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A few noobish questions


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It's been about 3 years since I've tried my hand at hacking into fire emblem games, and back then I was able to fully redesign/event 1 chapter. However, I'm a noob again going through the documentation and stuff and I just have a few questions.

1. After I edit chapters through events, Nightmare brings up an error whenever I try to go back and edit more characters/items. Has anyone else encountered this or know a reason for it?

2. Is it possible to change the portrait of a PC? Say somewhere along the game they get a scar/change clothes or something, can I change the portrait without messing up their stats?

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you're messing up the filestream if you edit a ROM with two programs at once, don't do that

as for portraits changing mid-game i have some asm that's supposed to do it but it's buggy (i'll dig it up for you if you want)

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Thanks for the quick reply! I'll keep that in mind as I continue relearning. About the asm, you don't need to. I haven't progressed that far in what I'm doing and wouldn't want you to dig it up with any near intention to use it.

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Sorry to double post, not sure if you guys would see an edit.

I'm still having a problem with Nightmare 2.0 and event hacking. I do both separately, first Nightmare to make appropriate item/class/character changes. I save, exit, and then go to disassemble and edit the prologue to kill the tutorial. Everything up to this point works fine. The characters are there and the tutorial is disabled, yet when I go back to Nightmare to work on the next chapter I get an error and it freezes.

I've had to 'restart' twice already, but I've noticed with a little playing that I get the error right when I open Nightmare after disassembling.

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you have to close nightmare if you're oging to do anything with any other program

(this doesn't just apply to nightmare but it especially applies to nightmare because it's the easiest to forget you have open)

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