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Hurt/Heal Tales Of Xillia/2


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I noticed you guys didn't even follow the rules properly you do know you weren't suppose to hurt 2 different characters only hurt 1 & heal another or hurt 1 character by x2.... but I noticed a lot of you were either healing characters by 2 or hurting 2 different characters

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Gregor did it.

But not following the rules...



looks like we might not have no winner.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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Okay its time for Hurt/Heal Gen 1!

Remember the rules are as follows please listen to them


You may post every 3 hours

You may Hurt-1 & Heal+1 to 2 different characters or hurt ONE Character by 2 but there will be no healing+2 or hurting TWO different characters by 1 you either hurt and heal 2 different characters or hurt one character by 2 I hope you all understand this.

Anyone not listening to the rules your post wont be counted.

I will be making the Hp start at 30 this time the highest hp can go is 50 and 0 hp means that character is out of the match.

Also please copy the above comment in yours when you post.

this will also include the spot pass characters and of course Validar

Chrom 30

Frederick 30

Stahl 30

Sumia 30

Cherche 30

Sully 30

Cordelia 30

Olivia 30

Lissa 30

Virion 30

MaMU 30

FeMU 30

Miriel 30

Kellam 30

Donnel 30

Gaius 30

Lon'qu 30

Ricken 30

Maribelle 30

Anna 30

Tharja 30

Henry 30

Nowi 30

Libra 30

Gregor 30

Panne 30

Walhart 30

Priam 30

Gangrel 30

Emmeryn 30

Yen'fay 30

Aversa 30

Validar 30

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Must kill them all... hurt Cordelia x2

Chrom 30

Frederick 30

Stahl 30

Sumia 30

Cherche 30

Sully 30

Cordelia 28

Olivia 30

Lissa 30

Virion 30

MaMU 30

FeMU 30

Miriel 30

Kellam 30

Donnel 30

Gaius 30

Lon'qu 30

Ricken 30

Maribelle 30

Anna 30

Tharja 30

Henry 30

Nowi 30

Libra 30

Gregor 30

Panne 30

Walhart 30

Priam 30

Gangrel 30

Emmeryn 30

Yen'fay 30

Aversa 30

Validar 30

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Chrom 30

Frederick 30

Stahl 30

Sumia 30

Cherche 30

Sully 30

Cordelia 30

Olivia 30

Lissa 30

Virion 30

MaMU 30

FeMU 30

Miriel 30

Kellam 30

Donnel 30

Gaius 30

Lon'qu 30

Ricken 30

Maribelle 30

Anna 30

Tharja 30

Henry 30

Nowi 30

Libra 30

Gregor 30

Panne 30

Say'ri 30

Basillio 30

Flavia 30

Walhart 30

Priam 30

Gangrel 30

Emmeryn 30

Yen'fay 30

Aversa 30

Validar 30

I forgot to put sayri basillio and flavia in... they are there now

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yay another one !!

hurt kellam x2

Chrom 30

Frederick 30

Stahl 30

Sumia 30

Cherche 30

Sully 30

Cordelia 28

Olivia 30

Lissa 30

Virion 30

MaMU 30

FeMU 30

Miriel 30

Kellam 28

Donnel 30

Gaius 30

Lon'qu 30

Ricken 30

Maribelle 30

Anna 30

Tharja 30

Henry 30

Nowi 30

Libra 30

Gregor 30

Panne 30

Say'ri 30

Basillio 30

Flavia 30

Walhart 30

Priam 30

Gangrel 30

Emmeryn 30

Yen'fay 30

Aversa 30

Validar 30

getting real tired of you "i'm invisible!!!!!" gimmick

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Lon'qu +1 Walhart-1

Chrom 30

Frederick 30

Stahl 30

Sumia 30

Cherche 30

Sully 30

Cordelia 28

Olivia 30

Lissa 30

Virion 30

MaMU 30

FeMU 30

Miriel 30

Kellam 28

Donnel 30

Gaius 30

Lon'qu 31

Ricken 30

Maribelle 30

Anna 30

Tharja 30

Henry 30

Nowi 30

Libra 30

Gregor 30

Panne 30

Say'ri 30

Basillio 30

Flavia 30

Walhart 29

Priam 30

Gangrel 30

Emmeryn 30

Yen'fay 30

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Ooh, yay, we get to play again. ^^

Heal Frederick :wub:

Hurt Sumia

Chrom 30

Frederick 31

Stahl 30

Sumia 29

Cherche 30

Sully 30

Cordelia 28

Olivia 30

Lissa 30

Virion 30

MaMU 30

FeMU 30

Miriel 30

Kellam 28

Donnel 30

Gaius 30

Lon'qu 31

Ricken 30

Maribelle 30

Anna 30

Tharja 30

Henry 30

Nowi 30

Libra 30

Gregor 30

Panne 30

Say'ri 30

Basillio 30

Flavia 30

Walhart 29

Priam 30

Gangrel 30

Emmeryn 30

Yen'fay 30

Edited by Anacybele
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I see no reason to become Gim-Rin as long as she is still alive.

Hurt Ricken

Heal Cordelia

Chrom 30

Frederick 31

Stahl 30

Sumia 29

Cherche 30

Sully 30

Cordelia 29

Olivia 30

Lissa 30

Virion 30

MaMU 30

FeMU 30

Miriel 30

Kellam 28

Donnel 30

Gaius 30

Lon'qu 31

Ricken 29

Maribelle 30

Anna 30

Tharja 30

Henry 30

Nowi 30

Libra 30

Gregor 30

Panne 30

Say'ri 30

Basillio 30

Flavia 30

Walhart 29

Priam 30

Gangrel 30

Emmeryn 30

Yen'fay 30

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Chrom 30

Frederick 31

Stahl 30

Sumia 29

Cherche 30

Sully 30

Cordelia 30

Olivia 30

Lissa 30

Virion 30

MaMU 30

FeMU 30

Miriel 30

Kellam 28

Donnel 30

Gaius 30

Lon'qu 31

Ricken 29

Maribelle 30

Anna 30

Tharja 30

Henry 30

Nowi 30

Libra 30

Gregor 30

Panne 30

Say'ri 30

Basillio 30

Flavia 30

Walhart 29

Priam 30

Gangrel 28

Emmeryn 30

Yen'fay 30

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Chrom 30

Frederick 31

Stahl 30

Sumia 29

Cherche 30

Sully 30

Cordelia 30

Olivia 28

Lissa 30

Virion 30

MaMU 30

FeMU 30

Miriel 30

Kellam 28

Donnel 30

Gaius 30

Lon'qu 31

Ricken 29

Maribelle 30

Anna 30

Tharja 30

Henry 30

Nowi 30

Libra 30

Gregor 30

Panne 30

Say'ri 30

Basillio 30

Flavia 30

Walhart 29

Priam 30

Gangrel 28

Emmeryn 30

Yen'fay 30

Can we just mention the above poster's name instead of quoting them?

Above User: Link2thelost90

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Chrom 30
Frederick 31
Stahl 30
Sumia 29
Cherche 30
Sully 30
Cordelia 30
Olivia 28
Lissa 30
Virion 30
MaMU 30
FeMU 30
Miriel 30
Kellam 28
Donnel 30
Gaius 30
Lon'qu 32
Ricken 29
Maribelle 30
Anna 30
Tharja 30
Henry 30
Nowi 30
Libra 30
Gregor 30
Panne 30
Say'ri 30
Basillio 30
Flavia 30
Walhart 29
Priam 30
Gangrel 27
Emmeryn 30
Yen'fay 30

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Chrom 31 :wub:
Frederick 31
Stahl 30
Sumia 28 :evil:
Cherche 30
Sully 30
Cordelia 30
Olivia 28
Lissa 30
Virion 30
MaMU 30
FeMU 30
Miriel 30
Kellam 28
Donnel 30
Gaius 30
Lon'qu 32
Ricken 29
Maribelle 30
Anna 30
Tharja 30
Henry 30
Nowi 30
Libra 30
Gregor 30
Panne 30
Say'ri 30
Basillio 30
Flavia 30
Walhart 29
Priam 30
Gangrel 27
Emmeryn 30
Yen'fay 30

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Chrom 31
Frederick 31
Stahl 30
Sumia 28
Cherche 30
Sully 30
Cordelia 28
Olivia 28
Lissa 30
Virion 30
MaMU 30
FeMU 30
Miriel 30
Kellam 28
Donnel 30
Gaius 30
Lon'qu 32
Ricken 29
Maribelle 30
Anna 30
Tharja 30
Henry 30
Nowi 30
Libra 30
Gregor 30
Panne 30
Say'ri 30
Basillio 30
Flavia 30
Walhart 29
Priam 30
Gangrel 27
Emmeryn 30
Yen'fay 30

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