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Most beautiful girl finals


Final poll.  

87 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the most beautiful girl in Fire Emblem?

    • Jill
    • Sheeda

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Oh no! I missed Tellius! But I would've probably voted Jill anyways so that's ok I guess.

1. Jill

2. Lucina (sorry Eirika, but daughter bias again....*sigh*....)

3. Caeda/Sheeda (Don't let Ninian win!!!) D:

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1. Ishtar. I personally find Jill to be one of the more homely girls for her game/s.

2. Eirika. Lucina is very cute, but Eirika is much prettier.

3. Ninian. Sheeda is pretty, but I have a Ninian bias.

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I voted for Ishtar, Lucina, and Ninian. I like Erika's design in the art, but I don't like her in game portrait.



in her portrait she seems a little too generic.

Edited by Viewtiful_J
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1°) Ishtar: I never really liked Tellius's chara-design (with the exception of Micaiah and perhaps Fe10!Mia and FE10!Mist), while Ishtar is pretty but how could she just stomp the likes of Tiltyu/Fury/Nanna/Lachesis is beyond me.

2°) Eirika: I find Lucina to be overrated in everything, including her look malus point for dressing like one of the char I hate the most in the entire FE-verse.

3°) Ninian: Now we're talking, both sides are really pretty and deserve to advance imo. Voted Ninian because I have a soft spot for her.

Edited by Sartek
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1. Jill has my favorite character design in the series so I'll be voting for her as long as she's still around.

2. Lucina. Never much liked Eirika's design.

3. Both are kind of plain to me, but Sheeda less so.

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