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Shaman promotion

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Well, I've come to promoting my shaman to a druid. I've already used the first 3 guiding rings and I have the 4th one and I'm saving the 5th for Artur.

In case you're interested, I've already promoted Natasha (Valkyrie), Lute (Sage) and L'Arachel (Mage Knight, didn't want 2 valkryies)

However I can't decide whether to make Knoll or Ewan into my druid.

NOTE- I don't want another "Knoll debate" here, there's already a needlessly huge thread for that >.>

Let's take a look at the two. (both are level 20 shamans)










-No glaring weaknesses.

-high hp and resistance, good for getting rid of other magic users.

-good luck


-He didn't max anything...it sorta annoys me, he's just...an all around shaman. His magic/spd/skl seem somewhat low...

-Poor support pool (2 pre-promotes, and Tethys, whos not the best to support with when it comes to a battle partner)

-he's just too damn close to that borderline of good unit and bad unit










-a better support pool, though smaller, still, Ewan only has 2 worthwhile ones as well (I used Lute A and Natasha B, both turned out quite well)

-higher magic, still nice hp

-relatively good resistance


-Absymal luck with basically no chance for anything better.

-low skl/spd

-lower then Ewan overall

-he too, is on that borderline

Statwise, there really isn't a lot of difference. It reminds me of Vanessa and Tana, they were both nigh identical except for a few areas (mostly Tana being superior). I ended up promoting both but I don't have the option this time around. Both could end up good but at the same time, both could end up bad.

I know everyone hates Knoll but checking his growth rates compared to Ewan's, well first they're nearly the same, but his magic seems more reliable. I mean, doesn't Ewan start with about 4 magic? How can he have only rose 10 magic in 30 levels? I mean come on man!

Supportwise, I've already used Amelia and Ross so Ewan has no one good to support with. Thats really what might make or break his chances... Dozla is never going to see action and I'm doubting I'll use Saleh. And Tethys...well I actually already A'd her with Artur, the supports were amusing >.<

I should note that I actually still have all my stat increasing items... I'm not sure who to use them on, though I'm thinking Amelia will probably get one of the dracoshields. I could pump up one or the other if I wanted to, but I wanted to wait until I got Eirika back because she wasn't doing to well when I left her (I took Ephraim's route btw) so I might use a few one her since I'm forced to use her (i think, idk, never beaten the game before).

Well, that's my situation, you've seen both sides, who do you think I should use?

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I would recommend Ewan because he has better stats overall. Knoll's three extra magic doesn't give him much of an edge over Ewan's 4 extra speed and 15 extra luck. Better supports aren't worth it either.

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I would recommend Ewan because he has better stats overall. Knoll's three extra magic doesn't give him much of an edge over Ewan's 4 extra speed and 15 extra luck. Better supports aren't worth it either.

Artur only has 4 luck and I plan on using him

And with support bonus, Knoll basically gets what he needs without having luck on his side.

Now if I still had Amelia or Ross to support with Ewan, oh man, he'd be scary.

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Knoll does get more avoid and such from supports, but that forces him to be within three spaces of his support partners at all times. He loses those bonuses if strays a single space further. Ewan in this case has an extra 23 avoid without having to rely on other characters. That's quite a landslide.

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Ewan, definitely. But looks like your Ewan got a little RNG screwed.

This, Maybe you'll get lucky with Ewan in the end. They are both good units though, I was always RNG blessed with Knoll I guess that's why I like so much

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His Ewan's magic is three points below average. That's the only "problem" is see.

Actually, all of his stats are a couple of points behind, save for HP. His HP is 3 points above average.

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Ewan. Give the kid the anima he deserves.

On this subject, isn't Ewan the only SS character who actually loses the use of a weapon type upon promotion? (to Shaman)

Anyway, I'd say Ewan. Yours seems to have been RNG screwed though...

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2 Luck, wow, just awful.

Despite the lower magic, I think the slightly better Skill and Speed gives the edge to Ewan. Remember, Dark tomes are slow, so his extra speed can help you out.

I vote Ewan.

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On a side-note

Druid or Summoner?

It's mostly the gaining of anima that leans me towards druid but summoners can basically get unlimited experience... Just make a phantom, send them to their doom and repeat.

A boss on a throne with a fair amount of weapons could get you at least 4 levels.

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On a side-note

Druid or Summoner?

It's mostly the gaining of anima that leans me towards druid but summoners can basically get unlimited experience... Just make a phantom, send them to their doom and repeat.

A boss on a throne with a fair amount of weapons could get you at least 4 levels.

Even if you choose druid you could just go to ToV. I suggest druid anyway for anima.

Edited by DragonBladeSniper
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Druid or Summoner?

I'd go with Druid so he can use anima magic. Phantoms are kind of fun to putz around with, but I've never found much of a use for them.

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On a side-note

Druid or Summoner?

It's mostly the gaining of anima that leans me towards druid but summoners can basically get unlimited experience... Just make a phantom, send them to their doom and repeat.

A boss on a throne with a fair amount of weapons could get you at least 4 levels.

Ewan as a druid fer sure. Sure, he's a little low mag-wise, but being a druid gives him that bigger cap if he wants to fill it (Mine usually does, or gets close), and also Anima. Sure, phantoms are kool and all, but leave that to knoll later, who basically needs a shield, which is why my Knoll is never a druid.

And just summoning phantoms for some exp isn't nearly as good as having the choice to use lighter magic tomes. Also Bolting.

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The final verdict...is in!

I took a lot of things into consideration.

And I selected...Knoll...as a druid.

Knoll isn't the best, I'll agree, but I realized something. Whenever I use a unit that everyone dislikes, they tend to turn out quite nice. Meg (RD) is a prime example, but anyway.

I'm giving Knoll a chance. Annnnd I cheated. I forgot that the Metis Tome thingy was in the desert and I gave it to him. That, and a speed wing and my ashera icon. It was either Knoll or Franz (so RNG screwed...8 skl and 2 res at level 20) and I decided to go with Knoll since Forde and Kyle turned out much better then Franz. I had no complaints about everyone else, so Knoll was the way to go.

Huh...I guess that sorta renders all your opinions pointless now... Sorry 'bout that ._.'

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The final verdict...is in!

I took a lot of things into consideration.

And I selected...Knoll...as a druid.

Knoll isn't the best, I'll agree, but I realized something. Whenever I use a unit that everyone dislikes, they tend to turn out quite nice. Meg (RD) is a prime example, but anyway.

I'm giving Knoll a chance. Annnnd I cheated. I forgot that the Metis Tome thingy was in the desert and I gave it to him. That, and a speed wing and my ashera icon. It was either Knoll or Franz (so RNG screwed...8 skl and 2 res at level 20) and I decided to go with Knoll since Forde and Kyle turned out much better then Franz. I had no complaints about everyone else, so Knoll was the way to go.

Huh...I guess that sorta renders all your opinions pointless now... Sorry 'bout that ._.'

This will haunt your memories forever...

And by forever I mean until you can afford another guiding ring from the secret shops.

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This will haunt your memories forever...

And by forever I mean until you can afford another guiding ring from the secret shops.


So many other choices will haunt me forever...

Like deciding to use Franz as my main cavalier and then finding out both Kyle and Forde turned out better in the end.

And Garcia in general...CURSE YOU FIGHTERS!!!

And I shoulda made Natasha a bishop, even if thats what my plan was for Artur.

And trying to use Artur in the arena...

Using Gilliam in the arena.

Buying items from the store at the start of a chapter until I realized that price was higher.

Gilliam dying to a bonewalker because the bugger had a heavy spear and hid in the fog with one of the mogalls

Promoting Amelia into a knight instead of a cavalier (though then I made her a great knight, and she's still awesome)

Oh lord, this annoying loser with a swordslayer, jeez, cut me some slack, I hadn't played teh suspended game for like 5 hours, I can't remember everything.

Ummm...that's all I can remember off the top of my head.

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So many other choices will haunt me forever...

Like deciding to use Franz as my main cavalier and then finding out both Kyle and Forde turned out better in the end.

And Garcia in general...CURSE YOU FIGHTERS!!!

And I shoulda made Natasha a bishop, even if thats what my plan was for Artur.

And trying to use Artur in the arena...

Using Gilliam in the arena.

Buying items from the store at the start of a chapter until I realized that price was higher.

Gilliam dying to a bonewalker because the bugger had a heavy spear and hid in the fog with one of the mogalls

Promoting Amelia into a knight instead of a cavalier (though then I made her a great knight, and she's still awesome)

Oh lord, this annoying loser with a swordslayer, jeez, cut me some slack, I hadn't played teh suspended game for like 5 hours, I can't remember everything.

Ummm...that's all I can remember off the top of my head.

Franz = Fail

Garcia = Fail

Natasha = Bishop = Win

Amelia = General = Win

Amelia = Great Knight = Less win

Just my thoughts...

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Franz = Fail

Garcia = Fail

Natasha = Bishop = Win

Amelia = General = Win

Amelia = Great Knight = Less win

Just my thoughts...

Franz indeed failed, he was atrocious. I still promoted him though, I got a free knight crest from the tower. His spd and def aren't terrible...

Garcia didn't even cap his strength...even if I find another hero crest, I have no use for a weakling warrior

I know, I regret making her a valkyrie now.

I dunno, I just found the Amelia didn't have the stats to pull off general. Her defense was too low and I decided one is enough with Gilliam.

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