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Can someone specify what are Event IDs?


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In chapter 32, it doesn't explain each kind of event ID from 0x00 to 0x65, they just explain 0x00, 0x01, 0x02,0x03 and 0x65.

Making chapter 50 a lot confusing.

can someone explain this please? with examples would be good

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Attached to each event, generally, is an "Event ID." This is obviously a very important concept. Think of it as assigning a number to each event. These numbers are how the game keeps track of which events have already been triggered; attached to each event ID is a "switch" of sorts. The "switch" starts in the "on" position for each event, but is flipped to "off" when the event has been triggered. This is to ensure that an event can't be triggered twice. The first several are reserved for specific functions; the IDs between 0x05 and 0x64 can be assigned to any event you'd like. Turn events typically don't use an event ID, but pretty much all other events will. Events without an ID don't have that "off" switch, so they'll be triggerable an unlimited amount of times.

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It's a lot like wario ware DIY in that way lol.

So everything between 0x05 to 0x64 are like used for every kind of event out there right? and that each of these event IDs can be used only once unlles you want to trigger something else when the main event is triggered (i.e: FE6 village routes, if one is visited, the other village will be closed because it is programmed to do so when event id 0xPP is turned on (PP is the first village switch).

Now, another question in the same chapter:

CHAR 0x07 RecruitmentConvo 0x03 0x0D 0x00

CHAR 0x07 RecruitmentConvo 0x0D 0x03 0x00

CODE 0x00 // - nullifier

Where do I put the event? like the conversation between both units? yeah, there will be a ''Talk'' option but there would be no conversation at all, and also, there would be missing the event that makes the character you are talking to playable.

Edited by RPGamerVX
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CHAR 0x07 RecruitmentConvo 0x03 0x0D 0x00
CHAR 0x07 RecruitmentConvo 0x0D 0x03 0x00
CHAR //You can use this as a nullifier too.
Then, later in the event file, you'll have this.
TEX1 0x834
ENDA //You can code whatever you'd like for the talk event.

Personally, I'd suggest you give my tutorial a read. I haven't looked at the Ultimate Tutorial's event coverage before, but that's sort of a simple structure question. If you're at Chapter 50 and didn't know that, I can't say that gives me much confidence in the UT. That RecruitmentConvo you put in the CHAR listing points to the location in the file where you've written the event. The POIN arrays are basically just lists that tell the game where to find the events.

Edited by The Second Archsage
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Yeah, I suggest you use Arch's tutorial. Dedicated guides are almost always better on a subject than general guides. Not to mention the UT's tutorial is just outdated in general. I still think it's good to use multiple resources and cross-reference and such but in general Arch's is the best primary resource for events... in fact idk if there are really any other event tutorials, so yeah just use his.

I actually need to update mine to just link to Arch's, but it's one of those things that takes 10 seconds to make the change and 20 minutes to actually implement it thanks to how hard I made the updating process for myself...

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