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Are Lunatic and Lunatic+ single RNG?

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Because honestly, the hit rates I keep getting feel all wonky.

If they were true hit, they'd occur usually 5% of the time. On average, 5 out of a hundred battles.

I've had a bunch of 10% hits (which would be lower if true hit really did factor in) hit 3 times in a row.

And I've only experienced it in my Lunatic and Lunatic+ files. My normal mode files which I've spend a ton of time on in 2012 didn't hit as much even IF they were doing minimal damage.

...or is it just maybe my real life luck flaw in real life manifesting itself?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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It's your imagination, because I've got my single highest-hitting miss in Awakening, on Hard (97%). I think the same number system is used, though whether it's one RN or two is beyond me.

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Kind of off topic, but why is it so easy to miss in binding blade, even though it uses 2 RNG

Because Hit rates in FE6 are incredibly shitty in general, further amplified against bosses because of the ludicrously high Avd bonus thrones have in that game. Want to pull out a hammer against a knight or general on a throne, for instance? Enjoy working off a 15 Hit base (well, 25 because of WTA, but still) before even factoring stats in.

@Topic: I've taken so many hits at 1 Display Hit in this game that I actually used to be firmly convinced that this game only used 1 RN, on any difficulty.

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