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EM 130 turns


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I have some new transfers:


Ike: Str, Skl, Spd, Def, Res

Tauroneo: Str, Spd

Calill: Mag, Skl

Lucia: Str, Spd

Elincia: Str, Mag, Spd, S staves

Jill: HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def

Giffca: Str

Ulki: Str

Janaff: Str

Mist: Str, Mag, Spd, S staves

Ilyana: Str, Mag, Spd, Res, B staves

Nephenee: Str, Skl, Spd, Def

Haar: Str, Spd, Def

Titania: Str, Spd

Tanith: Str, Spd, Def

Boyd: HP, Str, Skl, Spd

Oscar: Str, Spd

Marcia: Str, Skl, Spd, Def

Soren: Mag, 80 staff points, B staves

Tormod: 80 staff points, B staves

Sothe: 40 HP, 20 Str, 20 Skl, 20 Def, 20 Spd, 14 Res, 16 Luk

21 transfers!

Edited by Chiki
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I have some new transfers:


Ilyana: Str, Mag, Spd, Res, B staves

Soren: Mag, 80 staff points, B staves

Tormod: 80 staff points, B staves

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that the mages couldn't bring over their staff rank because their weapon rank in staves doesn't exist until t3? I haven't played RD all that recently and you've played it more often, but I could have sworn that they promote to only have E rank staves?

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I take it you have OCD? No, I mean it, that's a serious question, and it's something I have.

Not everyone who has a clear goal in mind and wants to accomplish it has OCD. OCD is more about things like having two kinds of food too close to each other on the dinner plate, or having an even television volume. Strong goals /=/ OCD.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that the mages couldn't bring over their staff rank because their weapon rank in staves doesn't exist until t3? I haven't played RD all that recently and you've played it more often, but I could have sworn that they promote to only have E rank staves?

You might be right, but I think it's worth a try. I've never tried it so I don't know.

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Not everyone who has a clear goal in mind and wants to accomplish it has OCD. OCD is more about things like having two kinds of food too close to each other on the dinner plate, or having an even television volume. Strong goals /=/ OCD.

I see. Just wanted you to be careful about spending too much time on something, you know? Resetting until your disc got ruined just didn't seem healthy.

EDIT: Or at least, only spend as much time on it as you actually enjoy spending time on it. As long as you're having fun, that's the important thing.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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  • 1 month later...

so what happened here

and hurry up with the rest of your EM speedrun Vykan!

Don't worry, I'm still very much working on it. I made a playlist with the strats I'm using for every chapter from 1-P to 2-E, and will be adding 3-P to 3-6 by say, the end of next week or so.

Also wondering what ever happened to this run

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He's busy with school. One graduate level logic class in particular takes him around 30 hours of work per week.

But he's buying a new Wii this week so he should start this playthrough again eventually.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The 4-4 4 turn is pretty trivial.

Just do what I did there (-Ike dying at the end) and you have a pretty low-maintenance strategy that requires 2 rescue staff uses. Having Haar & Jill in the silver army might cause a serious problem, though. If you're going for a 3 turn, you probably need an extra rescue use to reach the farthest throne room and some real creativity to take care of all the enemies near Oliver. It is theoretcially possible to 3 turn since I did it on NM (I can even send you the save file I did it on- it's on wiisaves), but it involved loading all my best units onto the Greil team and using a copious amount of seige tome attacks.

The desert 2 turn sounds utterly insane, can't really help you there without experimenting with your save file.

Oh, and I wouldn't rule out 1 turning 4-E-1. I remember when I was planning the EM SS route I was very close to pulling it off, and you have the luxury of training a hell of a lot more units than I could.

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I'm gonna break the Rescue for 4-E-1. :< I may try sending Hammerne to the convoy in 4-3 though..

I 2 turned 4-3!!! I'm the first person to ever pull it off.

4-3: I used up a lot of resources for this chapter. For this strat, I had to give Marcia and Sanaki Resolve. I also had to bexp the crap out of Sanaki and Leanne (Sanaki to level 14 and Leanne to level 27) and I gave Leanne my 3 Seraph Robes and my Dracoshield just so she could survive a Wind Edge Swordmaster and a Elfire sage. I Smited Marcia with a Halfshift Skrimir (Marcia was at the southeast most tile) and Haar killed a halberdier nearby to the south. Jill got Rescued by Micaiah after Laura repaired her Rescue staff with the Hammerne, and Calill went 1 south and 1 tile west of Micaiah so that Rhys could east-rescue Leanne. Marcia killed a halberdier south of my group, Jill killed a swordmaster, and they positioned in for a Leanne vigor. Jill then killed the Elsleep bastard and Marcia killed a halberdier who can reach Leanne and then went 4 tiles south of a Bowgun warrior--this is essential so that Marcia can get into Resolve range and increase her chance of one rounding wyvern lords with Stun and critical hits. Naesala went southeast and Ulki used the Laguz Stone to kill an archer on turn 2. Sigrun went straight south to take out the enemies there. On turn 2, Naesala and Haar killed the Elfire sage and the Wind Edge swordmaster that attacked Leanne, and positioned themselves for a vigor, and Leanne retreated to a place no one could attack her. Jill and Haar took out Lekain and the Elsilence priest respectively, and both moved into the range of Numida's Shine. With no one to attack with Purge, he suicides on them with Shine. Marcia killed a halberdier and moved full east to take out the enemies there. Sanaki went full east to take out the snipers and wyvern lords there. Sigrun went south to kill all the enemies there, and Naesala took out some annoying swordmasters and warriors on the enemy phase.

I just need to update this strat to send the Hammerne and Rescue staff to the convoy with those awesome hidden treasure tiles and 4-4 will be the last hard chapter of the game.

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I'm gonna break the Rescue for 4-E-1. :<

Doesn't matter. You only need to use rescue once in 4-E-1 and don't need it at all in the chapters that follow.

Gotta see that 4-3 2 turn in video form, a paragraph description doesn't do it justice :'( I have to wonder why you didn't just give Marcia adept since spd% makes for better odds than skl/2%.

A note about 4-4, remember you can send items away by getting chest items. The closest hidden treasure spot is a bit far compared to the closest treasure room, which by itself gives you an opportunity to send 2 items away.

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I want to record it too, but it takes a lot of RNG abuse and I'd have to do it one handed with my phone. My recording stuff is at home. Any ideas for that?

If I can figure out a way I'll record 4-1 and 4-2 as well.

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Put the phone in a steady place where it won't move and record the chapter in segments, which you will append into one video when you're done. How many battle saves did you need exactly?

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i'm sure that you can set up your phone in a way that it's on an even surface and immobile with slight perturbations. i don't know how far up from the base the lens is, but you could put it upright or sideways on a surface and stabilize the base.

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Also, I didn't give Marcia Adept to improve her survival chance. But maybe I'll RNG abuse for a Bowgun miss instead and give her Adept?

I took your advice. 4-2 and 4-3 will come tomorrow. Please ignore my girlfriend sniffing in the background.

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Very nice. Only thing is I think you could pull off the 1 turn without using the rescue staff. In fact, all you'd need is 1 smite since Rafiel only moved 2 spaces south of the slot where you had Titania positioned. Or if you don't have smite what you could maybe do is replace Mist with a shover, then have Janaff shove & canto into the treasure spot.

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I think Titania needs to be there to reach one east of Rafiel's vigor spot. I need all those units to reach their spots and switching any of their spots with Rafiel's will ruin it.

Also I need Smite for 4-3 anyway, to Smite Marcia with Wildheart Skrimir.

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I woke up this morning and my first thought: Why not replace Mia with a mount like Kieran or Makalov? After all, all she did was take care of the 3 stationary warriors, and anyone can do that with pass. That eliminates 2 shoves from your strategy, and therefore frees up 2 unit slots to give you some strategic flexibility to work with.

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It doesn't have to be a lot of BEXP. --/20/1 Makalov with a brave sword would probably be more than enough. Even less if you have any master crowns lying around. Hell, he could maybe even do it in 2nd tier if 25 spd is enough to double 4-1 EM warriors. I recall it being more than enough for 4-2 enemies. How much BEXP do you have left anyway?

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