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Lunatic Mode, Chapter 6.

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How is this even doable without grinding on DLCs. My units are:

Chrom lv3 and 66exp

8 str

2 mag

9 skl

10 spd

7 lck

7 def

2 res

Frederick lv4 paladin (got reclassed after he got to lv15 Great Knight)

26 str

5 mag

26 skl

27 spd

17 lck

19 def

11 res

Avatar lv10 (+spd -lck)

9 str

10 mag

10 skl

15 spd

5 lck

9 def

8 res

Other then that, I have not gave any exp whatsoever to Donny, Sully or Stahl. Lissa has a Physic and she can use it, she has 8 magic. I also have 3 rescue staff uses left. My Lon'Qu is quite strong too, since I abused his dodge in chapter 5 to kill the barbarians at the bottom side. Every other unit barely reachs 10 in any stat. Should I restart and use a cheap strategy (Nosferatu Avatar I'm looking at you) or should I buy DLCs and grind on these for my lesser units?

Edited by TheIdiotNinja
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Your mistake was Frederick over-use. Level 15 GK, and then level 4 Paladin before Chapter 6? Jesus Christ. If you don't spread EXP into growth units for Lunatic, this is what happens.

Choices are: start over with a better plan, grind DLC for EXP, or strategic miracle (might be possible if you play your cards correctly).

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Well Freddy got quite some skirmishes cleared too. How should I anyway play if I restart? I can't really decide if spd asset is the best, and are there some recommended units (outside of obviously Avatar and Chrom) to give exp to when I have the opportunity to do so?

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+Def Avatar


Turn 1: Kill the center myrmidon with Frederick. Press A on all the enemy units to see their ranges: move the Avatar and Lissa and Chrom all away from enemy range.

Enemy phase: Two barbarians will be weakened by Frederick, and one more myrmidon will die. The mage will move near you.

Turn 2: Press A on the mage to see how far he can attack. Move Frederick to your Avatar to pair them up. Move the Avatar into the range of the two axe users but not the mage (in my case, I moved the Avatar one tile north of her starting position). Move Lissa and Chrom away from enemies.

Enemy phase: The mage will move closer to you.

Turn 3: Weaken him with Chrom, then kill with the Avatar.

Enemy phase: Nothing.

Turn 4: Make Lissa give her Vulnerary to the Avatar. Move into the attack range of the myrmidon on your left that's near the boss with the Avatar.

Enemy phase: A bunch of units will come charging to you now, and the myrmidon will be weakened or killed by Frederick.

Turn 5: Switch to Frederick, and kill the mage. Keep Lissa and Chrom away.

Enemy phase: The myrmidons will have died and the barbarians will have been weakened.

Turn 6: Switch to your Avatar and use a Vulnerary.

Enemy phase: Barbarians suicide on you.

Now it's just the boss. The boss shouldn't be difficult, because he can't move. Move away and heal if you need to. Make sure to get your Avatar a lot of exp by weakening the boss and them killing him.

Chapter 1:

Make Chrom give his Vulnerary to the Avatar. Pair Frederick up with your Avatar. Move into the fort. Keep using Vulneraries and weakening enemies (by now you should be strong enough so that you never die).

Edited by Chiki
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As people have said, you way overused Frederick. Even if you did beat C6, you won’t beat the mid and lategame without training high potential/growth units.

You can still beat C6 with 1 strong unit by having Frederick hold the middle chokepoint. Marth can hold the right enemies pretty easily by herself. The rest of your team (Avatar, Chrom, Lon’qu, Panne) can deal with the few left enemies.

If you don’t want to restart (and don’t want to Frederick solo until Nosferatu is buyable), I’d recommend trying the aforementioned strat, then training your other characters.. You actually still have some time to train people, but get it done before C12 where there’s a minor difficulty spike. I’d recommend Veteran characters (Avatar, his/her children), Panne/Lon’qu (reclassed to Wyvern) and Tiki if/when you get her (or if you get Nowi!Morgan or something, that’ll make things easy as well).

If you restart, try +Def Avatar for the easiest time.

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Well Freddy got quite some skirmishes cleared too. How should I anyway play if I restart? I can't really decide if spd asset is the best, and are there some recommended units (outside of obviously Avatar and Chrom) to give exp to when I have the opportunity to do so?

SPD asset is whatever. You get to doubling earlier, that's about it. I personally prefer +DEF with -SKL or -LCK, since that makes it possible to get Avatar trained extremely quickly (basically invincible after a few levels).

Sumia is an excellent unit to train amongst the non-avatar/Chrom growth units, and one of either Stahl or Sully can be a solid choice as well. Don't train too many units, though: that's as bad as over-using Frederick. You sort of need to create opportunities for growth units to level up, you can't just give them whatever Fred doesn't turn into road pizza. This is especially true for squishier units.

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imo training Lon'qu or Panne is much easier because Avatar and Chrom are probably competent by that time (instead of just Frederick) so it's easier to feed kills to people. Lon'qu/Panne have serviceable bases (can actually double and take/dodge a hit) without diluting your early exp. Wyvern skills/stat spread combined with their speedy growth spread has some nice synergy too.

But yeah, anyone is usable, you just have to be smart about feeding kills and allocating exp.

EDIT: You'll be fine as long as you train some non-Frederick units.

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I don't like to have a unit soloing an army, I like to have my own army, but well, if you say training a lot of units is a bad choice I'll just trust you and run with Avatar, Chrom, Sumia and Panne/Lon'Qu.

This is a good start. Lon'qu has his best training chapter coming in Ch7, so you'll have a solid base to work from by then. If you don't like Sumia, by the way, train another of the early guys (Miriel, Stahl, Sully, Vaike or whoever) instead and just use Cordelia as your Peg once she shows up in Ch7.

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I don't like to have a unit soloing an army, I like to have my own army, but well, if you say training a lot of units is a bad choice I'll just trust you and run with Avatar, Chrom, Sumia and Panne/Lon'Qu.

If you don't mind using DLCs, try to train your other units there so they can keep up with the Avatar.

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I don't like to have a unit soloing an army, I like to have my own army, but well, if you say training a lot of units is a bad choice I'll just trust you and run with Avatar, Chrom, Sumia and Panne/Lon'Qu.

What I like to do is use some core group (say Chrom/Avatar, Lon’qu/Panne, Gregor/Cherche), and their children (Morgan, Lucina, Yarne, Gerome), and a few utility people (Lissa, Libra, Anna, Olivia, Cordelia), which tends to add up to full deployment.

There's plenty of exp (if well allocated) to facilitate training such an army. Even without DLCs, skirmishes, etc.

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I have not bought any DLC and I don't really want to, skirmishes are fine. What is the best DLC anyway to train units without making it incredibly easy or fast? In Hard Mode I found out that killing over and over units from wireless (e.g. Clair from Gaiden) I can OHKO with bronze weapons or basic tomes gives me quite a decent amount of exp, each run costed me 10 bronze weapon uses and gave me 80 exp + eventual exp from event tiles (8 exp per enemy unit x 10 enemy units), allowing me to farm support levels with every unit and to level up weapon levels, but of course it took long time, and it was just fine to me. In lunatic units from wireless skirmishes only give you 1 exp each, which means 10 exp for 10 weapon uses, that means using 70 gold (if you are sword or lance wielder) for just 10 exp. Does not look like a grinding opportunity to me. I heard EXPonential Growth gives you one level per enemy, and I don't want such easy level up potential. Is there anything hard enough and satisfying enough to get my units grinded up to a decent amount without having infinite gold, items, or exp? (Yes, I'm looking at you Golden Gaffe/Infinite Regalia/EXPonential Growth)

The core group idea is just fine, I'll try it out.

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Avatar is lv4 with 90 exp after Prologue, +def -skl. But I had atrociously bad level ups. Str 7, Mag 6, Spd 6. New file incoming. -.-

EDIT: Sweet, did another game file, had excellent level ups from lv1 to 2 and from 2 to 3, got critted and killed by the last barbarian alive. I'm so lucky.

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Well right now I'm doing the Donny paralogue after Ch4, MU is lv19 with 82 exp, Lon'qu is lv6 with 70 exp, Chrom is lv5 with 74 exp, Fred is lv2 with 88 exp, Sumia is lv2 with 77 exp. I'm planning on marrying Lon'qu and Avatar and Chrom and Sumia, I could use other units (such as kids or Cordelia and Gregor) too but I'm trying to not use too many people.

Also, is there a way to get a Master Seal to get my Avatar promoted or should I just reclass to whatever class I want to? I'd go Myrmidon for Vantage and after Dark Mage and then Sorcerer to get Vantage Vengeance as early as possible, also because fuck Nosferatu with Avoid +10 and Lon'Qu paired I'm not even gonna get touched by anyone, and if I do my def asset and eventual tonic should allow me to tank through hits easily. Also I wanted to save the very first Master Seal for Lissa, I can promote her when she gets lv10 (she's 7 and 54 exp right now) and she will be able to do decently as a sage with the Ricken boost. Lissa+Ricken makes also a decent Owain, is all this planning correct?

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Wrath, Gamble, Focus, Anathema, Miracle? What? None of those are useful on the later enemies. Lissa x Ricken also gives a higher modifier, and luna, which is nice against later enemies. I'm not saying Lissa x Libra is bad, it's the third best non-MU (to Ricken, then Henry), I'm just saying you're not giving very good reasons in it's favor.



Limit Breaker





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yeah I know, just saying you can get like +40 crit (wrath focus gamble) just from skills (if focus and wrath are active, gonna be kinda easy if you have vantage), it's something gimmicky that COULD work, I'll try it out and see if with a Ruin he gets something fancy like 80% crit chance + 80% vengeance chance, not expecting anything and not saying it's better then Ricken for Owain, but simply I like the idea of having x3 on every attack.

Uh, I have not bought any DLC just yet, listing Limit Breaker and Aggressor is kinda pointless. And really between the 5 skills you listed, the only one he got because of Ricken is Luna, since he get 2 DLC skills, one from her mother, one from the Sage class which can be reached anyway since he has Priest as one of his reclass options, and the one who is dependant from Ricken is really only Luna. Ricken gives the highest magic modifier while still bringing Luna, but I like Ricken as a father also because of the levin sword dark knight option to get WTA on axes while still being able to spam Celica's Gale. Also, Ricken gives good filler skills to replace the DLC ones, such as Lifetaker and Aegis, even if other skills Owain gets from his Myrmidon&promoted Myrm classes are great too (Swordfaire levin sword?)

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Luna is the best proc skill in the game. The rest of the skills Ricken passes are all outdone by it. Lifetaker is pretty cool, but Aegis is pointless when any class worth going into already has good res, and even if they didn't it doesn't activate often enough to be worth anything. I didn't realize you didn't have DLC, so I'm sorry for that.

Updated Ricken!Owain (Still Sage)


DG+ (Or lifetaker, but DG+ is better)




That should work in the absence of DLC.

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