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EM 130 turns


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In this clear of this chapter, Tanith, Lucia, Elincia are level 20 and have Adept. This is not what I did in my run but I did it in this video to make it easier to record a clear without segments.

Tanith does not need to get shoved twice in this vid because of Elincia's bexped magic. I do it in this vid anyway. Edited by Celes
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Wait, so in your actual attempt they need to crit/astra/stun in all those scenarios that you proc adept in this video? What's the critrate like? That seems crazy.

Edited by Irysa
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Hmm, after seeing that I might be able to reduce my single segment speedrun strat from 5 turns to 4 by getting Tanith further on turn 1 and having Tibarn ferry Tauroneo west, assuming a raised 3-9 Marcia can reasonably handle the south enemies with a brave lance and maybe a forged javelin.

You could've saved yourself a lot of hassle, at least in the video, by having Tanith use the tempest blade. I would definitely save both tempests for 4-E-1 shenanigans, though.

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I love this strat. Probably my best LTC strat ever.

I kept getting unlucky with Resolve Sanaki getting killed by a very low hit archer in my numerous recording attempts so I decided to just upload the game over. In my run, Sanaki can kill everyone pretty reliably. It should be plainly obvious that a 2 turn is possible because I have all the enemies covered. The AI behaves weirdly because Marcia has Shade and Jill has Provoke, which makes the wyvern lords go after Jill instead of Marcia even when Marcia is below half HP. Also, by moving Naesala and Marcia out of Numida's Purge range, he attacks Jill or Haar with Shine, because he has no alternatives. This is important because otherwise, the wyverns go for Marcia, who needs to Stun or crit all of them, which is very risky. Sigrun, Sothe and Ulki are stronger than they should be. Calill, Leanne and Sanaki were bexp abused in my normal playthrough as well. Nealuchi and Rhys are supposed to send Hammerne and Rescue respectively to the convoy.

Edited by Celes
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I managed to get a couple 2 use Meteors for Tormod and Sanaki in case I bring them to 4-E-1. I could have them break their meteors to use something to one round generals.

So not looking forward to planning for 4-E-1 though...

1 turning 4-E-1 seems impossible with continuity. My Elincia, Tanith, Marcia, Mia and Titania aren't able to one round any enemies. They can one round enemies from 1 range with mastery skill activations, but they can't do it from 2 range.

And I 1 turned 4-5 of course. But I also managed to repair Rescue with Bastian and recruit Volke for Stillness with Elincia. I had to rescue and drop Volke with Kieran and Astrid somewhere nearby, so she could get vigored and reach the spot to Rescue Tanith.

Edited by Celes
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I brought Caineghis, Tibarn, Tanith, Elincia, Boyd, Titania, Mia, Jill, Haar, Marcia. The AI behaves strangely because Micaiah has Stillness, Ike has Provoke, Marcia has Shade.

Edited by Celes
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