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Chrom x Sumia is the best Awakening couple


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Chrom x Female Avatar, Lon'qu x Lissa, and Inigo x Severa! How convenient that my three top OTPs made it! :D *does happy dance*

Same here, voted for all but Chrom x Sumia and Chrom x Olivia.

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Dang, my favourites are out XD

Voted Lissa/Lon'qu, Owain/Cynthia, and Chrom/Sumia because it's totally going to end up being Sumia vs FeMU in the end for Chrom's luvin

Oh brother, I hope not.

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Agreed. It should be Sumia vs Olivia! Female Avatar deserves better than boring old Chrom, imo lol. Like her Freddy Bear :wub:

I actually hoped not for the sake of starting a war... but agreed. The Avatar conversations kind of suck overall, but Chrom's with the Female isn't one of the better ones.

I think my favorites would have to be Virion, Owain, Gerome, Gangrel and Libra.

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I actually hoped not for the sake of starting a war... but agreed. The Avatar conversations kind of suck overall, but Chrom's with the Female isn't one of the better ones.

I think my favorites would have to be Virion, Owain, Gerome, Gangrel and Libra.

People seem to like that pairing more for the little changes it makes to the story, actually. But that's all it does: little changes. They talk about it as if the story is entirely different and way more epic with them paired, which it isn't. But that's just what I think. I also agree that the supports aren't great. While hilarious, they're hardly how I'd build up a romance between two people that become good friends.

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People seem to like that pairing more for the little changes it makes to the story, actually. But that's all it does: little changes. They talk about it as if the story is entirely different and way more epic with them paired, which it isn't. But that's just what I think. I also agree that the supports aren't great. While hilarious, they're hardly how I'd build up a romance between two people that become good friends.

I prefer them as good friends, actually. I mean, he's the first guy you meet, he's the one that sticks up for you and supports you when no one else does, it's almost expected that the two of them fall in love. And yet, you don't. In a way, it feels like one defies fate with that action, which is what the whole game's about, now isn't it?

But I will say this: that S supports makes up for the C through A. SO MUCH.

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I prefer them as good friends, actually. I mean, he's the first guy you meet, he's the one that sticks up for you and supports you when no one else does, it's almost expected that the two of them fall in love. And yet, you don't. In a way, it feels like one defies fate with that action, which is what the whole game's about, now isn't it?

But I will say this: that S supports makes up for the C through A. SO MUCH.

Same here, but I thought all the Shepherds gave Avatar support from the start except Frederick. o.O (this actually being the first reason I chose to go for FrederickxFemale Avatar. The one guy that distrusts and dislikes Avatar at first ends up becoming her husband and lover? Awesome irony and development ftw)

But yeah, it seems predictable, but surprise surprise, it may not happen. I like surprises like that. Just like how Frederick getting with the female Avatar is just as much of a surprise. Great minds think alike, Vash! :D

Edited by Anacybele
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Agreed. It should be Sumia vs Olivia! Female Avatar deserves better than boring old Chrom, imo lol. Like her Freddy Bear :wub:

Or I could just kill all of them and no one wins.


Genocide. The ultimate solution to all contests and disputes.

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Same here, but I thought all the Shepherds gave Avatar support from the start except Frederick. o.O (this actually being the first reason I chose to go for FrederickxFemale Avatar. (one guy that distrusts and dislikes Avatar at first ends up becoming her husband and lover? Awesome irony and development ftw)

But yeah, it seems predictable, but surprise surprise, it may not happen. I like surprises like that. Just like how Frederick getting with the female Avatar is just as much of a surprise. Great minds think alike, Vash! :D

True, but Chrom stands out because besides Lissa (who a Female Avatar can't marry), he's the only other starting party member that trusts the Avatar. Even though they shouldn't.

Right? I mean, have you seen the... A support was it - for Morgan and Lucina? I mean, if they're so surprised that they're not siblings imagine what the rest of the Shepherds must have thought. They must have been shocked. I mean, considering since they're described to be so close.

And I mean, that's how love works sometimes. You find it with the strangest people. The people you don't get along with, the people you don't trust, the people that unnerve you. But they love you regardless and you do the same, and that's what true love is. Fate or canon be damned.

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True, but Chrom stands out because besides Lissa (who a Female Avatar can't marry), he's the only other starting party member that trusts the Avatar. Even though they shouldn't.

Right? I mean, have you seen the... A support was it - for Morgan and Lucina? I mean, if they're so surprised that they're not siblings imagine what the rest of the Shepherds must have thought. They must have been shocked. I mean, considering since they're described to be so close.

And I mean, that's how love works sometimes. You find it with the strangest people. The people you don't get along with, the people you don't trust, the people that unnerve you. But they love you regardless and you do the same, and that's what true love is. Fate or canon be damned.

Yeah, you have a point there. And I did see a bit of that support, yeah (via someone's screenshot). And you're right, you can find love in the most unexpected places and at the most unexpected times. I once got a fortune in a fortune cookie that said "happiness comes when you're not looking for it." So true.

Shadowofchaos: But you still left Olivia alive. Of course. lol

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Fate or canon be damned.

Unless you somehow find an alternate universe set of binoculars or something to see into the possibilities, there is no "canon" except in fiction.

And therefore "true love" vs. "canon" isn't really applicable in the set of circumstances you're describing.

The very nature of how FE13 is established is completely set on the the players preferences, no matter if you find any contradictions in supports and such.

The only "canon" is that Sumia appeared with Chrom's baby in the opening movie (nothing more), that Chrom is Lucina's father, etc. Nothing more. Sumia's appearance is a hint and interpretable according to the player, and therefore has absolutely no effect on the storytelling. Even the "Lovebirds" name changed to "The Rescue", no matter how blatant it is, is all to the player's interpretation. Same with my interpretations of "contradictions" via strangling the hell out of Olivia with a red string with Chrom. I absolutely HATE the fact that I have such passion for a damned fictional character pairing.

Shadowofchaos: But you still left Olivia alive. Of course. lol

Look again, she's dead. In the most gruesome way possible. Lit by the sun in the background.

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Look again, she's dead. In the most gruesome way possible. Lit by the sun in the background.

I don't see her in that image. I only see what looks like a bird among some weird pointy objects sticking out of the ground (probably a dark spell). xP

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Bah, I hate Severa/Inigo and Nah/Morgan-M. :/ The former is such a stupid cliche, and I hate the S-support of the latter.

I went ahead and voted for Chrom/Sumia and Chrom/Olivia. Even if I don't support the first one, they DO look cute together.

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I don't see her in that image. I only see what looks like a bird among some weird pointy objects sticking out of the ground (probably a dark spell). xP

"Are you blind?" -- Severa upon protecting someone while paired up.

That's Olivia's arm that is up getting hit by Expiration.

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I am far too mature to take to heart any of the recent flame bait aimed at ChromxAvatar. Not going to be the one to start a flame war, but casually tossing around slights about pairings or characters or whatnot is never really conducive to respectful conversations. At least, in my experience. But whatever.... :dry:

And yeah, that's clearly a dead Olivia. Genocide could probably be the only way to silence all the waifu wars. Especially since most people just can't take opinions well.... >_>

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And yeah, that's clearly a dead Olivia. Genocide could probably be the only way to silence all the waifu wars. Especially since most people just can't take opinions well.... >_>

But if we kill everyone, who will kill the very last person? They'd be free to forge their own waifus out of the aftermath of the wars.

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weird pointy objects sticking out of the ground (probably a dark spell). xP

Oh wow you haven't beaten Awakening. Okay.

Anyways voted for ChromSumia because canon.

Lon'quLissa because makes sense for Owain support.

And look at that typical TsunTsunDereDerexFlirter OTP. (I like their support okay)

To hell with ChromMu and ChromOlivia

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I completely missed this...

some weird pointy objects sticking out of the ground (probably a dark spell). xP

I seriously hope you were attempting a joke... because:

Oh wow you haven't beaten Awakening. Okay.

Going by this assumption...

I thought the plot [Awakening's] was good, but not totally epic like what the Tellius games had, imo.

How are you evaluating the game's plot, again?

That's like giving a review of a book without finishing it.

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I am far too mature to take to heart any of the recent flame bait aimed at ChromxAvatar. Not going to be the one to start a flame war, but casually tossing around slights about pairings or characters or whatnot is never really conducive to respectful conversations. At least, in my experience. But whatever.... :dry:

Um, neither Vash nor I were trying to flame the pairing or get anyone to flame it. :/

Everyone else: No, I have not beaten the game yet. Sorry for making a simple MISTAKE. Doesn't mean you have to make fun of me for it. :/ Also, I know about the game's ending and some later cutscenes thanks to mostly accidentally spoiling myself of it.

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