword :D

Turn 8, I move onto the fort and end my turn. soldier attacks, no damage, Cait kills him and obtains a lance, but it gets discarded due to no supply wagon yet :(

Turn 9, move within range of the enemy fighter still on the mountain, and wait.Fighter misses, and dies. Meanwhile, Cait was in range of the enemy soldier, so he hits for 2 HP as well, and Cait kills him for a level giving HP, magic, and luck.

Turn 10, boss time, get hurt for 3 HP and kill anyways. End of chapter, gonna get the barracks soon :D


You should go for Priam. I'm not sure if that will be to late for you or not.

He's on the poll list! ^^ My poll list are of characters I don't yet have S supports with in my log, so I'll definitely grind a FeMUxPriam pairing if it wins :D It just might be a little late for Morgan though :(

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Chapter 3, the only thing separating me from my beautiful barracks ;-; Before the chapter, Caitir and Sully gained a support! Now, we begin! :D

Ah, the beautiful preparations menu, how useful! AND A CONVOY, YAY! Everyone except Chrom and Caitir get benched, as Chrom will soon meet his new bromance buddy, wait, who was it again...?, for the chapter! Begin chapter with Cait positioned as far west as she can go, and brace myself for my least favorite cutscene in the game. -hits start through it-


Sumia unequips her lance and pairs up with Caitir. Chrom talks to the air, pairs up with nobody, and gets out of danger's way. Caitir moves as far west as possible, equipping fire to deal with the archers that stand in her way. End turn. First archer attacks, misses, dies. Soldier attacks, hits for 4 damage, and dies as well. Second archer then moves up, also hits for 4 damage, and dies. Caitir levels up, gaining HP and luck. Caitir obtains a key, but has to send her beloved Thunder tome to storage to make room for it. Oops, should have traded it to Mary-Sumia. OH WELL, TIME TO WIPE OUT THE EAST SIDE.

Turn 2, Caitir moves east, and Chrom and his imaginary friend move to their spot in the western corner. Nothing happens on the enemy phase.

Turn 3, same story as turn 2.

Turn 4, Caitir attacks a soldier with no counterattack available with fire, and kills him. End turn. The other soldier attacks for 4 damage and somehow, miraculously, doesn't die. The mercenary then attacks, also for 4 damage, and dies handily to fire.

Turn 5, Caitir steals Sumia's Vulnerary and uses it. the soldier attacks on the enemy phase for 3 damage and dies.

Turn 6, sparkly tile gives 13 exp, only 3 of which is used to hit 99 exp.

Turn 7, we open the door. The knight attacks for 7 damage, and fails to die. However, Caitir levels up, gaining everything but magic and resistance!

Turn 8, Caitir uses another vulnerary, just to be safe. Knight attacks for 6 damage, and dies.

Turn 9, we use a vulnerary again. An enemy merc attacks on the enemy phase, hits for 3 damage, and dies.

Turn 10, Caitir equips her sword, and attacks a fighter equipped with a hammer. He misses, but Caitir decides she had enough of his crap anyways and kills him.

Turn 11, Caitir realizes her birthday's almost over, and attacks the boss so she can get her barracks stuff before her birthday's over. She hits for 9, gets hit for 4, and hits for another 9. Enemy phase, the boss hits for another 4 but Caitir says HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME, and crits the boss, killing her. Level up, gain HP, Str, and Speed. End of chapter and OH CRAP THEBARRACKS AREN'T OPEN DX

Time to reset my DS clock XD

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Pre-chapter 4 preparations, yay! Having 10k Renown, I decide to second seal Caitir over to merc, for armsthrift shenanigans. Sumia and Caitir had a support, but now its back to SullyxCait and FredxChrom funtimes for chapter 4. By the way, hubby voting poll's closing after I'm done typing this!

To prep, Chrom and Frederick have become BFFS again while Sully's become Cait's main girl again.Epic Chrom vs Marth cutscene ensues when I hit start chapter.

Turn 1, Chrom and Fred start their game of "stay away from the enemy!" while Cait and Sully step on a sparkly tile to get... a glass axe. It might be useful, we never know! End turn. Sully blocks the fighter's attack, and holy poop Cait now does 22 damage per hit with a bronze sword. o.o She hits twice, so of course the fighter went down.

Turn 2, Chrom continues being gynophobic with Frederick while Caitir runs to fight the other fighter and be a hero and all that jazz... Chrom needs to marry his maiden finest, after all! End turn, Caitir dodges a bandit's axe and kills another one.

Turn 3, Caitir oneshots a mage to give Chrom more breathing room from women, and Frederick thanks that by getting Chrom far, far away. Caitir levels up after killing the mage, gaining HP, skill, and speed. Hopefully, after this turn, Fred's horse can get a breather from running away from girls. The enemy phase a mage attempts to hit Cait, but to no avail since her dodging powers reign supreme.

Turn 4, another mage one shotted. AND CHROM STILL IS RUNNING AROUND SCREAMING. Getting kinda silly to keep moving him XD End turn, Cait gets hit for 2 damage by the first knight that attacks her, but she kills it anyways because she's that awesome, and then levels up, gaining HP, Str, Skill, and Luck. 40% armsthrift activation rate go! A second knight attacks, not getting the message, and hits for 2 damage while dying.

Turn 5, a fighter gets oneshotted as Caitir proves how OP the Avatar, master of all four elements- wait, wrong series. I end my turn in shame of mistaking FE for Avatar: The Last Airbender. The other fighter attacks Caitir with a hand axe, but Caitir dodges with ease.

Turn 6, another oneshot. Yawn. Level up for HP, Skill, and 2% more to my armsthrift activation rate.

Turn 7, move towards sparkly tile, give Frederick's poor horse a break.

Turn 8, sparkly tile time! Weapon exp to get sword level C! And then Luc-IMEAN MARTH- attacks. Caitir dodges 'Marth's' attack, and then replies with a ORKO. Cait wins!

With Chapter 4 over, and the first potential hubby available, it appears Priam has won the poll! Here comes a long, lonely road for Caitir! XD I'll update the poll with a new question: should I grind CaitirxPriam's Morgan for the final chapter?

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Chapter 5 time! Unfortunately, no bday goodies for Cait in the barracks just yet, I hope this isn't a sign that she won't get them :( No supports available either!

So this round, it'll be CaitxMaribelle and ChromxRicken and Chrom might actually have to fight... at level one. Which may be a problem...


Turn 1, aka the MAKE SURE CHROM DOESN'T GAIN A POINT OF SUPPORT WITH CAITIR turn. I move Caitir to in range of as many enemies as possible while keeping Chrom away from all the action. Ricken and Maribelle pair up for now, moving to the only spot that doesn't promise peril. I'm half tempted to have them suicide though... end turn, and pray for the best. Fighter attacks Cait, who dodges and kills him. Level up, Hp, str, mag, and defense! Another fighter attacks Cait, who dodges and kills again.

Turn 2, Cait oneshots a dark mage, while Chrom runs for his dear life praying he doesn't get targetted. Ricken and Maribelle hide in a corner, one of the few spots they're guaranteed safety... for now. End turn. Enemy dark mage, who could potentially target Chrom, takes the bait and targets Caitir instead, but she dodges his attack. A myrmidon gives no damage to Caitir, who oneshots him in reply. Caitir shrugs off a 3 HP hit from a fighter, critting him for bringing her HP down for the first time this level.

Turn 3. Ricken and Maribelle both have realized how screwed they are, and Maribelle takes the equipment for safekeeping, while offering herself up for sacrifice for the chapter. Caitir oneshots the dark mage who's bearing down on Chrom, and the turn ends. An enemy mage hits Caitir for 5 damage, while Caitir curses not being able to attack from far away for now. An enemy fighter sees the bait Maribelle gave,but miraculously misses. However, she wasn't as lucky when an enemy swordsman attacked, surviving with only 2 HP left.

Turn 4, Caitir enacts vengeance on the mage that hit her for 5 HP, killing him in one hit as she avenges Maribelle's eventual death with a level, HP, skill, Luck, and Defense. Maribelle thanks Ricken for his service, and then retreats behind Caitir while Ricken braces himself to die. Caitir also thanks Ricken for his sacrifice as the turn ends. Fighter 1 hits Ricken for 11. Fighter 2 hits Ricken for 6. Ricken survives this turn, but barely.

Turn 5. Caitir retreats to a place where she can attack everyone who might make a beeline for Chrom, and Ricken hides in a fort, preparing himself for Death's Embrace. -badumtss- End turn. Myrmidon attacks Ricken... who dies with grace. Poor guy... a fighter attacks Caitir, but misses, and Caitir avenges Ricken's death by killing the fighter. Another Myrmidon attacks Caitir, doing no damage and getting oneshotted in return. The last fighter attacks, and misses with his handaxe.

Turn 6. Kill the fighter while taking no damage, avenge Ricken's death the rest of the round. Enemy phase gain a level, HP, Str, Spd, Def.


-Summary: Caitir kicks butt in vengeance of Ricken. The author got lazy of describing everything in intricate detail, so assume everything went swimmingly.

Highlights: Caitir's first weapon break, a Bronze Sword that broke slaying a fighter. Level up, gaining str, spd, luck, res. Sparkle tile yielding a towering bow. Level up for HP, str, skill, luck, and Def. Maribelle survives the level.

RIP Ricken, you were a good soldier. Good thing this is casual and you still are technically "alive."

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Chapter 7. Had a monster skirmish pop up so did that and got Caitir to 10, reclassed her to peg knight so galeforce soon! Chapter 6!

So I brought Freddie and Kellam along as extra bodies to throw in front of Emmeryn, in case 'Marth' falls. Other than that, planned pairs are ChromxGaius and CaitirxPanne for the level. Gonna just start summarizing because I want to get this moving a little faster.

Kellam gets Hector's Axe from a sparkly tile. I somehow find this ironic, since, well, Hector's not a character you can miss and Kellam... who is he again?

Marth died on turn 2... this does not bode well, and this has happened on other low-character-count runs I've done before... gotta pray Freddy and Kellm can tank it out... I pair Chrom with Kellam and Gaius with Fred, while playing cat and mouse with the mages to the west entrance to emmeryn's room. The west entrance secure, I switch Fred/Gaius for Caitir and Panne, hoping to get some offense going. Good thing FE7 had so many defend chapters that I got pretty good at defense strategies!

And then Kellam fell to a dark mage and Validar. No fair... Luckily, the rest of the chapter was easy enough, playing musical meatshields while Caitir killed Validar and his cronies.

And thus ends chapter 6. Gonna get some sleep, though I might play a few chapters and summarize them when I get back on the internet tomorrow! Good night all!

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