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has skl better than sain 10/10

Rolf: No, no, no! On the battlefield, nothing is more important than precision and skill!

Boyd: Nah. Sorry, kiddo. Power is the most important element.

Rolf: You don't know what you're talking about. It's skill!

Boyd: It's power! Did you practice being this stupid?

Rolf: Idiot meathead!

Boyd: What?! Take that back, you little brat!

Mist: Stars above, don't you two ever stop fighting? You're siblings. Be nice to each other. So, what is it this time?

Rolf: You be the judge, Mist. What's the most important quality a soldier can have in battle?

Boyd: It's power, but little Rolfie here insists that it's skill.

Rolf: If you don't have skill, you can't hit your enemies!

Boyd: If you're weak, you can't hurt 'em, even if you do hit 'em!

Mist: Oh, you two are ridiculous.

Rolf: Ridiculous?

Boyd: Yeah, whaddya mean by that?!

Mist: Skill and power are both important. Only a bad soldier would focus on one over the other.

Rolf: That's true, but...

Boyd: You could at least play along a little.

Mist: Play along? I'm sick and tired of having to listen to your silly arguments! Anyhow, I'm here to give you something. Here you go, Boyd.

Boyd: Hey, thanks!

Rolf: What's that? A shirt?

Mist: Yep. Boyd's just like Ike. He keeps growing like a beanstalk! If we didn't constantly make his clothes bigger, he'd run out of things to wear.

Boyd: I'm too broke to buy new ones. Thanks for fixing it up, Mist. I really appreciate it.

Mist: Well, I can't sew very well, but it gets the job done.

Boyd: That it does!

Rolf: I thought Oscar fixed our clothes...

Mist: He's been busy, so I offered to take over some of his chores. Rolf, I can alter your clothes, too. If you want, I mean.

Rolf: No thanks. I can do it myself.

Mist: Really? Well, all right, then.

Boyd: Like he needs alterations! I don't think he's grown in years. Right, short stuff?

Rolf: Shut up, meathead!

Boyd: Why you little--!

Mist: Hey, cut it out! Rolf, wait!

Boyd: Yeah, you'd better run, you moss-headed twerp!

Mist: C'mon, you guys...

You're Rolf.

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He's not worthy of the name Rolf.

Rolf smacks bitches for stealing his horse.

...I miss Ed Edd 'n' Eddy.

That episode where Rolf dueled Eddy was pretty grand.
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He's not worthy of the name Rolf.

Rolf smacks bitches for stealing his horse.

...I miss Ed Edd 'n' Eddy.

Use this for the time being. Plus, every episode is on Youtube. So there's that.

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