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My favourite pizza place axed my favourite pizza


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Edit: I thought the title was something else. That stinks, but any pizza is good pizza, right? Edit edit: I take that back. I didn't know hummus pizza and other stuff like that existed.

Edited by Comet
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What do I look like, someone who's not lazy? I haven't cooked anything non-ramen/mac n cheese related in like 2 years. Plus I'm too lazy to go to the store to buy things. Delivery ftw.

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Cream cheese, apricot, and green onion pizza? That's the first time I've ever heard of such a combination. Now, all pizza is great pizza, but that just sounds like the mother of all unholy combinations. Kind of like milk and root beer...

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Edit: I thought the title was something else. That stinks, but any pizza is good pizza, right?

that is a lie

Sounds easy enough to bake at home, why not make it yourself with a pizza kit? Homemade pizza is way better anyways.

That's my two cents anyways.

its much cheaper to buy the ingredients and measure them yourself then to buy kit

it also yields better results most of the time

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And Advance Wars ;_;

Cream cheese, apricot, and green onion pizza? That's the first time I've ever heard of such a combination. Now, all pizza is great pizza, but that just sounds like the mother of all unholy combinations. Kind of like milk and root beer...

This pizza is better than it sounds. A little sweet, but not too much, and green onion makes it a little pungent but not too much. I forgot to mention the chicken. Altogether it's a pretty nice combo. Also, ice cream is made of milk and vanilla ice cream + root beer is awesome and classic. Though one of these days I'm going to try a melon float at the many Japanese places around here that started serving it.

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I only eat stuff on pizza that in your brain you wonder if you should actually put it on a pizza or not. And then you do, and then you find out it's the greatest thing ever. I started with pineapple and now it's progressed to craziness like spicy cod roe. Though admittedly I'll scale back to a classic margherita if it's like a Neapolitan pizza place.

I'm pretty sure my diet would freak out most people but safe to say I'll eat almost anything.

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Pepperoni only or go home.

ein, how dare you! i'm sending you to an alternate dimension where you can only eat CHEESE pizza so you can think about what you've done.

I only eat stuff on pizza that in your brain you wonder if you should actually put it on a pizza or not. And then you do, and then you find out it's the greatest thing ever. I started with pineapple and now it's progressed to craziness like spicy cod roe. Though admittedly I'll scale back to a classic margherita if it's like a Neapolitan pizza place.

I'm pretty sure my diet would freak out most people but safe to say I'll eat almost anything.

mm, pizza's a lot more...uhm, flexible? ...then most people probably think..i guess pizza is like a sandwich in a way? ^^

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ein, how dare you! i'm sending you to an alternate dimension where you can only eat CHEESE pizza so you can think about what you've done.

mm, pizza's a lot more...uhm, flexible? ...then most people probably think..i guess pizza is like a sandwich in a way? ^^

Carbs are the canvas of the food world. You can put just about anything on either rice or bread.

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Cream cheese, apricot, and green onion?

That sounds really gross imo.

Then again, I only eat mushroom pizza, so everything that isn't mushroom pizza is gross to me.

Can't be any worse than me, I only eat Hummus and Grilled Zucchini pizza. Anything else seems unhealthy to me, vegan pizza FTW.

So...what is your course of action going to be if you still crave a pizza with cream cheese, apricot and green onion?

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