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Vashiane's Official Headcanon Playlog (Chapter Ten!)


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The following spoiler contains a CG that is just too cute.

Viewer discretion is advised.



That said, I did read over this thread, your play-log is very good-looking so far. :'D I should stalk this thread so I can stay updated.

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Chapter 9: I've Never Seen a Plot Fall So Gracefully


Just a warning for this chapter: while I do love this game and respect it and the people who created it greatly… I WILL be making jabs at this particular chapter and how it’s executed. With that in mind, viewer discretion is advised.

[spoiler=Chapter 9]

Now to the important stuff. Preparing. There was an Anna Shop with an HP tonic so I bought that, plus some more Magic/Resistance/Speed/Strength/Defense tonics. Gave Miriel her tome back and got Lissa a new Fire Tome. I actually managed to defeat a skirmish FINALLY, and got not only a pretty sweet level up for Chrom, but C tomes for Ricken.

You know what that means.


And I swear, I don’t know what frugality is because I JUST bought a Rift Door and another Anna shop Second Seal. And the Rift Door got me a Master Seal. YES!

Funds: 2890. I’m so good at saving. :D

Alright then, let’s launch into one of the mind-boggling plot twists I’ve ever dealt with that doesn’t come from Square Enix.

Now onto this conversation with Validar and Grima… here it’s implied that Silvia dreams about this conversation, and that’s how we know anything about Validar’s involvement that isn’t in Chapter 20/21. But it’s only THIS conversation that gets the “awakening” sequences with the Avatar. So how did we see the other, earlier sequence after chapter 6? Through whose eyes?

It just makes me kind of curious.

Now to the real fun.

Now, okay. First off, I’m a tad confused as to why Gangrel seems to have a deep hatred for Emmeryn for something her FATHER did. She isn’t a witch-queen, she was actually trying to repair the damage done after her father’s rampage. The only reason I can think of is the possibility she only helped HER country and NOT Plegia at all, leaving them to wallow in the ruins of their country by themselves. But even then… wanting her DEAD is a little harsh.

Then again he COULD just want someone to pay, no matter who it may be.

And then… then there’s this.

Flavia is an axe-slinging MONSTER. Chucked a one-ranged iron axe all the way to where Emmeryn was standing. Want me to count how many squares that is? If I assume that Emmeryn is seven spaces east of Campari, that makes the executioner eight.

The closest possibly starting location is the blue space in front of the pile of bones. Assuming Flavia stood there, that’s… 14 spaces east and 6 spaces south WITHOUT adding the extra 2 spaces east. That means AT minimum she’d need a range of 22 to hit the guy. Not to mention she chucked the thing over a WALL, UPWARDS and managed to MISS Emmeryn. I don’t EVEN. :\

Whatever, whatever. The fun’s just begun. So, I’m bringing Stahl, Cordelia, Chrom, Lissa, Ricken, Lon’qu, Maribelle, Silvia, Miriel, Kellam, Frederick and Sumia.

Turn one. I pretty much clusterfuck everyone around the same point to protect Maribelle and send Lissa and Chrom over to kill the Javelin solider and Rescue/Recruit Libra. I could actually be perfectly fine without him, but um, NO. This is Libra we’re talking about. Plus he needs to go make beautiful healer children with Emmeryn, so DEFINITELY NOT.

Enemy phase. Oh hey, Tharja. … I’ll explain her in a bit. Miriel and the Elfire mage exchanges blows and Libra dodges EVERYTHING. Damn. The wyvern comes at Silvia and Ricken (who I paired together to give Silvie some movement for goodness sakes) and Ricken takes that newly found C-tome rank and puts it to good use. Pink magic, yeah!

And a level up for Silvie in Strength, Skill, Speed, Luck and Defense. NICE. … No HP, though, holy cow THAT’S a first. Lissa steamrolls a wyvern and the Ally Phase has Libra showing that dark mage how to axe.

Turn two. RESCUING LIBRA. And Lissa actually got a level-up here but I’m an idiot and kind of didn’t record it. Silly me. It WAS a pretty good one though. We quickly switch out from Cordelia to Stahl and have him do his favorite thing: swinging swords into the shoulders of the enemy. Ricken and Silvia wail on the approaching solider and a level up for Ricken is gotten. He gets: HP, Magic, Skill, Speed, Luck and Resistance. Once again, NICE. Maribelle heals the damage Miriel took and I send Frederick and Sumia to charge away at the Archer.

Enemy phase. Libra MURDERS an archer with magnificence.

Turn three.




I have no problem forking over the Renown Orsin’s Hatchet to Libra. None whatsoever. After that little bit of trading I move everyone forward and sent Libra to hide behind Miriel and Kellam, since I don’t have a pair-up partner for him.

Enemy phase. The Chrom and Lissa power hour takes on two incoming enemies.

This is actually going pretty well. Let’s do this!

Turn four. Miriel toasts up the solider a nice little bit for me. I send Libra over to heal the damage Lissa took from Sibling Power Hour time and Ricken slices that solider into pretty wind-torn ribbons.

Turn five. That DAMNED killer bow. I hate that archer so, so much. Anyway, Frederick and Sumia go sit on a fort together and talk about what they do on rainy days. Ah, look at that. Bromance being replaced by romance. I also camp Chrom and Lissa on the fort together as well and they kind of clusterfuck everyone around the fort.

Enemy phase. OH SHIT THEY’RE HERE. RUN. And in other news, the archer comes for Chrom but Lissa’s like, “NOPE” and dual guards. The wyvern then suicides himself on the Holy Sword, and the rest of the enemies move forward.

Oh, fuck. I’m surrounded. AAAAGGHHHHH.

Turn six is more clusterfucking around the few safe areas I DO have and enemy phase, activate.

… And what the FUCK my Chrom can dodge now? He actually dodged two wyverns and a 75% hit chance from an archer and slaughtered practically EVERYTHING. AND LIVED. WTF? And he also got two pretty stellar level-ups in this madness, which once AGAIN I failed at recording because I seriously thought I was dead. And he also got B-rank in swords. Woo!

Silvia and Ricken tag-team their powers of adorable on the incoming wyvern brigade. Lon’qu takes his Maribelle pair-up and critical the ever-loving hell out of a wyvern whilst dodging the other two. NICE. I might actually have this thing.

Turn seven.





Since there’s an archer on the fort next to Chrom, I have him weaken the archer a bit so I can get a good level-up for Stahl here. Libra rushes in and heals Chrom back to full health while Stahl launches his sword right into the face of that archer. Go Stahl, woo! Lon’qu takes some wild stabs at a wyvern and Frederick takes the Elwind mage on for a mono-e-mono battle while Sumia frets in the background.


Oh and B-rank in swords for Freddy. Gotta start training his axe rank now. Ricken sidles forward a bit and I send Miriel forward to fry the remaining off of that wyvern Lon’qu swiped at. And I get a level-up for Miri! In… Defense.

I’m actually NOT that upset because it’s defense. \’o’/

Stahl was also almost in some serious hot water (I am a MASTER TACTICIAN) but dodged a hit that would have killed him. Go Stahl, woo!

Turn eight is clean-up. Maribelle heals Stahl and he goes to work showing that soldier how to lance. And yes, a level up in HP,

Skill and Speed. SPEED. My Stahl is a fucking MAJESTIC GOD OF SPEED. [/tackleglomps]

“Whoa! Uh, we’re doing this again?”

Yes. Remind me to having Silvia marry you in another universe.

“Haha… Um… Silvia and I aren’t really…”

Close? Not yet.

It’s okay Stahl, don’t worry.

“… S-Sure…”

Anyway, Ricken filets that last wyvern with wind magic and Silvia decides to finish him off. They’re a nice team together. I like. :D Oh, and Ricken got a level up! He got: HP, Skill, Luck, Defense and Resistance. And FOCUS. Even though it sucks.

Ohmygosh, good level-ups. I think Soul’s playthrough infused LIBRA with the power of badassery.

Kellam and Miriel go at the archer, and I let Libra mop up the remaining health on him with Tharja in tow. And Killer Bow GET. Even though my archer’s still at level 3. :\ I also move Frederick and Sumia forward a bit and let Lissa heal Frederick’s scratch damage.

Turn nine. Damage healing with Maribelle for a level up in Speed and Luck. … MARIBELLE.

Turn ten. Moving and healing and Maribelle gets C rank in staves, woo! Stahl and Cordelia speed over to the sparkly and initiate a conversation.

… You know it’s not going to happen Stahl… right?

“I… I know. She loves Chrom, everyone knows that…”

You should distract Silvia from her own Chrom-related doldrums!

“I thought you said you weren’t pairing us?”

Trying to distract my shipping habits with another ship that isn’t my main ship probably won’t work. TRYING IT ANYWAY.

Although, turn eleven. Time to clusterfuck the boss. Miriel start off by chipping away 9 at the boss and Miriel gains C-rank in tomes here, nice. Maribelle runs up to heal Miriel and Stahl decides to have a go. Chips away 6. Lissa runs forward to heal Stahl and the next chipper is Sumia. She does 6 + a critical for 18, and Frederick add 1. Only 9 left. And now all that’s left is to have Ricken run up and completely obliterate Campari. Excellent job, my boy, excellent job.

Turns: 11

Heroes: Chrom and Lissa (fitting)

Attempts: Four. [/sigh]

And now this. This REALLY pisses me off because Phila is just so ineffective here I swear.

First off, every second you spend communicating is a second you spend NOT saving Emmeryn. And that's KIND OF YOUR JOB. I mean, in all honesty, you could have easily pulled a Sumia here and swept up to get her without saying a word. If it’s truly as high up as it’s portrayed to be, Phila should at least be far away from the ground enough to where ground-based archers aren’t that much of a problem. And even if the return would have been rocky, she could have at least darted down to drop Emmeryn off and have Chrom and co. cart her to safety. The entire time this is going on, they’re enough time to do this. There’s nothing saying they’re isn’t.

Second, since when Aversa gain the power to summon Risen anyway? Reeking Box, I suppose? And those archers shouldn’t be

a problem at first! Why the hell aren’t the Pegasus knights MOVING, goddamn it!

Third is the reason why I’m glad I didn’t make Silvia a Pegasus Knight: you KNOW she would have attempted to head straight for her.

Fourth… this damned Fire Emblem. Why does everyone want it so badly?

Fifth. The “option” we’re given. Sacrifice Emmeryn or don’t. Naturally, because this decision now fits Silvia’s personality and the way she’d handle things, my option is clear.

“I… I know it’s hard to admit, Chrom, but it’s the only logical choice.”

“No… You’re not -!”

“Compared to the lives of thousands, one person, any one person is –”

“DON’T! I – you can’t be… don’t say it. I don’t want to…”

“It’s not whether you want to or not... in the end, it boils down to that you have to.”

Keep that last line of hers in your mind for later.

And then… and then… to put the damn whipped cream on the cake of fucking ridiculous, Emmeryn tries to negotiate with him AGAIN. Haven’t we established that’s not going to work? And Chrom tries to actually negotiate away the Fire Emblem, which is hilarious to me in so, so many ways.

“If you’re going to make your own decisions, what the hell am I here for?”

“I’m not letting her go, Silvia! She and Lissa… are all I have left…”

And then the cherry was added.

The final words were spoken.

And two… became one.

“… So be it.”

And I knew something was up when we couldn’t retrieve the body. That’s ALWAYS a sign.

“… You want to know something?"


"In a roundabout way I got what I was shooting for in the first place. Thanks Emmeryn.”

That’s cold, Silvia. That’s really cold.

“You don’t hire a tactician to ignore them, now do you?”

Like I said, COLD. Stahl needs to warm that frigid heart of yours. [/shoves Stahl next to Silvia] COMMENCE.

          Lvl  HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp              Class       
Chrom     4.33 30 15   2  14  17  14  14   4  B Swd E Lnc       Cavalier               
Silvia    3.99 31 12  15  16  23  13  11   7  D Swd             Myrmidon (Thunder)       
Lissa     3.67 31  6  16  13  15  15   6  11  B Stf E Tme       Sage (Fire)           
Frederick 4.81 31 13   2  13  13   8  14   4  A Lnc C Swd D Axe Great Knight  
Ricken   10.89 27  4 12+2 11   8  15   9   8  C Tme             Mage (Wind)        
Miriel    7.29 20  3  9+2  6   8  10   6   6  C Tme             Mage (Fire)
Sumia    11.31 25 10   4  21 16+2 11   7   8  C Lnc             Pegasus Knight        
Kellam    7.17 22 11   0  8    5   3 14+2  2  D Lnc             Knight
Lon’qu   11.99 26 11   4 18   18  11   8   2  B Swd             Myrmidon
Cordelia  9.19 27 11   3 14  12+2 10   9   8  C Lnc             Pegasus Knight
Stahl     7.61 27 10   2  10  10   6  10   3  C Swd E Lnc       Cavalier
Maribelle 7.48 20  1   6   4   8   9   5  6+2 C Stf             Troubadour              
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I never understood why some siblings in FE games have different hair colors..

Why do Lissa & Emmeryn have blonde hair, and Chrom has blue?

Genetics? Many real life siblings don't have the same hair color.

Edit: Ack! Vash, you updated one second after I pressed post! time to read.

Edit, Edit: Best example i can think of is "revenge by proxy" and wanting a scapegoat. People do that in real life, after all. And... idk, maybe Flavia was riding one of the pegasi?

Fire Emblem is for plot reasons. The Grimleal want it for Chapter 23. Gangrel wants it either a) because he's told to or b) symbol of winning over Ylisse.

Phila was an expy of Mahna, except Mahna got to go out fighting while Phila got ambushed. Mahna's from FE4 btw. Archers in FE always seem to have unusual height range for their bows, though. That's nothing new.

Well, Henry's own conversation implies he can 'control' them (or summon them, at least). Also, maybe a certain Hierophant is pulling the strings here for obvious reasons?

Emm's shown to try the path of peace even when it's obvious it's not going to be able to be done. That's just how she is. Brave, peaceful, but rather inflexible on it.

Wait, what was Silvia shooting for? Breaking her feelings for Chrom? Or keeping the Fire Emblem?

Edited by Kat
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Genetics? Many real life siblings don't have the same hair color.

Edit: Ack! Vash, you updated one second after I pressed post! time to read.

Edit, Edit: Best example i can think of is "revenge by proxy" and wanting a scapegoat. People do that in real life, after all. And... idk, maybe Flavia was riding one of the pegasi?

Fire Emblem is for plot reasons. The Grimleal want it for Chapter 23. Gangrel wants it either a) because he's told to or b) symbol of winning over Ylisse.

Phila was an expy of Mahna, except Mahna got to go out fighting while Phila got ambushed. Mahna's from FE4 btw. Archers in FE always seem to have unusual height range for their bows, though. That's nothing new.

Well, Henry's own conversation implies he can 'control' them (or summon them, at least). Also, maybe a certain Hierophant is pulling the strings here for obvious reasons?

Emm's shown to try the path of peace even when it's obvious it's not going to be able to be done. That's just how she is. Brave, peaceful, but rather inflexible on it.

Wait, what was Silvia shooting for? Breaking her feelings for Chrom? Or keeping the Fire Emblem?

I see.

Silvia was aiming to sacrifice Emmeryn to keep the Fire Emblem... she got want she wanted in the end.

But she DOES want to break her feelings for Chrom too: plus, she feels like she's hurt him by deciding that. It's the reason why Chrom manages to actually pull a pretty good manipulation tactic on her later - she's STILL fighting that decision up until the bitter end.

Four attempts... What was the cause of the phailures?


Okay, really, this is what happened:

1) Kellam got doubled by the Elfire mage on turn one because I was trying to feed him kills.


3) Fucking Killer Bow criticaled Miriel. DX

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I see.

Silvia was aiming to sacrifice Emmeryn to keep the Fire Emblem... she got want she wanted in the end.

But she DOES want to break her feelings for Chrom too: plus, she feels like she's hurt him by deciding that. It's the reason why Chrom manages to actually pull a pretty good manipulation tactic on her later - she's STILL fighting that decision up until the bitter end.


Okay, really, this is what happened:

1) Kellam got doubled by the Elfire mage on turn one because I was trying to feed him kills.


3) Fucking Killer Bow criticaled Miriel. DX

The luck that people have these days!


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I see.

Silvia was aiming to sacrifice Emmeryn to keep the Fire Emblem... she got want she wanted in the end.

But she DOES want to break her feelings for Chrom too: plus, she feels like she's hurt him by deciding that. It's the reason why Chrom manages to actually pull a pretty good manipulation tactic on her later - she's STILL fighting that decision up until the bitter end.

Ah, I gotcha. ^^ That makes perfect sense

In my own head canon, I've got Sahra (female) arguing for saving Emm, but Sparrow (male, and the actual amnesiac tactician) ordering it not because once the Risen come out, he recognizes his plan failed.

...It's also based on this rather nice fanfic I read where Emm and Robin were talking in terms of chess about whether you'd sacrifice the queen or not to protect the other pieces, particularly a pawn. Emm's last words in it were something like "Robin, I am the queen" and then it cuts to Emm's death. Basically, it was about Emm saying that she was expendable, if that was what was necessary. It was really good.

Er... sorry, went rambling there.

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I agree that there is so much wrong with Chapter 9. D8 I used to sob like a baby at the end. Today, not so much. Sigh...

As for sibling hair colors, it's true that you can look vastly different and yet still be related. My mom, dad, and 3 siblings all have dark brown hair, while I'm a natural red-head. My dad has blue eyes, and my mom and 3 younger siblings all have brown eyes, while I have hazel green eyes. It could be the grandparent's genes, these things happen.

I think I am just now realizing this, because I'm slow as fuck, but the italic text is Silvia's thoughts, while everything else is YOU, Vash?

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The luck that people have these days!


I know right? Silver's the Avatar with the Luck flaw, not Silvia. DX

Ah, I gotcha. ^^ That makes perfect sense

In my own head canon, I've got Sahra (female) arguing for saving Emm, but Sparrow (male, and the actual amnesiac tactician) ordering it not because once the Risen come out, he recognizes his plan failed.

...It's also based on this rather nice fanfic I read where Emm and Robin were talking in terms of chess about whether you'd sacrifice the queen or not to protect the other pieces, particularly a pawn. Emm's last words in it were something like "Robin, I am the queen" and then it cuts to Emm's death. Basically, it was about Emm saying that she was expendable, if that was what was necessary. It was really good.

Er... sorry, went rambling there.

WOW. That's nice. If you find it again, link me please!

Silver's the softer-hearted out of the two, he'd try to save Emmeryn himself if he could. Silvia's a bit harsher, but she warms up to people with a bit of time.

I agree that there is so much wrong with Chapter 9. D8 I used to sob like a baby at the end. Today, not so much. Sigh...

As for sibling hair colors, it's true that you can look vastly different and yet still be related. My mom, dad, and 3 siblings all have dark brown hair, while I'm a natural red-head. My dad has blue eyes, and my mom and 3 younger siblings all have brown eyes, while I have hazel green eyes. It could be the grandparent's genes, these things happen.

I think I am just now realizing this, because I'm slow as fuck, but the italic text is Silvia's thoughts, while everything else is YOU, Vash?

So, so much.

Yup. :3 Although Stahl slips in there sometimes because I really like glomping him.

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WOW. That's nice. If you find it again, link me please!

Silver's the softer-hearted out of the two, he'd try to save Emmeryn himself if he could. Silvia's a bit harsher, but she warms up to people with a bit of time.

http://www.fanfiction.net/s/9262150/1/Queen-in-her-glory <- here it is. Got the order slightly mixed up, but the summary is the same (I can post links to fanfics here, right?)

I agree that there is so much wrong with Chapter 9. D8 I used to sob like a baby at the end. Today, not so much. Sigh...

Nowadays, I cry because I had a very... vivid dream of BEING the tactician in that scenario, and I remember that. It does still get me depressed, but that's mostly when the cinematic hits.

As for sibling hair colors, it's true that you can look vastly different and yet still be related. My mom, dad, and 3 siblings all have dark brown hair, while I'm a natural red-head. My dad has blue eyes, and my mom and 3 younger siblings all have brown eyes, while I have hazel green eyes. It could be the grandparent's genes, these things happen.

Yay for hazel eyed redheads! (I'm one myself). But yeah, and sometimes hair color can naturally change drastically. My dad, for instance, was blond (the only blonde at that) for a good... oh 16 years, before his hair sudden turned black. Genetics are very complex. It's just that many shows/movies/games have siblings with the same hair color for a quick visual cue that they're related.

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Ah, i see. Okay.

For Ricken, I was torn between Dark Knight and Sage... He's simply darling in both classes, but in the end, I think higher magic will be better, especially with the slightly-weaker Wind tomes. D:

Nowadays, I cry because I had a very... vivid dream of BEING the tactician in that scenario, and I remember that. It does still get me depressed, but that's mostly when the cinematic hits.

Yay for hazel eyed redheads! (I'm one myself). But yeah, and sometimes hair color can naturally change drastically. My dad, for instance, was blond (the only blonde at that) for a good... oh 16 years, before his hair sudden turned black. Genetics are very complex. It's just that many shows/movies/games have siblings with the same hair color for a quick visual cue that they're related.

D8 Oh man, indeed, if one was ACTUALLY THERE, then it would still be terribly tragic and heart-rending. But ouch, sorry to hear that, vivid dreams like that are the worst.

And woot! 8D Red-heads unite, heehee! Indeed, siblings often look VERY different compared to movies/tv/etc.

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Guess who found another Master Seal? :D BWAHAHA. SPEND ALL THE MONEY. ... Now where to put THAT seal? Hmm. I guess the second-place winner will get it.

Ooh, and mini skirmish update, since they're free game and all. [/totally not going to abuse this, nope]

[spoiler=Skirmish Update #1]

Technically, this is the second, but I didn't fully record the first because I really expected death. Believe it or not, writing as much as I do takes effort. It's not all mindless rambling.

Anyway! Let's-a-go.

So... ran a quick skirmish of thieves on the Farfort with Stahl and Silvia, Tharja and Gaius, Kellam and Cordelia, and Maribelle and Lissa for healing. First units listed in each pair are the front units.

Stahl got a pretty sweet level up in HP, Strength, Skill, SPEED, Luck and Defense and so did Silvia, this time in HP, Strength, Magic, Skill, Speed and Resistance.

Kellam also managed to get a nice one with HP, Skill, Speed (SPEED), Luck and Defense. Stahl leveled again in HP, Skill and Defense (not bad). Tharja leveled in HP, Speed and Defense. Sigh. Typical Tharja. Maribelle leved in HP, Skill, Speed, Luck and Resistance. Nice, nice. Kellam levels AGAIN in HP, Luck, Defense and Resistance. HOLY SHIT RESISTANCE. And the sparkly gave him twenty more experience. :D

Stahl got a level up from a critical and gained HP, Defense, Resistance, ALONG with Outdoor Fighter, level 10, and D rank in Lances. JAVELINS. And another level up out of Tharja to finish the skirmish with Strength, Magic, Luck and Resistance. … Better. For now.

Also: I unlocked Gaius and Tharja’s C, and Stahl and Cordelia unlocked THEIR C somehow. There’s also two other support unlocked, but I can’t unlock them due to headcanons and a certain third pairing not having their S support yet. And I got a barracks conversation with Stahl and Silvia and Lon’qu and Lissa.

Oh, and I also mentioned I'd explain Tharja a bit, no? I will now. Tharja and I have a complex relationship... because my Tharja HATES leveling more than four stats at a time. EVER. I didn't even get to see her quote for the 6-7+ stats level up until FOUR PLAYTHROUGHS IN. I swear to God.

So most of my irritation towards Tharja is purely gameplay related, and I'm sorry if I ever come off as vitriolic to her. That's why. Her getting screwed can mess up Noire as well, so I'm not too fond of her at times.

PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE Anna don't completely screw me over. PLEASE.

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Guess who found another Master Seal? :D BWAHAHA. SPEND ALL THE MONEY. ... Now where to put THAT seal? Hmm. I guess the second-place winner will get it.

Ooh, and mini skirmish update, since they're free game and all. [/totally not going to abuse this, nope]

[spoiler=Skirmish Update #1]

Technically, this is the second, but I didn't fully record the first because I really expected death. Believe it or not, writing as much as I do takes effort. It's not all mindless rambling.

Anyway! Let's-a-go.

So... ran a quick skirmish of thieves on the Farfort with Stahl and Silvia, Tharja and Gaius, Kellam and Cordelia, and Maribelle and Lissa for healing. First units listed in each pair are the front units.

Stahl got a pretty sweet level up in HP, Strength, Skill, SPEED, Luck and Defense and so did Silvia, this time in HP, Strength, Magic, Skill, Speed and Resistance.

Kellam also managed to get a nice one with HP, Skill, Speed (SPEED), Luck and Defense. Stahl leveled again in HP, Skill and Defense (not bad). Tharja leveled in HP, Speed and Defense. Sigh. Typical Tharja. Maribelle leved in HP, Skill, Speed, Luck and Resistance. Nice, nice. Kellam levels AGAIN in HP, Luck, Defense and Resistance. HOLY SHIT RESISTANCE. And the sparkly gave him twenty more experience. :D

Stahl got a level up from a critical and gained HP, Defense, Resistance, ALONG with Outdoor Fighter, level 10, and D rank in Lances. JAVELINS. And another level up out of Tharja to finish the skirmish with Strength, Magic, Luck and Resistance. … Better. For now.

Also: I unlocked Gaius and Tharja’s C, and Stahl and Cordelia unlocked THEIR C somehow. There’s also two other support unlocked, but I can’t unlock them due to headcanons and a certain third pairing not having their S support yet. And I got a barracks conversation with Stahl and Silvia and Lon’qu and Lissa.

Oh, and I also mentioned I'd explain Tharja a bit, no? I will now. Tharja and I have a complex relationship... because my Tharja HATES leveling more than four stats at a time. EVER. I didn't even get to see her quote for the 6-7+ stats level up until FOUR PLAYTHROUGHS IN. I swear to God.

So most of my irritation towards Tharja is purely gameplay related, and I'm sorry if I ever come off as vitriolic to her. That's why. Her getting screwed can mess up Noire as well, so I'm not too fond of her at times.

PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE Anna don't completely screw me over. PLEASE.

...Definitely not the economical type, you are, lady...

I have the same issue with Gaius - he's pretty much THE epitome of glass cannon you can get as far as this game's concerned, and he blocks axes with his face to boot. Ugh. And my awful luck with the guy transfers over to his level ups too - he generally doesn't get more than 3 or 4 stats.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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...Definitely not the economical type, you are, lady...

I have the same issue with Gaius - he's pretty much THE epitome of glass cannon you can get as far as this game's concerned, and he blocks axes with his face to boot. Ugh. And my awful luck with the guy transfers over to his level ups too - he generally doesn't get more than 3 or 4 stats.

Not in my games, no.

So is Miriel. As you've probably noticed I pretty much perma-attached her to a healer. :D

It's kind of pathetic, yeah. I love Gaius to pieces but using him is SO HARD. [/sobs]

Ooh. A PEGASUS KNIGHT skirmish.

Skirmish update number two if I'm lucky!

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Okay, really, this is what happened:

3) Fucking Killer Bow criticaled Miriel. DX

That's why I generally have someone like the immovable force that is Stahl or Frederick fish for that mook.

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Skirmishes! Free bullions, too. When will you be doing children paralogues?

THOSE are the real deals, and I need to know when they come.. Severa's will be a real showstopper.

THAT is when your attempt # will start rising. You have to protect her? bah!

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Ooo, skirmishes! ^^

Skirmishes! Free bullions, too. When will you be doing children paralogues?

THOSE are the real deals, and I need to know when they come.. Severa's will be a real showstopper.

THAT is when your attempt # will start rising. You have to protect her? bah!

During the chapter 20/21 time skip I'll be rounding out all the children's paralogues in one go pretty much.

Oh GODS, I don't even want to think about it really. DX

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