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Vote for my marriages! (Day Two)

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Okay, so I've been playing lunatic+, and I have school starting tomorrow, so I want to do a normal classic file to get more supports. So this time, you guys decide! Anyway, here's how it works. Whichever bachelor gets the most votes will be paired to the mother in the poll. My avatar is the only male.

Priority is: Olivia, Cordelia, Cherche, Lissa, Nowi, Sumia, Panne, Maribelle, Tharja, Miriel, Sully. (So if Lon'qu gets the most votes for both Olivia and Sully, he will marry Olivia) If one person has a tie for most votes by the time I edit the polls, I'll pick. I hope you don't consider this another optimization topic, because it's not. Vote for whoever you want, if you really like Virion and Nowi's supports, then vote for him in Nowi's poll. There will be five bachelorette polls every day until I get them all.

EDIT: I'm going to remove pairings I've already done, because there isn't much point to a support run if I'm not getting any new supports.

Edited by Duck
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Day One Results: Fred and Olivia (Nice), Avatar and Cordelia (Cool),Stahl and Cherche (Cool), Henry and Lissa (awesome), and Lon'qu and Nowi. Day two has Panne, Tharja, Miriel, and Sully. Sumia will be marrying Gaius, because it's the only one I haven't done, same thing with Chrom and Maribelle.

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