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Anyone marry off characters based on if they fit together...


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Geoffrey actually says Elincia is his wife in one of the DLCs? ...Just what.

Dialogue was made up.

[10:08:06 PM] Amelia: Which one is it

[10:08:22 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): One of the Smash Bretheren ones

[10:08:27 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): I had spotpass Ike

[10:08:30 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): moved next to Elincia

[10:08:33 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): Geoffrey killed him

[10:08:48 PM] Amelia: xD

[10:08:54 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): I accidentally recruited him anyway.

[10:08:57 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): Classic.

[10:08:59 PM] shadowofchaos725 (Rey): So I let him die.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I pair basically nobody except mu sully and panne and whatever lucky girl that I decide to train up to switch things up

generally to fred and another convenient dude because fuck grinding

Most of my files I don't do postgame content

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I just do whatever happens, pretty much. I tend to switch up which characters I use enough that I don't get some of the same pairings (though I probably make a small subconscious effort to avoid making the same pairings too lol). I've never done any marriage for statistical reasons, for some people it's cool but for me it's not. I also don't "ship" pairings. I'm pretty much as lax about it as can be. It's almost like letting the characters decide for themselves who they get to marry... well not really, but it's about as random/unpredictable as I can get without making an effort to make it random...

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