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Game Difficulty and amount of fun...

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Hey everyone,

So in playing through my 3 save files and I've made a few observations...

-First File- Normal/Casual-God, this mode is just sh*t easy. Not even fun, seriously. Solo endgame...- Amount of fun from 1-10? Probably 3. Of course I knowow the game itself is amazing with the cut scenes and awesome storyline, and I'm not judging that, but judging how difficulty factors into the amount of fun the gameplay provides.

-Second File- Hard/Classic- Used to be fun, but now on chapter 19 I can easily solo chapters using Chrom (forced of course), and Lucina. Galeforce + Aether + Rightful King + 2 other great skills I don't remember lol is too much for the enemies in Hard mode. - Amount of fun from 1-10? Around 7.5.

-Final File- Lunatic/Classic - Only on chapter 5, but I'm having tons of fun. I'm not just sending my units in without a care like in Normal or even Hard, but carefully planning out every turn.-Amount of fun from 1-10? 10. Love this mode.

So now I have 2 questions.

1. Does Lunatic stay fun, or just get boring and easy as the game progresses? I'm olannig out the "perfect run" on this file, carefully marryig certain units for the best children possible. With an army of the best children, is there any strategy involved or does it become boring?

2. What about Lunatic+? From what I've seen, it's not as much strategy and fun and more just hoping enemies don't have skills like counter and Luna+ after resetting 50 times...

NOTE: I will be playing through Apotheosis on my Lunatic file once I have my army of children :D

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Lunatic becomes really easily if you let it be, aka sorc through everything/rush to the objective or grind. Enemies can still be soloed provided the unit that's soloing has something that constantly regens their health fast enough. Skirmishes are pretty intense though.

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I've yet to see the FE that couldnt be broken

But honestly, that's the point. It's a game based around knowledge, not skill, not split-second twitch timing analog inputs. If they made an FE that one could not know ways to beat, that relied purely on RNG manipulation and luck to succeed, that would be a trash game. There should be tips and tricks that make the game seemingly trivial. The point is figuring those strats out.

That's why the vets find these games sooo easy to the point that they have to continually place more and more restraints and challenges on themselves (think LTC) whereas series nubs can't beat prologues.

Edited by General Banzai
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You should try no pair-up Hard, it's really fun.

You can choose to cheese Lunatic by having 2 uber units, but they can get rekt in the lategame chapters because of massive Hit rates. But it's my favorite difficulty mode in the series for reasons I won't explain.

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I've yet to see the FE that couldnt be broken

But honestly, that's the point. It's a game based around knowledge, not skill, not split-second twitch timing analog inputs. If they made an FE that one could not know ways to beat, that relied purely on RNG manipulation and luck to succeed, that would be a trash game. There should be tips and tricks that make the game seemingly trivial. The point is figuring those strats out.

That's why the vets find these games sooo easy to the point that they have to continually place more and more restraints and challenges on themselves (think LTC) whereas series nubs can't beat prologues.

True. Strategy games should be able to be broken, maybe not as easily as awakening, but still possible. I mean, the point of strategy games is that they get easier as you have good strategies/ know the game. When I first got awakening, my first FE game, I struggled with it on hard/casual mode and now I find lunatic/classic ridiculously easy. This also applies to other fire emblem games. Now that I'm good at the series, I find even FE6 HM relatively easy. It's not that the game is easy, it's that I''ve got experience on it.

By broken I mean having better units than others, and a better strategy to follow. Someone that plays FE for the first time might not know that cavaliers are great and archers are crappy. This makes the game harder for him. In that way, cavaliers are broken and there's nothing wrong with that. The same might be said about the water trick, for exemple. It's a smart trick that probably took a lot of time to be figured out and makes the game easier. Still, it's something that comes from thinking, therefore it still should be in the game.

Edited by Nobody
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Lunatic is basically

survive earlygame

cheese the rest of it

I used a pretty full team because I didn't want to do the lol mu solo supercheese and I still cheesed it

Lunatic throws you so many enemies that unless you're trying to ltc or something, the internal level cap doesn't matter that much as long as you don't promote too early and screw up that part. The sheer number of enemies make for lots of exp gain. For reference, My MU here went through Tact->Mercenary->Hero->Great Knight->back to Hero again for the speed on the last two chapters and she wasn't even soloing. Second seals are pretty broken.

If you're doing perfect children planning via grinding it becomes even easier. My run was no grind and there's already plenty of exp to go around.

Can't talk about L+ since I haven't played it yet.

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I play classic normal, but that's because I'm not as skilled as some players. I couldn't get past chapter 1 of normal mode in RD, so yeah. xP I hardly expect myself to do much better in Awakening's hard mode. But I still have fun with this game. I've lost a bit of interest in it lately (due to playing other games in the meantime as well and some other stuff), but I still love it and it's one of my favorite games of all time. :)

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I like Hard and setting up challenges for myself. Just finished a magic user only run. The spotpass character run was fun.

I can't beat Lunatic without grinding. So I find that annoying. It's a mode I never would have played if hadn't bought the Golden Pack DLC. I'm usually really against DLC in games.

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I find Lunatic+ Casual to be pretty damn entertaining, even so many hours into the game in both region copies.

It's a hell of a lot more fun than Classic on that mode, that's for sure.

You just have to "get over it" on the counter part >_<;

Edited by shadowofchaos
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