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play FE6 BEFORE FE7? I played FE7 first but I want to know if someone laughed when they saw people in FE7 like Marcus (for looking younger), Eliwood (for looking to much like Roy), Hector (without a beard/owning), Bartre (being an idiot), Merlinus (the way they met), Karel (being to emo) and etc. Anyone?

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Nope. I found it funny seeing the old versions of people, though. I'm sure if I played FE6 first my reaction would be less laughing and more "Cool! they're actually worth something!".

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Yeah, I played FE6 before FE7. I remember being pretty excited when I saw the pre-release screens of FE7 online, which featured images of a younger Eliwood and Hector.

Also, too bad Karel didn't retain his broken growths from FE6 : P

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it means you did the same thing as me XD. Actually... I watched it last year... anyways do you mean the one by zotyuro?

He's MarkHetzel now (his first account got suspended).

His first playthrough of FE6 was done on normal before the suspension, and he plans on doing it again on hard.

Edited by Black Luster Soldier
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He's MarkHetzel now (his first account got suspended).

His first playthrough of FE6 was done on normal before the suspension, and he plans on doing it again on hard.

I know he is awesome. I love his arena videos XD. But he cheated in his last FE7 playthrough... I wonder if he is going to cheat again... ANYWAY I bet FE6 on hard mode is gonna be awesome to watch because on normal it's already crazy imagine on hard... *shivers*

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I did. I think I gave up on FE5 at that time and found FE3's graphics to be not particularly pleasing to the eye, so I decided to play the FE after FE5 and of course hearsay about Roy. It was interesting to see the younger selves of FE6 units in FE7...

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FEFL's life story of how he got hooked to FE(Be careful, wall of text)- When I was 9, I needed to get a game, only a used one and Fire Emblem looked like the coolest title. I went home pretty angry, but obviously not for too long. BLAH BLAH BLAH BORING STUFF I finally knew about the other FE's when I got 8(Did research) Then got a ROM of 6. So I played 7 first=)

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I played FE6 before FE7 - and all I could think of the whole time through were:

1) How could Hector die? Nothing, and I mean nothing, could kill Hector. Did he really lose his edge after all those years, because in his youth he is unstoppable.

2) Who is so-and-so's parents? It just destroyed me the whole time playing FE7, constantly looking at avatars and considering personalities to see who would be matched with who. I tortured myself setting up the right marriages in FE7.

3) Where did Roy go wrong? His father was so good, and yet he was so bad. Obviously learning from Cecilia was NOT the best way.

4) Why the beard Hector, why?

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I played FE6 before FE7 - and all I could think of the whole time through were:

1) How could Hector die? Nothing, and I mean nothing, could kill Hector. Did he really lose his edge after all those years, because in his youth he is unstoppable.

2) Who is so-and-so's parents? It just destroyed me the whole time playing FE7, constantly looking at avatars and considering personalities to see who would be matched with who. I tortured myself setting up the right marriages in FE7.

3) Where did Roy go wrong? His father was so good, and yet he was so bad. Obviously learning from Cecilia was NOT the best way.

4) Why the beard Hector, why?

Eliwood wasn't so good... unless your comparing him to Roy.

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  • 1 month later...

Baby zephiel and guinevere.

Fe6 is slightly more challenging, fe7 is better if you are newer to the game.

Edited by VincentASM
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  • 3 weeks later...

"I played FE6 before FE7 - and all I could think of the whole time through were:

1) How could Hector die? Nothing, and I mean nothing, could kill Hector. Did he really lose his edge after all those years, because in his youth he is unstoppable."

Well, dude, he was attacked by all three dragon generals at once, that's like the creme de le creme of the Bern army, the strongest militairy power on the continent, some of the most powerful people in existence at the time (well, not so much Narshen, but the other two sure were!). He might've lost some of his edge, but that's certainly not how he lost.

"2) Who is so-and-so's parents? It just destroyed me the whole time playing FE7, constantly looking at avatars and considering personalities to see who would be matched with who. I tortured myself setting up the right marriages in FE7."

Well, I think we can pretty much say for sure that NinianXEliwood, and LynXHector was very strongly implied in FE7 Hector mode. RebeccaXWil are the most likely parents of Wolt, Rath probably just married a generic sacaen woman, Clarine n' Klein were the daughter of Pent and Louise, Hugh was Canas' son, Lugh and Ray were likely to be the sons of Nino and Jaffar, and I believe that Fir was the daughter of Bartre and Karla.

"3) Where did Roy go wrong? His father was so good, and yet he was so bad. Obviously learning from Cecilia was NOT the best way."

Are you kidding me?! You do realize that Roy has some of the best growths in the entire game right?! The only thing that kills him is his very late promotion.

"4) Why the beard Hector, why?"

Lol, that one I can sympathize with. It makes him look so generic, it's not even funny, and that's a darn shame...

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I actually just got the ROM for FE6 yesterday, so apart from that there's not too much I can say about some of the other characters. In any event, I played FE7 way before I played FE6, so reverse engineering is hilarious here.

I think Old Marcus looks really funny, if only because he looks so darn wasted. Old Eliwood is kind of nice, except he's got too many wrinkles on his face and he has minimal screentime at best. (I'm at Chapter 3 right now...) And Hector's beard is not cool; it was better when it was short like in the epilogue of FE 7! :angry:

As for everybody else, I won't really comment until I actually see them in this game.

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