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What if Marth actually was in the story?

HK Motendra

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I kinda wish he was... Maybe like Basilio, joining only for the way end of the game, maybe final battle only. He wouldn't be a bachelor for MU (sorry, you're stuck with Caeda, buddy...), but he could support them and Chrom and Lucina and Tiki... And Anna.

I think he'd be cool, just for the final mission.

I can't be the only person who thinks he would have been 200% better than Priam...

While I agree with this completely, I don't see him supporting with Chrom. Lucina, yes for taking his name, Tiki for the nostalgia, and Anna...... That would actually be kinda funny. You forgot MU btw. But yes, only for the last mission. Maybe CH 25 also?

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considering the game takes place 2000 years later, I think he could make a cool zombie

If he were in the game, I imagine he'd be summoned by Tiki through time travel (somehow). Maybe both Chrom and Lucina's Falchions were lost at points leading up to meeting Tiki and Marth could bring his.

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For such a "boring" character, Marth sure scored the best chick in the entirety of the series

LOL Caeda? *cough cough* I won't say any more, or I'll prolly get flamed by her fanboys.

As for Marth actually being in the game, *shrugs* eh. I mean, I guess it'd put an interesting twist on the situation. It'd be funny to see the interaction between him and Chrom, personally I'd prefer him to physically be there instead of just being a spirit-like Einherjar type of thing. Many another time warp thing or him randomly stepping out of the Outrealms haha.

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clearly you could then ship MarthxTiki

As much love as I have for both of them, I don't want to imagine that

As for Marth actually being in the game, *shrugs* eh. I mean, I guess it'd put an interesting twist on the situation. It'd be funny to see the interaction between him and Chrom, personally I'd prefer him to physically be there instead of just being a spirit-like Einherjar type of thing. Many another time warp thing or him randomly stepping out of the Outrealms haha.

I feel like Marth meeting Lucina would be awkward for both of them. but yes, a physical Marth would be more appealiing than a spirit. And that last note is actually really believable. Yen'Fey did, do why can't he?

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If he were in the game, I imagine he'd be summoned by Tiki through time travel (somehow). Maybe both Chrom and Lucina's Falchions were lost at points leading up to meeting Tiki and Marth could bring his.

I just want to see a zombie Marth.

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