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Morgan as Grima? What's this?


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[spoiler=FP3 / FoD3 spoilers]Presumably it works the same way as Tiki becoming the new Naga.

Regardless of it being theoretically possible, I guess, I've seen no evidence that any Morgan ever became Grima.

And of course your cousin could just be silly. I know I have silly cousins.

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....Maybe in theory if you let chrom do it...but still thats only one generation....so maybe morgan the 10th

It's my theory he/she came from the timeline where Grima was sealed away by Chrom, however when Morgan was born, Grima found a new host within Morgan and the process of an apocalyptic future began once again. The Grima-Morgan which killed off most of the G1 characters had gone back in time from post G2, to Mid G2 after the sealing of Grima to kill off MU (which they did successfully) and awaken Morgan. However Morgan was saved by either Naga or his/her parents at the last second at the cost of their memories to avoid Grima-Morgan and was sent back to G1.

So basically if you have chrom seal grima, Grima will only come back post-plot and will use Morgan as it's host rather than MU since Morgan is a stronger host. If you however choose to sacrifice MU to kill Grima, then you prevent Grima from inhabiting Morgan in the alternate future from which harmed the non-grima Morgan.

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It's my theory he/she came from the timeline where Grima was sealed away by Chrom, however when Morgan was born, Grima found a new host within Morgan and the process of an apocalyptic future began once again. The Grima-Morgan which killed off most of the G1 characters had gone back in time from post G2, to Mid G2 after the sealing of Grima to kill off MU (which they did successfully) and awaken Morgan. However Morgan was saved by either Naga or his/her parents at the last second at the cost of their memories to avoid Grima-Morgan and was sent back to G1.

So basically if you have chrom seal grima, Grima will only come back post-plot and will use Morgan as it's host rather than MU since Morgan is a stronger host. If you however choose to sacrifice MU to kill Grima, then you prevent Grima from inhabiting Morgan in the alternate future from which harmed the non-grima Morgan.

Oh, okay...I get it a little bit... :/:

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Eh, I have a hard time buying it. Gameplay-wise yeah Morgan's the strongest, but with regards to being a vessel for Grima, MU required hilarious amounts of eugenics and I think him/her marrying some random schlepp would dilute that potential.

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Eh, I have a hard time buying it. Gameplay-wise yeah Morgan's the strongest, but with regards to being a vessel for Grima, MU required hilarious amounts of eugenics and I think him/her marrying some random schlepp would dilute that potential.

Mhm...True, true....I guess...

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Whoever told you that... didn't base it in any feasible evidence. In fact, considering the set up, it's easily counter-able as what Canto said.

Morgan -cannot- become Grima. Only MU/Robin can.

Maybe if MaMU/FeMU was actually a thing and not crack, they could but otherwise, no.

Edited by Airship Canon
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