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Yeah, got to watch out with those thickets. Some can be stand alone but others are meant to be connected to other thickets.

For the fort you can see a line of grass pixels in between the fort and the road.

There should be a mountain tile that isn't cut off on the right side.

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There won't be any fliers by that part of the game, otherwise i would be pointless like you said :D

Also thanks for clarifying Prime! I'll tidy them up later.

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Ok, so I have some new stuff to share :D


Well, this was originally intended to be a map for an extra gaiden set in Arcadia, but I doubt I'll get round to it.


A W.I.P Map, the floor is very messy in places


I think I fixed all of the issues with this map too.

Critique is welcomed!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so I'm not sure about some of these because of the cliffs, but:

http://gyazo.com/7d6956ce2ca92442369a3e7d9f2d5385 You go up the stairs but the wall remains the same hieght.

http://gyazo.com/0a063fa701d840b2a74b746fcae75734 I think this is a hieght error but I'm not sure, you go up two flights of stairs but the wall only reduces by 1.

Don't know if it's intentional but these walls aren't connected:




I used colors since I don't know how else to explain this. |:

Edited by Matt Snow
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Red left stairway's two tall surrounded by two tall walls. The other staircase leaving it is one tall still surrounded by two tall walls. If the cliff changes the height, show that with the walls. Alternatively (as easier-ly), make the staircases equal height, and pretend height changes due to cliffs are negligible.

Yellow's staircases have to equal only half a height change each to only go from 1 high walls to two around them (one of these can be removed).

Blue staircase doesn't end up creating a height change (should be removed).

[spoiler=coloured circles]


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  • 1 month later...

I like them all. Especially the indoors map. That said, it has like all indoors maps height errors.


Red- There are two stairs going up and yet at the top and bottom the walls are the same height. If you replace the tiles I marked in green with a pillar or something it should fix it.

Blue- yet again there are stairs but the walls are the same height. The green marked tiles here could be replaced with floor as one way to fix it.

Keep up the awesome maps!

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1-How are you supposed to get to the throne room?

2-I know FE7 does this, but, holy shit, that throne is bigger than a house

3-I think the waterfall needs to have a cliff

4-Height errors and are you sure all those doors are actually doors? they look wierd, the carpet is pretty cool

5-I believe it's fine

Edited by Sairento
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  • 1 month later...

I have some new mugs and maps and map sprites which I'll upload soon, but for now have this :D


Mapping Competition Entry


A map for the Shatterlight FE7 hack. Please tell me if I've missed shading or have made any height errors :P

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Ah, thanks for pointing that out Sairento :)

Um...so I had a go at making a spell animation (summons a revenant out of a portal):


I don't know how difficult it is to script spells...

Feel free to give feedback!

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Another map

The wall at the halfway point of the map is a little jarring, and there's a tile error at the top of the one at the bottom right corner, looks like.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ostia mega map (it might have a few height errors, but I doubt I'll be coming back to it):


Its so big that I can't post it full size, sorry guys :/

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@GK Thanks! :D

So I had a go at recreating the V map from this tiny little image. The V and J maps are FE6 DLC maps if you didn't know, awarded to only 10 people in Japan:



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Wow that DLC comes off as totally not worthwhile with those kinds of level designs...

Super Ostia is missing the majority of Battle Preparations (The most important chapter). Not impressed/10.

Jokes aside, I feel bad now for shooting down your mega map idea. =/

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Interesting concept on the spell. hopefully spells'll be easy to script in FEXNA

define "script"

you just put the animation in, edit positions, and donzo

and if you have a gif you just add it and reposition it, and even easier

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define "script"

you just put the animation in, edit positions, and donzo

and if you have a gif you just add it and reposition it, and even easier

I think his reference toward scripting including the timing element, which is still there. Is the screen slide accounted for in FEXNA, or is it manual?

This is one of the things I look forward to most - If Yeti's cribbed the RMXP model for designing animations, spells will go from 'huge pain in the ass' to 'user friendly'.

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