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Most beautiful girl finals


Final poll.  

87 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the most beautiful girl in Fire Emblem?

    • Jill
    • Sheeda

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I think Jill winning is crap too.

I mean, she's an amazing unit and has an interesting story/personality for people to like her as a character, but she isn't that pretty (especially compared to Sheeda and the other people she has been up against).

I swear it's just redhead fetishes and biased fans voting for her just because favorite

Edited by Sumia
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Geez, and people got mad at me for getting upset over Lucina winning the Awakening beauty contest? xP

Anyway, I voted Jill. Caeda is kind of pretty too, but Jill is just hot. Why does it say Sheeda instead of Caeda anyway? I'm aware that Sheeda is her Japanese name, but every other character used their English name in these polls. The ones that HAD English names anyway.

Edited by Anacybele
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I personally think she looks boyish and homely, but I can understand how some people can see her as pretty since there are quite a few redhead fans out there.

But her winning the title of the prettiest girl in Fire Emblem is a major stretch. There are plenty of people who find her unattractive, so I'm really convinced of pure bias in here to be perfectly honest.

I also think it's crap she beat out Ishtar, but that's a whole different story.

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What happened between the Lucina and Eirika competition? I think whoever won that should have not been removed from the poll so quickly. There have been less than thirty votes cast.

It's just her PoR portrait that is so ugly. Great character, amazing unit and great backstory but beautiful? Not at all, in my opinion.

She matures quite nicely in her RoD portrait.
Her eyes become more pronounced, and become her defining feature.

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Whenever the gap is too great to catch up and at least 50 people have voted.

Lucina was winning over Eirika with a gap of 6 votes and Lucina was losing against Jill and Sheeda with a gap of 10 votes.

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Well as long as Lucina won against Eirika.

I see the reasoning, but this is the final rounds of the poll so I don't see why we couldn't wait 24 hours. But it's your poll so you can do whatever you want.

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