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Vashiane's Official Headcanon Playlog (Chapter Ten!)


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Actually, it's quite probable. it's 40% strength versus 35% magic in the dark flier class and it's magic in fire emblem, which has always been on the game-breaking side because most of the enemies you face don't have res. Combined with her high speed and skill (almost always doubling and has a very high chance for criticals), Sumia's actually a very good magic user. It helps that she doesn't have a negative mod in it, like she does with Strength.

You missed what I was saying, which was I'd be surprised if her magic was anywhere near her strength BEFORE promotion, since her magic growth before promotion is only 25% to a 45% Strength growth.

Wait.. Strength + Magic didn't ALWAYS exist on a unit together, right?

When did they start coming in together?

They were first together in Jugdral, then it was back to one or the other until Tellius.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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You missed what I was saying, which was I'd be surprised if her magic was anywhere near her strength BEFORE promotion, since her magic growth before promotion is only 25% to a 45% Strength growth.

Oh, I see now what you were... FORTY FIVE? Really? I thought she was at thirty at best (it's rare she gets strength for me. I've had runs where she's had far higher magic than strength as a pegusus knight)

It's helped by the promotion gains, but I do see what you were saying.

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I think so, and that was good. The damage didn't rely on your magic. Just your strength.

They did this again in Radiant Dawn, where it wasn't as good, because suddenly Mist isn't able to do much damage without some tweaking. (at least, that's what I recall from my one playthrough. I REALLY didn't like Radiant Dawn)

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So.. since Strength + Magic weren't always together, were Wind Swords their replacement in the GBA games?

There were three magic swords in the GBA games (though the Light Brand always dealt 10 damage at range in FE6). When used indirectly (the Runesword always used its magic even directly), they only used half the user's Strength stat.

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Chapter 10: A Level 15 War Monk Skill


"Damn! Plegians! We're going to have to fight our way through!"

"This would be so much better if we were actually stealthy."

"... Um, actually, I think I'm pretty stealthy, Silvia..."

"... Vash? A-Am I hearing voices again?"

No, that's just Kellam.

And... what? This chapter IS called Renewal. [/is bricked]

[spoiler=Chapter 10: Gameplay]

It’s quite fitting considering what happens here. A renewal of the plot, a renewal of feelings, a renewal of helplessness and a renewal of hope. (A renewal of money because I bought tonics and I’m at 790… XD)

Although really… all I see is a renewal of experience. So many enemies and we’re supposed to just defeat the commander. Please. Even if it weren’t for the “rout” rule I have, or in any other playthrough, who actually does that?

But before I launch into the lovely slaughterfest that is this chapter… it’s time to deal with an issue for the first out of the only three instances we would ever have to deal with this. If we were in another character’s universe right now, we’d be on like, five.

Anyway. You okay Silvia?

“… Peachy.”

Doesn’t sound like it. You’re not exactly a good liar you know.

“I… she… heard me.”

You’re starting to lose me a bit here. Who heard you?

“Emmeryn… why else would she go and do exactly what I suggested in the first place? She heard me say she wasn’t worth anything… t-that’s the only reason why…”

It’s not your fault.

“Who else’s fault could it be, stupid?”

… And I’ll just end the conversation here. Silvia’s a pretty nice girl until she starts snarling like that. That’s when you back away slowly.

As for this sudden freak-out of hers: it’s finally caught up to her exactly what she asked for and what she’s done. That she just stripped a country and a family of someone important to them, and NOW everything she’s done – all the people she’s killed to get to this point – is finally kind of hitting her. So she’s really shell-shocked right now, just blindly following Lon’qu at this point.

There’s only two other times you’ll see this… and this is the ONLY instance that doesn’t involve Henry.

See? He drives her crazy. <3

Anyway, time to mow some suckers down. I’m taking Ricken and Lissa, Frederick and Sumia, Kellam and Miriel, Cordelia and Stahl, Silvia and Lon’qu, Libra and Maribelle (healing) and Chrom. Chrom is going to TANK this mess by himself, pretty much. I throw a few of my recently bought tonics on: Kellam gets Strength and Speed tonics, Chrom and Cordelia both get Strength and Defense tonics, and Maribelle gets the first statbooster distributed in the game: the Dracoshield, plus a Defense tonic. Let’s roll out, people.

And MUSTAFA. Still not as bro as Vasto, but c’mon, Vasto’s a god and Mustafa’s pretty close.

Turn one, start. Cordelia takes her pocket vegetable and speeds over towards the thief in the third road (Route 3 as I like to call it) swooping down from her perch to gut him fair and square. We get a Wyrmslayer and Cordelia gains a level up in the following: HP, Strength, Magic, Speed and Defense.


And level 10 grants me Relief, which is actually a very good skill unless you really like clusterfucking everyone around a certain point. This isn’t one of those chapters, so I’ll take it gladly. Sumia does the same with the other thief, and with the Route 4 thief gone guess what THAT means.

Say it with me, everyone… MONEY. :D

Lon’qu runs forward and jabs his sword into the barbarian, making it pretty damn quick. With that, we get a level-up in HP, Skill and Speed. … Hrm. Standard Lon’qu level.

Kellam, Chrom and Ricken move forward into range of the Route 3 enemies, and Maribelle borrows Libra’s Ward staff because I’m an XP junkie and this third Second Seal is automatically hers, no contest.

Enemy phase introduces us to the Plegians who think they can: the soldier who thinks he can lance at 43% (and dies by having Lon’qu and Silvia team up to weaken him, then Lon’qu criticaling to finish and hilariously, that’s when his weapon breaks. Don’t worry, he’s got the spare from chapter 8.), the barbarian who really COULD axe but Frederick jumped in and Dual Guarded. And from this, Sumia gains her B rank in Lances.

Chrom and Kellam decides it’s Victory time, even though Vaike’s not here. This lancer actually CAN lance for a measly 5 damage, and that’s nothing that Chrom can’t deal back at about 6x the strength. Cordelia actually dodges for once, and she drills her lance into that barbarian while Stahl watches how her hair sways in the rain.

… That actually makes sense, for him to be too distracted by HER to see an opening to attack.

Sumia takes lessons from Cordelia and takes a 60% right in the Pegasus… and a level up in HP, Speed and Defense. It’s Defense. I’ll take it. And of course, the other wyvern now knows how to handaxe. Screw you, wyvern.

Turn two. Sumia flies Frederick into the fort and they switch, since my healer is WAY back there. He slings a handaxe at the dying wyvern rider and ends THAT before it can get any worse.

And he gains a level-up too, in HP, Speed, Luck and Defense. Okay. I’m liking the speed and defense but what the hell? STRENGTH?! Silvia’s strength stat right now is equal to his… and THAT’S HER FLAW.

But Frederick > Silvia right now because guess who just gained LUNA. Freddy, my man.

Maribelle gives Kellam some unnecessary Resistance thanks to Libra’s Ward staff, and I send Cordelia and Stahl jetting over into Route 2 and I have her give him the Wyrmslayer. Hello wyvern, meet Stahl’s new best friend.

… I’ve always wondered how those weapons work, really. Hmm.

Anyway, a quick note: if Stahl doesn’t have a Sol sword on his person, his sword WILL be a Wyrmslayer.

Kellam chucks a javelin at a soldier and finishes him, while Ricken moves in right behind him. Lon’qu and Silvia storm a now empty Route Four and get ready to intercept the ends of routes 2&3.

Enemy phase, go. A soldier heads for Stahl and Stahl retaliates in the best way, somehow learning how to use B-rank swords in the process. Kellam tanks a hit and Stahl is a dodge master and escapes a 69%. Nice – oh and he gets a level-up! He gains: HP, Strength, Magic and Luck. … Magic? Does someone want to be a Dread Fighter?

Lol, hitting Lon’qu with axes isn’t going to work. And apparently no one know how to handaxe, because EVERY handaxe thrown has missed so far. Tch. XD

Turn three. Kellam tells that barbarian to look at him so he can the last thing the guy ever sees before he dies. And a level up gotten! Kellam procs HP, Skill, Speed, Defense and Resistance. SPEED. RESISTANCE. YESSSSS.

There’s a LOT of heat on Stahl right now, and I’m a little concerned, so I send Chrom in hopefully lighten things up a bit. I switch to Cordelia and have her claim Maribelle’s Master Seal for her own. YES. If there’s anything I hate, it’s a defenseless healer. I plant Ricken in front of Kellam and uses the free space to speed Maribelle over to heal Kellam really quickly.

Maribelle level-up! She gains: HP, Magic, Speed, Luck and Resistance. Very nice. :D Lon’qu annihilates another barbarian for a level up in HP, Speed and Resistance (RESISTANCE) and Frederick holds down the fort.

Enemy phase! Ricken takes a hit (ouch, maybe I regret this) but with a quick flick of the wrist the lancer is down and a level-up for Ricken is gained. This time it’s HP, Magic, Skill and Speed and Resistance. VERY nice. Chrom goes and misses a 75% (thanks, Chrom, you could have killed him), but ALSO gains a level-up. He gets HP, STRENGTH, Skill and Luck. Not bad. Typical Chrom though.

Lol, lancer thinks he can hit Lon – HE HIT HIM. O.o

Lol, handaxe thinks it can hit Cordel – of course it hits her, this is Cordelia. ._.

Lol, handaxe thinks it can hit Lon – SHIT, LON’QU, WHAT?

Oh and Cordelia dodged for a change. Yeah baby.

Turn four. Cordelia takes the Route 1 thief for a spin and grabs a Seraph Robe and a level up in HP, Magic (seriously?), Speed, Luck, Defense and Resistance. DAMN. Your magic proc is FORGIVEN. Oh God, and that level-up gives me the “I would do all this and more to be with him…” line. And Stahl is right there.

I can feel Stahl’s heart breaking.

Maribelle runs forward and heals Ricken’s damage, while I finally switch out Sumia and Frederick so I can use the Vulenary she has. Silvia and Lon’qu switch and with a few well-placed Dual Strikes the wyvern is toast and Silvia gains a level! HP, Speed and Luck. … It’s speed.

“It’s pathetic.”

… She’s really not happy with this.

And Chrom takes on the barbarian who can’t handaxe. Go Chrom.

Enemy phase. Ricken tells the lancer who got away with stabbing him that he wasn’t going to have it, Lon’qu protects Silvia from a javelin (while telling her to be careful? Lon’qu PLEASE. You’re supposed to marry someone else. <3) Chrom finishes a soldier and keeps up the tradition of not dodging. [/sigh]

Turn five. Sumia and Frederick come down off the fourth hill, finally (what were they doing up there the whole time, hmm.). Frederick decides to teach the Plegians how to hand axe and on the second throw…

Luna. And “Pick a god and pray”. YEAH. And Sumia comes in for the finish. Glorious! And I stuck them on a sparkly tile, which gains Frederick some weapon training. I move Kellam and Miriel forward beside Chrom and Chrom digs into the convoy for a concoction. I also take Ricken and Maribelle back out of harm’s way so Maribelle can heal him. Stahl takes the lead again and digs that favorite weapon of his into a wyvern.

Enemy phase! … Nothing important.

Turn six. This is the best time to get Miriel some experience, so I switch to her for once and have her snipe away at the wyvern sitting on the second hill. Of course, Kellam wants some attention and decides to crit for me. That’s my boy. I move Stahl and Cordelia to the sparkly tile and – oh God. Not another conversation. He’s asking her what her dreams are…



What happened to pairing her and Kellam?

“I can’t… keep away sometimes. She’s not mine, I know. And I know she’ll never be… but… the illusion’s nice. I like to hope…”

… Oh, I’m going to feel so bad later.

REINFORCEMENTS. Ugh, and I just pulled out Miriel, damn, I keep forgetting.

And just when I thought Miriel was toast… no, the other wyvern goes for LIBRA.



Turn seven. First thing I do is switch back to Kellam, of COURSE, who thanks the heavens for his love interest not dying by criticaling the wyvern rider who hurt her to the brink. So sweet, Kellam. Ricken shreds the wyvern to pieces with his Elwind tome and that gains him a level up in HP and Luck.

… Anna, what the fuck.

Libra borrows Maribelle’s Heal staff and quickly heals Ricken, because I actually want Maribelle to heal Stahl. Chrom stands next to Frederick and Sumia and we reunite a beautiful bromance in the rain. It’s so beautiful, Chrom has to level up as well, in HP, Strength, Speed and Luck. … Once again, typical Chrom.

Turn eight. Never mind. I’ll just send Libra to heal Stahl and Stahl runs forward to finish the barbarian. Sumia drops off the MONEY :D and picks up the Master Seal. With a little bit of debate, I decide to promote her right then and there, and I now have myself a DARK FLIER Sumia.

She gains: +3 HP, +1 Strength, +4 Magic, +1 Skill, +2 Speed, +1 Def and +3 Resistance.Plus the AMAZING +1 movement. YES. That’s my girl. Give it your best shot!

Also important: Sumia gains access to Tomes, and thanks to Maribelle being an automatic Thunder user, Sumia becomes my next Wind affinity. I’ll most likely pass this down to Cynthia, although I STILL need a way to “calculate” that. I’ll probably add the parent’s magic stats together, take the percent of that total that the parent’s stat take up and then use a randomizer to pick a number from 1 -100 to see where it falls. So for example… (Totally using Silvia/Lon’qu as an example. XD Silvia is Thunder and Lon’qu is… let’s just say Wind for now. 16 + 4 = 20. 4 is 20% of the total, and 16 is 80%, meaning that the numbers 1-80 would mean getting Thunder, and 81-100 Wind. Make sense?)

And while I’m here… Lon’qu dips into the convoy and grabs the other Master Seal, although for story purposes, he’s holding on it for a bit. Pass around some Conconctions and Vulenaries.

Enemy phase! More reinforcements… and lol, a lancer thinking he can stab Lon’qu. Not this time!

Turn nine. Sumia borrows a Wind tome from the convoy (thank God I had a spare) and proceed to magic like a pro. Although considering how I imagined tomes working, she shouldn’t have too much trouble. Libra is THE omega and criticals a barbarian to kingdom come. And he gets a level-up, woo.

HP and Resistance. … ‘Kay.

Ricken finishes Elwinding a wyvern while Silvia takes on the one Sumia wounded. Nice.

Turn ten. Stahl sinks his Wyrmslayer into the wyvern without a moment’s thought on the matter. And a level up for him in HP, Skill, SPEED, and Defense. Stahl’s speed is equal to his Strength right now. I’m loving this.

Turn eleven. I think that’s it. I use the Ward staff to zap some health onto Maribelle for the experience, and I get her up to 99. Joy.


Turn twelve. I use Maribelle once again to heal Cordelia and FINALLY get her to level 10, with an increase in Skill, Speed, Luck and Resistance. And Demoiselle. Not bad. Not bad at all. Now for the main event… Mustafa.

Frederick and Sumia team up and Frederick hits for 5. Sumia Dual Attacks for 4. Mustafa gets Dual Guarded and does no damage. Frederick does 5 more and gains C rank in axes. HE CAN WIELD THE VASTO AXE NOW.

… But he doesn’t have Armsthrift. I want to preserve that axe FOREVER. And Chrom comes forward to deal the final two blows, finishing Mustafa and unlocking my ability to access the paralogues.

“Did he just tell us to spare his men?”

Yup, Silvia.


Let’s go before the guilt REALLY kicks in for you.

(Chrom procced a level in HP, Strength. TYPICAL CHROM.)

Turns: 12

Heroes: Stahl and Cordelia [/sniff]

Attempts: 3 (Maribelle died both times trying to get her experience. UGH.)

Funds: 7790 G. YEAH BOY I HAS MONEY.

… Kay. More like 5900 because I bought an Elfire for Miriel and a Elwind for Ricken/Sumia from a Streetpass. XD

[spoiler=Chapter 10: Story]CHROM’S WAIFU HAS ARRIVED. :D

And the guilt begins to pile on Silvia exponentially, as the tension in room grows with every passing minute.

I always like to think that Sumia is right behind Frederick with her head on his shoulder, and Miriel has sort of curled herself around Kellam’s arm and won’t let him move. Stahl is pacing, back and forth, from one side of the room to the other. Cordelia presses herself away against a wall, trying to hide, but her sobs give her away. Maribelle is holding Lissa like a lifeline (and depriving Ricken of the thing HE wanted to do, so to make up for it, he’s hugging the both of them). Donnel stands just behind them, wordlessly turning his pot in his hands, over and over again. Gaius stares at a half-eaten caramel in his palm, the sadness in the air tainting the caramel’s normally sweet flavor. Nowi curls up into a ball, sniffling, and Gregor stares down at the little manakete, unable to do anything more. Virion scrapes a whittling stone across an arrowhead, over and over, and Sully tries not to lean against his arm but she does anyway. Libra places his head in his hands, slumping down besides Sully and murmuring every prayer he can think of – for Emmeryn, for Chrom, for the fate of Plegia and Ylisse. For peace.

And Lon’qu stands just off in the distance, watching Silvia’s movements, waiting for a sign of weakness. He doesn’t fully understand it, but somehow, he can consider Silvia to be a friend. A woman. She warmed him, broke through his normally frigid exterior in a way no other woman has been able to… except of course, for her.

Maybe after this is over, they’ll talk later.

But Silvia’s mind is on one person and one person only: Chrom, and how she’s failed him. His sister – the symbol of Ylissean peace lies broken and bleeding on a cold, stone ground over a choice she made… a decision she spoke aloud. It’s HER fault she’s gone, and the atmosphere is so tense.

She has to make it right. She has to.



“… I – I don’t ever want to see him cry again. Never…”

“… Your feelings are only because –”

“D-Don’t. Don’t EVEN say it.”

“- You believe it’s your fault.”

“It IS!”

“You’re blind… no plan is perfect, and neither is any person.”

“… But it’s my JOB to do it right a-and I can’t even do that? Damn it! I – Why am I even here?”

“You’re not actually leaving, are you?”

“C-Can’t I just go on a damn walk?”

“… You’ll miss me using the Master Seal.”

“… … … FINE.”

And that’s how Lon’qu became a swordmaster! … Seriously.

“You look nice, Lonny.”

“… Don’t call me that.”

“I did earlier and you were fine with it. Whatever then.”

“… Your feelings go far deeper than just feeling as if you failed.”

“W-What? Where did that come from?”

“Hmph. Tell me this. Are you mad at yourself for failing? …Or are you mad at yourself for failing him?”

“… I – I don’t want to hurt him. And look what I’ve… look at the mess I’ve made...”

“… You care for him.”

“I don’t WANT to. H-He’s a general, a leader, he’ll never… I can barely speak to him. It – It’s driving me crazy! I don’t… how does one deal with this?”

“… You’re asking me?”

“… Desperate times call for desperate measures.”

Yeah, this is a story dump chapter, in case you haven’t noticed, because Silvia’s getting very irritated with her feelings for Chrom. So, of course, Lon’qu becomes her adviser.

This is going to end well. ._. Totally.

You know what? I'm not going whine about chapter 11 now. Gangrel better bring it on.

Lvl            HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp              Class       
Chrom     7.52 33 18   2  15  18  16  14   4  B Swd E Lnc       Cavalier               
Silvia    5.63 33 13  16  17  25  14  11   8  D Swd             Myrmidon (Thunder)       
Lissa     4.24 32  6  16  13  15  16   6  11  B Stf E Tme       Sage (Fire)           
Frederick 5.30 32 13   2  13  14   9  15   4  A Lnc B Swd C Axe Great Knight  
Ricken   12.36 29  4 13+2 12   9  16   9   9  C Tme             Mage (Wind)        
Miriel    7.96 20  3  9+2  6   8  10   6   6  C Tme             Mage (Fire)
Sumia     1.13 29 11   8  22 19+2 11   9  12  B Lnc E Tme       Dark Flier (Wind)       
Kellam   11.89 27 12   0  11   7   6 18+2  4  C Lnc             Knight
Lon’qu    1.00 32 14   5  21  23  11  10   6  B Swd             Swordmaster
Cordelia 11.40 29 12   5  14 14+2 11  11   9  C Lnc             Pegasus Knight
Stahl    12.13 32 12   3  12  12   8  14   4  B Swd D Lnc       Cavalier
Maribelle 1.00 50  1   9   8  14  12   7 12+2 C Stf E Tme       Valkyrie (Thunder)             
Edited by Vashiane
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I think I already know the answer but.. will you be leveling your units all the way to 20? Or will you promote / reclass once you get to level 10?

I don't know what patience or frugality is when it comes to this game. XD

Nope. The second Chapter 12 opens, everyone who's able to promote is promoting.

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I don't know what patience or frugality is when it comes to this game. XD

Nope. The second Chapter 12 opens, everyone who's able to promote is promoting.

What a silly Taylor XD

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Lvl            HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp              Class                        
Lissa     4.24 32  6  16  13  15  16   6  11  B Stf E Tme       Sage (Fire)             
Sumia     1.13 29 11   8  22 19+2 11   9  12  B Lnc E Tme       Dark Flier (Wind)       
Maribelle 1.00 50  1   9   8  14  12   7 12+2 C Stf E Tme       Valkyrie (Thunder)             

How do you determine the magic type someone is, if they gained 'Tome' as a new weapon type?

Meaning, how did you determine that Lissa is Fire, Sumia is Wind, and Maribelle is Thunder?

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How do you determine the magic type someone is, if they gained 'Tome' as a new weapon type?

Meaning, how did you determine that Lissa is Fire, Sumia is Wind, and Maribelle is Thunder?

Hmm. It started on one of my playthroughs when I decided to lock everyone into the tome-class they started with, but then I had no idea what to do with the ones that didn't start off with tomes but could easily gain them, like Lissa, Maribelle and Libra. So I kind of sat myself down and thought about it a bit.

The Royal Family's fire affinity comes straight from the fact that they're the family to hold the Fire Emblem. Honestly.

And the idea for Maribelle being Thunder is actually Rey's (or at least, that's where I got the inspiration from, I'm not sure who else does that if they do). It fit, so I used it.

Honestly, the main reason for the affinities have to do with the three legendary tomes: Valflame, Mjolnir and Forseti. Valflame (and in terms, the blood line of Fala) represents magical prowess, knowledge, a burning desire or passion. Mjolnir (the blood line of Tordo) represents incredible skill, cunning, one with a gifted mind. Forseti (and its corresponding blood line of the same name) represents speed, agility, an unpredictable nature and not one to be underestimated.

The affinities really stem from that, if all that makes any sense whatsoever.

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Hmm. It started on one of my playthroughs when I decided to lock everyone into the tome-class they started with, but then I had no idea what to do with the ones that didn't start off with tomes but could easily gain them, like Lissa, Maribelle and Libra. So I kind of sat myself down and thought about it a bit.

The Royal Family's fire affinity comes straight from the fact that they're the family to hold the Fire Emblem. Honestly.

And the idea for Maribelle being Thunder is actually Rey's (or at least, that's where I got the inspiration from, I'm not sure who else does that if they do). It fit, so I used it.

Honestly, the main reason for the affinities have to do with the three legendary tomes: Valflame, Mjolnir and Forseti. Valflame (and in terms, the blood line of Fala) represents magical prowess, knowledge, a burning desire or passion. Mjolnir (the blood line of Tordo) represents incredible skill, cunning, one with a gifted mind. Forseti (and its corresponding blood line of the same name) represents speed, agility, an unpredictable nature and not one to be underestimated.

The affinities really stem from that, if all that makes any sense whatsoever.

...It almost makes TOO much sense. XD

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