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Chapter 2: 12 turns

I was about to cheat and use Lissa for healing, but then I realized she still had a vulnerary, which I used up. Virion's elixir has still remained untouched, fortunately. Like the first chapter, I took a cautious approach and didn't try to rush. Can't wait for Maribelle (or cleric!Robin) so that I won't have to rely on vulneraries so freaking much.

       Lv    STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Chrom  5.92  9    1    12   11   8    8    2
Robin  7.19  10   8    8    9    12   9    6
Vaike  4.00  10   1    8    7    5    4    0
Stahl  4.33  9    0    7    7    6    9    1

Chapter 3: 11 turns

Kellam and Sumia give away their vulneraries and get out of the way. Still going at a cautious pace and didn't bother trying to rout the enemy. Chrom ORKOs Raimi with his trusty rapier and some help from the Vaike's pair up bonuses. Gaius's Confect from a sparkly spot will prove useful.

       Lv    STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Chrom  7.19  10   1    12   12   9    9    4
Robin  8.14  10   8    8    9    13   9    7
Vaike  5.40  11   1    9    7    4    6    0
Stahl  6.13  10   0    8    8    8    9    2

Next up will be Chapter 4 and then probably Paralogue 1

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Chapter 4: 6 turns

Now that I can go shopping, vulneraries for everyone! Nothing difficult here, had Chrom and Stahl use Gaius' Confect. Saving the uses for later probably wouldn't have changed my turn count, but being able to OHKO the mages probably did save a vulnerary use or two. In fact, I didn't use a single vulnerary, so that's nice, but not as nice as the fact that I have Lon'qu now! =D

        Lv    HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Chrom   7.89  25   10    1   12   12    9    9    4
Robin   9.17  26   10    8    9   10   14   10    8
Vaike   6.35  32   12    1    9    7    4    7    0
Stahl   7.18  26   11    0    9    9    9    9    2
Lon'qu  4.00  20    6    1   12   13    7    7    2

Paralogue 1: 11 turns

Instead of training Donnel, it's time to level up Lon'qu. He even OHKOd the boss with his trusty killing edge! Stahl now has a C rank for lances, so the killer lance can be put to good use.

        Lv    HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Chrom   8.04  26   11    1   13   13   10   10    4
Robin   9.69  26   10    8    9   10   14   10    8
Vaike   7.15  33   12    2    9    7    5    8    0
Stahl   9.40  28   12    0    9   10    9   11    2
Lon'qu  7.60  23    9    1   15   16    9    8    2

I also realized I forgot to put HP in the charts. Oops.

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Chapter 5: 10 turns

The main challenge here was getting Ricken out of the way so that he'd not interfere. Chrom's doing pretty well on his own even when nobody's paired up with him.

          Lv      HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES
Chrom     10.65   28    12     1    15    14    12    11     4
Robin      9.78   26    10     8     9    10    14    10     8
Vaike      8.25   34    13     2    10     8     6     9     0
Stahl     12.02   31    15     0    10    10    10    14     2
Lon'qu     9.34   25    10     1    17    18    11     8     2
Maribelle  4.25   18     1     5     4     6     6     4     8

Stahl and Robin work pretty well paired up together, but because Robin's going to become a cleric, she might not be a good wife from him in the long run. Planning for the future, I'll probably have her marry Henry because they're both magic users, Lon'qu and Gregor will be bachelors together, and I'm not sure if I want Cherche to marry Gaius or Stahl (Olivia will get the other).

Paralogue 2: 7 turns

Anna managed to survive and Stahl was able to run up to the village and grab the physic staff. Everyone else just ran around and killed enemies. Maribelle was paired up with Chrom to build support, so she didn't really get to do much.

          Lv      HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES
Chrom     12.54   29    12     1    15    15    14    11     4
Robin     10.93   27    11     9     9    11    15    11     8
Vaike      9.97   35    14     2    10     9     6    10     0
Stahl     12.82   31    15     0    10    10    10    14     2
Lon'qu     9.78   25    10     1    17    18    11     8     2
Maribelle  4.25   18     1     5     4     6     6     4     8

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Just to make sure you don't get discouraged by the lack of comments, please keep on posting the results! Cause I bet a lot of people are enjoying reading this, including me. ^^

Edited by Trisket
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Just to make sure you don't get discouraged by the lack of comments, please keep on posting the results! Cause I bet a lot of people are enjoying reading this, including me. ^^

I can see how many views the topic has, but positive feedback is always the best :D: . This is like writing fun lab reports lol.

Chapter 6: 7 turns? (in my haste, I forgot to record the actual count)

Got Gaius, but had some trouble feeding him kills without being too risky. I even neglected the secret book in the chest so he could get a kill. Lon'qu killed most of the enemies in the middle choke point, Stahl and Robin took out the right side of the map and laughed at Validar.

          Lv      HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES
Chrom     13.50   30    12     1    16    16    14    11     4
Robin     11.77   28    12    10    10    12    16    11     8
Vaike     10.45   36    14     2    10    10     7    10     1
Stahl     14.76   33    16     1    11    11    12    15     3
Lon'qu    12.31   27    11     2    19    21    14     8     3
Maribelle  5.05   19     1     5     4     6     7     4     9
Gaius      5.45   22     7     0    13    15     6     5     2

Chapter 7: 3 turns

I did this chapter a few times to try to get Gaius some kills and to shave a few turns. Robin probably shouldn't have gotten as much exp as she did because this is her last chapter as a tactician (if I'm counting my renown correctly the second seal is available after this chapter). Cordelia didn't show up quickly enough to do anything.

          Lv      HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES
Chrom     14.64   31    13     1    17    16    14    12     4
Robin     15.09   32    16    13    10    13    18    12     9
Vaike     11.25   38    15     2    11    10     8    10     2
Stahl     15.10   34    17     1    12    11    13    16     3
Lon'qu    12.90   27    11     2    19    21    14     8     3
Maribelle  5.55   19     1     5     4     6     7     4     9
Gaius      6.15   23     7     1    14    16     7     6     3
Cordelia   7.00   25     9     3    13    14     9     8     8

Paralogue 3: 7 turns

Saved 2 of the 3 villagers. Stahl's performance suffered without tactician!Robin's pair up bonuses. Lon'qu can't borrow Vaike's strength anymore, but at least he has a steel sword now. Maribelle now has to compete with Robin for healing, and Robin's probably going to be more useful because of her higher magic and incoming desert chapters.

          Lv      HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES
Chrom     15.45   32    13     1    18    17    15    13     4
Robin      1.19   32    12    13     7    12    18     8    12
Vaike     12.55   39    16     2    12    11     8    11     2
Stahl     15.76   34    17     1    12    11    13    16     3
Lon'qu    13.67   28    11     2    20    22    14     8     3
Maribelle  6.37   20     1     6     4     6     8     4     9
Gaius      7.00   24     8     1    15    17     7     6     3
Cordelia   8.21   26     9     3    13    15    10     9     9

If these are too detailed/not detailed enough, just say so.

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Chapter 8: 7 turns

The main challenge for this chapter was visiting all the villages without wasting turns. Cordelia was quite useful, and although Robin didn't get much exp, she was still useful for ferrying people around annoying desert parts of the map. It's only a matter of time before I get frustrated and start having Robin and Maribelle needlessly spam rescue for exp.

          Lv      HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES
Chrom     17.01   34    14     2    20    19    17    15     4
Robin      1.29   32    12    13     7    12    18     8    12
Vaike     13.00   40    17     2    12    12     8    12     2
Stahl     16.39   35    18     1    13    12    13    17     3
Lon'qu    13.96   28    11     2    20    22    14     8     3
Maribelle  7.61   20     1     7     5     7     8     4    10
Gaius      7.64   24     8     1    15    17     7     6     3
Cordelia  10.01   28    11     3    14    16    11     9    11
Gregor    11.00   31    13     1    13    12     8    10     2

Chapter 9: 7 turns

I tried this chapter a few times, but couldn't get better than 7 turns. I didn't put forth much effort in recruiting either Libra or Tharja. Libra casually walked through the desert and talked to Chrom on his own, and Tharja got owned by Cordelia carrying Vaike so he could hammer the boss in the face faster. Looks like Henry's going to have to buy his own Nosferatu when he joins.

          Lv      HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES
Chrom     17.73   34    14     2    20    19    17    15     4
Robin      1.86   32    12    13     7    12    18     8    12
Vaike     15.44   42    19     3    14    13     8    13     3
Stahl     16.63   35    18     1    13    12    13    17     3
Lon'qu    14.90   28    12     2    21    22    15     9     3
Maribelle  8.04   20     2     8     6     7     9     4    11
Gaius      8.16   25     8     1    15    18     7     7     3
Cordelia  11.23   29    11     3    14    16    11    10    12
Gregor    11.89   31    13     1    13    12     8    10     2

Paralogue 4: 7 turns

I tried this chapter a few times to try to get all the treasure without stalling by keeping enemies alive. In the end, I gave up on the chest in the north west (I don't even remember what's in it.) I'm probably going to have Gaius marry Cherche so that she'll make him less freaking fragile and easier to train.

          Lv      HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES
Chrom     18.71   35    15     2    21    20    17    15     5
Robin      2.41   33    12    13     7    12    18     9    13
Vaike     15.89   42    19     3    14    13     8    13     3
Stahl     17.89   36    19     1    14    12    13    17     4
Lon'qu    15.90   29    13     2    22    22    16     9     3
Maribelle  9.04   21     2     8     6     8     9     4    12
Gaius      9.19   25     8     1    15    18     8     7     3
Cordelia  13.57   31    13     3    15    18    11    12    13
Gregor    12.29   32    14     1    14    13     8    10     2
Anna       1.56   36    12    17    23    22    26     8    10

Side note: I'll never figure out why the game designers decided to open up this paralogue when they did. It completely interrupts what's happening in the story, and I don't see why they couldn't have just put it after chapter 10.

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Chapter 10: 5 turns

Cordelia flew Vaike over to the boss and stabbed every thief they found along the way. I had to pair Maribelle and Chrom so that she'd have enough time to get a higher support with Chrom than he has with Robin (B). Some of the hand axe wielding enemies were annoying since I have so many sword users without 1-2 range weapons. In the end, I didn't feel like killing all of them.

Chrom	  19.19	 36     16	2	22	20	17	16	5
Robin	  2.59	 33	12	13	7	12	18	9	13
Vaike	  16.87	 43	20	3	14	13	8	14	3
Stahl	  18.21	 37	19	1	14	13	13	17	4
Lon'qu	  16.56	 29	14	2	23	23	16	9	3
Maribelle 9.50	 21	2	8	6	8	9	4	12
Gaius	  10.50	 26	9	1	16	19	9	7	4
Cordelia  15.50	 32	15	4	16	20	11	13	13
Gregor	  13.32	 33	15	0	15	14	8	10	3
Anna      1.93	 36	12	17	23	22	26	8	10

Chapter 11: 5 turns

Maribelle used ward a few times for some exp. Robin did some rescuing because she also wants staff exp. Cordelia with boosted RES told even the mages with elwind to suck it, and didn't even need to lure Gangrel because he walked into Lon'qu's range only to be immediately ORKOd by the killing edge of doom. Ah, Rutger would be proud of his Awakening equivalent. Furthermore, I was glad to see that I didn't screw up my supports when Maribelle triggered the Chrom-isn't-married-yet-and-needs-a-wife conversation. Now there's the question of reclassing her to mage for some combat exp...

Chrom	  20.00	 37     16	 2	23	21	18	16	 5
Robin	   3.41	 33	13	14	 7	13	18	 9	13
Vaike	  17.35	 44	21	 3	14	13	 9	14	 3
Stahl	  19.28	 38	19	 1	15	13	14	18	 5
Lon'qu	  17.65	 30	15	 3	24	23	16	 9	 4
Maribelle 10.94	 21	 2	 8	 7	 8	10	 5	12
Gaius	  12.03	 27	10	 2	16	21	 9	 7	 4
Cordelia  18.41	 35	18	 4	17	21	13	13	13
Gregor	  13.62	 33	15	 0	15	14	 8	10	 3
Anna       2.08  37	12	17	23	22	27	 8	11
Olivia     1.85  18      3       1       8       9       9       3       2

Chapter 12: 5 turns

Cleric!Robin and Anna will provide enough healing, I have decided to reclass Maribelle to mage. Cordelia and Vaike were incredibly useful. Maribelle's getting plenty of experience now that she doesn't have to rely on staves anymore. Stahl promoted to Great Knight, Cordelia promoted to Falcon Knight, Chrom promoted to Great Lord.

Chrom  	   1.77	 42	20	2	25	23	18	19	8
Robin	   4.67	 34	13	14	7	13	19	10	13
Vaike	  20.00	 47	23	3	16	16	9	17	3
Stahl	   2.97	 47	24	1	17	12	14	26	6
Lon'qu	  18.79	 31	15	3	24	24	16	9	5
Maribelle  3.19	 21	2	11	9	7	12	6	11
Gaius	  12.63	 27	10	2	16	21	9	7	4
Cordelia   2.21	 42	23	5	23	27	13	16	16
Gregor	  14.59	 34	15	0	15	15	8	10	3
Anna	   2.28	 37	12	17	23	22	27	8	11
Olivia	   2.70	 19	3	2	8	9	9	4	3
Cherche	  13.55	 32	18	1	14	12	10	17	2

Chapter 13: 4 turns

Sale on rescue staves? More like sale on staff exp. I can tell that the distribution of experience hasn't really been even. Vaike, Cordelia, and Stahl have been hogging rather large portions, but that's because they've been so useful. Stahl just tanks everything, and Cordelia flies Vaike to the boss while stabbing everything on the way. Vaike promoted to Warrior.

Chrom  	    1.99	42	20	2	25	23	18	19	8
Robin	    5.60	35	13	15	7	13	20	10	13
Vaike	    2.76	56	26	3	19	18	9	21	6
Stahl	    4.36	49	26	1	18	13	14	28	6
Lon'qu	   20.00	33	16	4	25	25	17	10	5
Maribelle   3.98	21	2	11	9	7	12	6	11
Gaius	   13.57	27	11	2	17	22	10	8	4
Cordelia    2.56	42	23	5	23	27	13	16	16
Gregor	   16.00	36	16	0	17	17	9	10	4
Anna	    2.37	37	12	17	23	22	27	8	11
Olivia	    3.38	20	3	2	9	10	10	4	3
Cherche	   13.55	32	18	1	14	12	10	17	2
Henry	   12.11	29	6	14	15	9	10	13	5
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