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A very basic question and a resource-content question


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As for the basic question...

Alright, so let me explain my dilemma here.

I was finally able to get my problem with an error that showed up while adding my custom idle frame in.

I used the 0x85 doc to find lyn's specific code, and I added that in the class editor. However, when I load the rom into vba or no$gba, the rom is just the basic rom, with lyn being lyn when she goes into battle, and my sprite that I added nowhere to be found.

Does this mean, that I have another step to go through?

Do I have to use a patching device?

How do I do that?

The resource question leads back to the event assembler mystery I've been yet to figure out. I've asked all over and haven't gotten an answer.

Well, I'm new to hacking and coding... Like just starting out as green banana hoping to brown with experience. sleep.png

My friend has riled up a team of artists and goods, and he wants me to look into the damn hacking stuff.

This being said, these kids be crazy, wanting all kinds of fancy things. So, I learned that event assembler might be one of these tools I'd like to have, while browsing tutorials for a couple hours?

If I'm mistaken, please redirect me to the more current program being used in it's place.

If not, none of the links to download Event Assembler are working for me. They all say the file can not be found.

Any answers to the questions would be a great help. :B



New question.. If you guys could re-adress the topic at hand here:

I'm having the same problem, in that I am having a hard time comprehending exactly what's going on in the tutorial as far as the rest of the battle animations. I get the same error message that user gets.


    Incomplete Animation!
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adding your sprite you might want to go a little more into detail about what exactly you did (i have a sneaking suspicion though)

as for event assembler it's somewhere in this topic's first post, the link works for certain (i literally just downloaded it as a test)

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Hm, okay. Bear with me though, because I am not familiar with a lot of terms or anything.

So, I have made the custom sprites. great.

I added them all to the 284x160 as animation frames. great.

Then I did the idle first with an ultimate tutorial's template. great

When the tutorial told me to look in the fe class editor, to choose the code to replace a character, I chose lyn's code that I found in the docs pages. That being said, I assumed once I saved the progress, that if I simply open up the rom in vba or no$gba that rom would have my custom sprite rather than lyn for the idle.

This is where I'm stuck, because I can't seem to comprehend what I'm doing wrong.

As for the event assembler, oh my... you're right! I VERY much appreciate it! Oddly enough in a lot of sites, that link was not working.

Edited by SogiTai
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if ou set up the script properly (when you say "idle animation" i'm assuming you mean disarmed pose?), once feditor creates it (you'll want the custom animation creator for that) you still need to insert it into the game using the class animation editor

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Would you mind if I record what I'm doing and you correct me where I'm wrong?

Because I feel like I did that too.

Actually I certainly used class editor. I'm bad with explaining what I've done so far.

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Okay, well before I go onto uploading the video maybe I can better explain, because now there is a new problem.

                PCA: Stream error in File constructor
                (Failed to read serialized file)

This error shows up when I place lyn's 0x85 information (Off the Animation List in the fe7 modules) into the "Input Index" and try to insert my standing.png frame in it's place.

I believe I figured out the problem from last time, was that I chose some random frame of Eliot's on accident by messing with the Max Index as well as the Input Index on the Class Animation Manager.

But now that I realized it is only the Input, I've seem to picked up a new problem.

Should I still upload a video?

Also, I would really like to thank you for taking your time. It's really kind and I appreciate it, good sir!

Here's a screen shot of before I click on the highlighted file, and the error shows up, actually.


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that's wrong

you want to take the script file you made with blazer's tutorial and use that with the class animation creator

then, you take the file that it outputs and insert that

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Is that the final step? The inserting? because that still didn't do anything to the in-game appearance of Lyn.


This was actually the initial problem. After insertion of the sprites, it seems it won't appear in the rom.

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Oh.... The problem being this simple, really makes me feel like a total idiot... :/ This has been bugging me for a couple hours now, thank you so much! The first time I saved it, I clicked save as, and it didn't combine with the actual rom. It must have just had to be "save"

It definitely shows something different now then Lyn. However the sprite's head is where it's feet should be, and the colors are all funky. Does that mean, I have to re adjust the frame's position? or is it something with a code somewhere? Of course aside from the section in the ultimate tutorial mentioning the pallete which I also have to fix, but I'm not sure about the position... it should be right.


If you don't wish t help anymore, it's completely understandable, you've already helped me through quite a bit actually!

Problems so far have been fixed! :D

New question.. If you guys could re-adress the topic at hand here:

I'm having the same problem, in that I am having a hard time comprehending exactly what's going on in the tutorial as far as the rest of the battle animations. I get the same error message that user gets.


    Incomplete Animation!
/// - Mode 1
3  p- standing.png
3  p- attackanim.1.png
4  p- attackanim.2.png
3  p- attackanim.3.png
3  p- attackanim.4.png
3  p- attackanim.6.png
3  p- attackanim.7.png
8  p- attackanim.8.png
3  p- attackanim.9.png
5  p- attackanim.10.png
3  p- attackanim.11.png
3  p- attackanim.12.png
3  p- attackanim.13.png
3  p- attackanim.14.png
4  p- attackanim.15.png

My main problem it seems are the two; C1a and c04. It is strange, but I believe C04, is in fact supposed to be typed as C04 not, c04. However feeditor won't red with the file as C04. So thats kinda weird. And finally, the parsing is with C1A. Or just whatever has come after the c04.

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