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Chrom x Sumia is the best Awakening couple


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I'd laugh, because I'm pretty certain it would solidify the whole 'base breaker' tendency of them.

Sully certainly wasn't as well liked in Japan. Compared to people who like Chrom x Sully here in America.


Edited by shadowofchaos
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People really love their childhood romances over here, I suppose...

Not exactly. "Feminine traits" are more ingrained into their values there.

Soiree/Sully, obviously doesn't exhibit those except for certain instances.

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Owain x Cynthia is the clear winner here, I don't see why this is so hard. I mean c'mon, he goes insane and stabs her (how is that not the most romantic thing ever?). It's basically something out of Tellius, right?

Anyways some time ago I did something silly (maybe involving an RNG of some sort) and decided to support Lon'qu x Lissa, and just now I felt like substantive arguments would be cool, so I set out to look for some.

Then I remembered tumblr exists.

So, you get a pretty okay tumblr argument from someone mentioned in passing on GameFAQs instead of something substantial.

something about having a better argument than SazukeEX

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EDIT: Dammit doubleposted accidentally...

I don't even know how that happened.

Edited by Euklyd
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Kat is right, life gets in the way and I do much more than play FE Awakening. I write, draw, play lots of other games, and I have a job. I haven't felt like playing a lot lately either.

Anyway, I voted the same three as last time. ^^

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Last time I asked you this question, you were on chapter 21. That was 3 months ago. You're still at the same place.

You really can't just spare a couple hours in 3 months? You write, read, draw and post on the forums, but you honestly can't just spare 2 hours out of those activities to finishing this game? You can't stay up extra one night? You can't skip posting here for a couple hours in 3 months just to finish this game?

You have a lot of free time.

You just don't want to finish the game.

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Not exactly. "Feminine traits" are more ingrained into their values there.

Soiree/Sully, obviously doesn't exhibit those except for certain instances.

Ah...! Right, that's true.

The only time she would sort-of show those traits is in her supports with Lucina, since they're generic.

Owain x Cynthia is the clear winner here, I don't see why this is so hard. I mean c'mon, he goes insane and stabs her (how is that not the most romantic thing ever?). It's basically something out of Tellius, right?

Anyways some time ago I did something silly (maybe involving an RNG of some sort) and decided to support Lon'qu x Lissa, and just now I felt like substantive arguments would be cool, so I set out to look for some.

Then I remembered tumblr exists.

So, you get a pretty okay tumblr argument from someone mentioned in passing on GameFAQs instead of something substantial.

something about having a better argument than SazukeEX

That's... not a bad argument. Go tumblr. [/golf claps]

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Guys, while I agree that she really should finish the game, its not like its required to actually beat it when voting for favorite pairings. If she were doing something like giving a full review on an unfinished game, then yeah, that'd be wrong. But otherwise, should it really matter? Or should you really care?

@Ana: Sorry about yesterday's comment then, since that's what it came across as to me. I wasn't in the best mindset yesterday afternoon either; I had an annoying day.

On topic: Gonna vote for my last two favorites Inigo x Severa and Lon'qu x Lissa. And hope that they make it!

Little sad and not surprised about Chromvatar dropping out, but I'm happy they made it this far! Always a winner in my heart! ^_^

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It's okay if she doesn't want to finish the game, but it's annoying when people act like OH IM SO BUSY WITH LIFE I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR ANYTHING when they literally spend hours posting on forums and just doing random crap.

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It's okay if she doesn't want to finish the game, but it's annoying when people act like OH IM SO BUSY WITH LIFE I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR ANYTHING when they literally spend hours posting on forums and just doing random crap.

To be fair, it's much easier to pop onto a forum while working on homework than it is to do homework. (posted while in class, to be an example)

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To be fair, it's much easier to pop onto a forum while working on homework than it is to do homework. (posted while in class, to be an example)

Not to sound antagonistic or petty or mean, I'm just stating a fact here... but it's also pretty easy to play a turn-based game while doing homework.

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But otherwise, should it really matter? Or should you really care?

I'm really with Silver on this. Why get so worked up with what one person wants to do with their 3DS game? Because they choose to express their like for the game through talking about what pairing and characters they like? Really, it's your prerogative to not be bothered by it.

I personally feel that even if Anacybele did finish the game, it really still won't appease you guys because it's not really that you're having problems with is it? :c

But woah man. This thread sure took a turn for the weird haha. Weren't we supposed to be discussing preferred game love interests here or something?

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Not to sound antagonistic or petty or mean, I'm just stating a fact here... but it's also pretty easy to play a turn-based game while doing homework.

Not necessarily. (If this derails further, we should probably take it to the PMs, but...) it can be difficult for those who are distracted easily. And then there are those who don't WISH to play video games when there are things to do, such as homework or studying, no matter how 'easy' it could be to multi-task.

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Not necessarily. (If this derails further, we should probably take it to the PMs, but...) it can be difficult for those who are distracted easily. And then there are those who don't WISH to play video games when there are things to do, such as homework or studying, no matter how 'easy' it could be to multi-task.

Well, yeah, it does depend on the person. But turn-based games are the easiest to attempt that sort of multi-tasking with.

... Yeah, this is good stopping point for this conversation.

So, um... any pairings you're surprised that didn't make it past a certain points, guys?

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It's cool if you haven't finished the game, I get that life gets in the way and the such, but wouldn't it be better to post about it after you finished the game and make more informed opinions with the whole game completed?

More on topic I guess LonkLissa because I don't particularly ship any of them but there was this very feels-heavy LonkLissa comic I saw a while back on tumblr and that at least shifts my opinion of it positively

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So, um... any pairings you're surprised that didn't make it past a certain points, guys?

Lon'qu/Miriel and Tharja/Donnel, mainly. Maribelle/Gregor is also a personal favorite.

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Yeah u n u
None of my OTPs made it past their first rounds. I'm a bit sad about that.

AH WELL. Nothing like seeing how not much people like them to invigorate you into spreading how neat of a pairing it is!

More on topic I guess LonkLissa because I don't particularly ship any of them but there was this very feels-heavy LonkLissa comic I saw a while back on tumblr and that at least shifts my opinion of it positively

Yeah... Fanmade stuff's amazing xD;
They end up filling whatever void the game had in terms of characterization. I'm really happy how big the fanbase of Awakening is though. There's such an abundance of fanart for it because of that.

Edited by pinkbubblegum
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Lon'qu/Miriel and Tharja/Donnel, mainly. Maribelle/Gregor is also a personal favorite.

Ah... yeah, I like Lon'qu/Miriel. It's cute how she throws herself into dangerous situations so he can save her. Oh, Miriel, you manipulator you.

Yeah u n u

None of my OTPs made it past their first rounds. I'm a bit sad about that.

AH WELL. Nothing like seeing how not much people like them to invigorate you into spreading how neat of a pairing it is! xD

None of mine did either, save Chrom/Olivia (which doesn't really count because I paired them for the kids. My REAL Chrom OTP I hate doing because it null-and-voids the ability to ship my Lucina OTP).

It's cool if you haven't finished the game, I get that life gets in the way and the such, but wouldn't it be better to post about it after you finished the game and make more informed opinions with the whole game completed?

More on topic I guess LonkLissa because I don't particularly ship any of them but there was this very feels-heavy LonkLissa comic I saw a while back on tumblr and that at least shifts my opinion of it positively

Oh my GOD, that comic. Just... tears. Tear everywhere.

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None of mine did either, save Chrom/Olivia (which doesn't really count because I paired them for the kids. My REAL Chrom OTP I hate doing because it null-and-voids the ability to ship my Lucina OTP).

You ship Lucina/Kjelle?

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Oh my GOD, that comic. Just... tears. Tear everywhere.

Damn, that Lon'quxLissa comic was the one that made me like the pairing. Right in the feels, man.

And even if you don't like the pairing, there's something wrong if you can't appreciate its beauty.

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Oh my GOD, that comic. Just... tears. Tear everywhere.

Is this the comic that Shadowofchaos posted in the fanart thread a while back? That focused on Owain?

because if it is... I concur...

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You ship Lucina/Kjelle?

Actually, Lucina/Brady.

Is this the comic that Shadowofchaos posted in the fanart thread a while back? That focused on Owain?

because if it is... I concur...

Yes, THAT one. That was just... ART.

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