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Nobody's playlog (hard/classic no pair up, no grinding, no renown)


Sully, paladin or great knight  

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  1. 1. By the way things are going, Sully will promote soon. Which is better for her?

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Just wanted to see how awakening would be if it didn't have those mechanics, so why not start my first playlog?

My avatar is a male, +mag/-luk, because I'm lucky enough to not care about crits.

I won't be using pair up, any renown awards, the barracks, no Anna shop and obviously no grinding at all (including dance/boss abuse). I will do the non-child parologues, and the only child character I will recruit/use is Lucina, whose mother will be either Sully or Sumia, based on their level ups.

I'm thinking about using Pair up as "rescue". That is, if I think a unit is going to die, I pair him with another unit, and unequipped both. It will basically work like the rescue from earlier FEs, but the unit on the lead won't be able to attack (to avoid the pair up bonuses)



I don't think I need to say anything about this one, but I didn't use pair up either :P


Turn 1

Fred picks MU's bronze sword, Mu attacks Myrm with thunder, chrom kills it, lissa goes 3 tiles below the MU. One of the barbarians attacks Chrom and the other the MU, but dual strike trigges both times and they both die.

Turn 2

MU attacks the mage, and Chrom kills him (level ups, HP,SPD,LUK), Lissa heals the MU. Fred equips the bronze sword and go to the range of the enemies on the upper part of the map, to trigger them and weaken the myrm. The Myrm attacks Fred, and is left with 4 HP. The mage and the other Myrm get close to the MU and Chrom.

Turn 3

Chrom kills the weakened myrm, fred weakens the other myrm, mu tries to kills it, but miss. I put Lissa below the myrm, out of the mage range. Myrm attacks lisa, mage attacks the MU.

Turn 4

Chrom kills the mage and MU the myrm (level up: HP,LUK,DEF). I heal the MU with lissa. Fred goes close to the boss and equips the silver lance. Boss attacks Fred and is left with 2 HP.

Turn 5

Chrom finishes the boss and levels up( HP,STR,SPD,LUK,DEF :D)

Someone please teach me how to use the spoiler tags, I'm dumb >.>

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Keep your mouse over the button next to the "Font" dropbox. It should say 'Special BBCode'.

Click on that, and find Spoiler in the Dropbox.

Thank you :D

[spoiler=Chapter 1]

Turn 1

I put Chrom on the fort and attack the fighter. MU goes above chrom and kills him. Fred goes above the MU and equips the bronze sword. Lissa goes close to Fred. Mercenary attacks the MU.

Turn 2

Mu goes to the forest and kill the merc.Fred attacks the merc and sully kills it. Chrom attacks the fighter bellow, and fred guards him, Virion goes 2 squares right of Sully and waits. Lissa goes to the MU right and heals him. Both fighters attack Sully, one of them die.

Turn 3

Virion attacks the fighter that hit Sully, then she kills it (level ups,HP,STR,SKL,LUK,RES). Chrom attacks the Fighter and MU kills it(level up: HP, MAG, SKL, DEF, RES). Fred attacks the risen chief. Lissa heals Sully. The archer hits Lissa and the Risen Chief hits the MU.

Turn 4

The mu kills the risen chief. Virion and chrom weaken the archer, who was on a fort. Lissa heals Sully (to get some exp) and Sully kills the archer

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I did a playthrough like this recently, although I used children and a very small set of Renown stuff (first five weapons), but also didn't use the bonus box. Tons of fun. Kids did break the lategame though, with parents only it should be pretty cool (I suggest not using Lucina, she's wreck house - mine inherited Galeforce (Sumia obviously was the mum) and proceeded to be awesome).

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I did a playthrough like this recently, although I used children and a very small set of Renown stuff (first five weapons), but also didn't use the bonus box. Tons of fun. Kids did break the lategame though, with parents only it should be pretty cool (I suggest not using Lucina, she's wreck house - mine inherited Galeforce (Sumia obviously was the mum) and proceeded to be awesome).

How did you get galeforce by chapter 13?

[spoiler=Chapter 2 -nevermind]

Turn 1

Fred weakens the mercenary on the left part of the map and The avatar kills him. I put Chrom on the left of the avatar and sully on the right. Stahl goes to the right barbarian range on a forest tyle, but out of the soldier's. Lissa goes below Sully, Virion and Vaike go close to Stahl, but out of the enemies range. One soldier attacks Chrom, the other attacks Sully and the barbarian attacks Stahl, but misses.

Turn 2

Virion attacks the barbarian and Stahl kills him. Fred weakens the barbarian above, and the Mu kills him (level up: MAG,SPD,SKL,RES good!). Miriel weakens one of the soldiers, and Sully kills him. Chrom attacks the other soldier, who survives with 4 HP, and Lissa heals Sully, so she can survive being attacked by both soldiers. Vaike gets his axe. One of the soldiers attack lissa, other attacks virion and the last one attacks Stahl, with VIrion dual striking.

Turn 3

Sully kills one of the soldiers (Level up: HP,STR,SKL,SPD,LUK). The MU and Miriel weaken one of the soldiers, with Chrom killing him (level up: HP,SPD,LUK). Stahl kills the other soldier.

I spend the next turns healing everyone and getting then closer to the upper enemies.

Turn 6

I put the MU and Fred on the enemy range, on the end of the bridge, and everyone next to them. One mercenary attacks the MU, one barbarian attacks Fred, the MU dual strikes and kill him =/.

Turn 7

The Mu kills the mercenary, Fred weakens the soldier and Miriel kills him. Chrom weakens the other soldier, and Virion was supposed to do the same, but critted and killed him =/.

Vaike attacks the mercenary and Stahl kills him (level up: HP and SKL, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO). Sully attacks the barbarian. The barbarian attacks Miriel.

Turn 8

Sully kills the barbarian. Stahl attacks the risen chief. RISEN CHIEFS CRIT STAHL FML

EDIT: Did the same strategy again, and this time no one was critted. Chapter 2 beaten.

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I honestly have no idea what Hard is like..

Every time I would get to Chapter 5 in Hard/Lunatic, I would grind everyone to level 20..

At least I'll experience it this time.. due to my playthrough..

And yours.

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Hard no pair up/grinding or renown is still not that hard with skeleton crewing(which I do sometimes by accident because I plan my pairings like by chapter 1 :( )

The run I'm doing though (Hard CLA, no pair up, fast completion[generally low turns so no stalling except for reinforcements], D E ranked and dropped weapons only, lowest leveled always deployed, no reclassing) is a nightmare. Up to chapter 18 right now, and I failed the chapter because a Warrior killed Olivia :[

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Chapter 3

Ok, I beat chapter 3, but forgot to write it here. Well, I put everyone on the right side , but out of the enemy range, except the MU. The MU tanked one archer and one of the meelee units that was able to reach him. I used everyone else to kill them. Then I did the same thing on the left side of the map. The top of the map was quite easy, and I focused on putting the MU on the board of the enemy range and then using everyone to kill the enemies. I tried feeding kills to Stahl, Sully and Sumia, but I think I shouldn't have focused on the latter, without Fred pair up she's a significantly weaker unit. Sadly the boss kill went to Miriel, who I don' intend to use after some time. It was that or losing someone, so I had to let her kill Reimi.

So far it's been really easy, probably because I've already beaten this game too many times on hard mode and already know everything about every enemy. It kind of reminds me of the beggining of FE6 HM, but easier. Fred does exactly the same thing Marcus does on that game.

Now, should I recruit Donnel? My completionist side says so, but I'd have to waste some valuable exp on his paralogue.

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How did you get galeforce by chapter 13?

It's really not hard. Like, the rest of my team were all promoted as well (well except Donny for obvious reasons). Just make sure Sumia gets the lion's share of kills. IIRC Sumia promoted at level 20, after 1 turn in Side Story 4 (played right after chapter 9). She got a massive amount of EXP on chapter 12, like 5 levels worth, as well.

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[spoiler=Chapter 4]

Chrom, MU, Sully, Stahl, Sumia and Lissa deployed.

Sumia and Stahl go to the right, Chrom, Mu and Sully go to the left. MU and stahl tank the fighters. On the next turn I use everyone to finish the fighters and the mages. I put Chrom on the left knight's range (with the rapier equiped) and the MU on the short axe fighter's. The knight is dead, but not the fighter. I used the MU and sully to kill the fighter and Chrom to kill the other knight (thanks rapier!). I keep Sumia and Stahl out of the fighter range, because their HP is low. The next turn I kill the fighter (I think Sumia got the kill). And put Stahl, now with the HP recovered, on Lucina's range. She attacks him, and on the next turn I kill her. Sully got the kill.

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It actually makes the chapter easier. In this game, less is more.

[spoiler=Prologue 1]

So, I beat the prologue 1. I started killing the archer with Sumia and the MU and the barbarian with Chrom, Stahl and Sully. I put Lon'nqu in the lower chokepoint with the killing edge to kill other barbarian on the enemy phase, then on the next turn I killed the archer with the MU and Sumia and the barbarian with Fred and Sully, then I used Stahl to attract the 2 barbarians and killed them with Sumia, Stahl and Fred. After that it was just killing the enemies one by one without worrying too much. I got both the killer lance and the rescue staff, which will be really useful next chapter, and was able to get some good level ups, mainly on Sumia, Stahl and Sully, which is by far my best unit by now. The chapter was easy, although I had to do it twice, since I didn't know the thieves would attack and one of them killed Sumia.

Sumia is such a glass canon without Fred. (with Fred she's a diamond canon).

[spoiler=Chapter 5]

This chapter was easier than I expected. I used most my units to take care of the barbarian/dark mage/ myrmidon on the bottom of the map, and used Sully to block the chokepoint. Maribelle+Ricken were paired up so they could be rescued by Lissa, because it's really difficult to save them otherwise. After that I just slowed down and waited for the enemies to come to me. Sully got many good level ups and used the killer lance gotten on last chapter really well. Now she's actually able to double most things, which is great. Funnily enough, the boss kill went to Ricken, because Elwind was the only thing able to do a lot of damage to him, and it was unreliable to attack him with Ricken if he wasn't going to be killed, since he had a hand axe and doubled the almost useless mage.

[spoiler=Fred got a level up. That's basically the only difference between him and FE6 marcus:]w13474.jpg

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I don't like how only 6 units can be used in Chapter 4.

It bothers me.

Ditto. Not having enough units means that one unlucky miss can easily send your plans south.

It actually makes the chapter easier. In this game, less is more.

I can't agree.

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[spoiler=Chapter 6]

I divided my team in 3 groups, Chrom, MU, Gaius and Panne on the left, Sumia and Stahl on the middle (and lissa between those two groups) and Maribelle, Lon'qu, Sully and Fred on the left. Then I took care of the enemies that arrived. Everytime someone was hit I'd heal then with either Lissa or maribelle. A typical "defend" chapter.

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[spoiler=Chapter 7]

I used sully to kill one of the barbarian in the beggining of the map and put all my strongest units (MU, Stahl, panne) on the board of the enemy range. I attack the wyvern on the south using Sumia and a killing lance, she crits and kill it. the evemies start coming, and some attack my units, suiciding or weakening themselves. Sumia, using the killing lance and some vulneraries takes care of all the wyverns on the south part of the map, and my other units are good enough to kill all the enemies, without worrying too much. I beat the chapter in the turn after Cordelia arrives, so I didn't fight the reinforcements.

[spoiler=Chapter 8]

I rush everyone to the south, being careful with the mages range. MU, Chrom, Stahl, Panne and Lissa go to the left, Sully, Lon'qu, Cordelia, Sumia and Maribelle go to the right. I focus on killing the mages first, the the myrmidons, because they double Nowi and I want to feed kills to Nowi. After cleaning the upper part of the map, I group everyone above the lower enemies, and try to lure them using Sully. After that I just killed them on the player phase. Sully (my MVP) kills the boss.

So, who to give the energy drop to? I'm thinking of Sumia, so she can one round things without the killer lance, that is almost breaking. I'm giving the second seal gotten in this chapter to panne, to make her a wyvern rider.

EDIT: Changes my mind, Panne won't be second sealed! This is supposed to be a classic FE run, no second seals should be used.

[spoiler=Paralogue 2]

(I didn't deploy Sully in this chapter, she's too strong for it) I divided my units in 2 groups, Chrom, MU and Panne take care of the units on the same land my my units were, and the others focuses on going to the right. Stahl and Nowi kill one of the barbarians, Sumia kills the other. The enemies rush to me. On my turn, move Nowi and Sumia to the north, so I could save the village while the others are being used to kill the enemies. After the map is clean, I use the MU to attract the boss and the enemies next to him. Stahl got the boss kill.

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So... I don't think I'll be able to continue with this playlog. I kind of forgot it existed and beat like 5 chapters without taking notes and I'm kind of busy this week >.>. Still, the game has been quite easy so far (though chapter 9 and 11 gave me some trouble and needed some resets).

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