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Yeah, Thunder Wave + Rock Slide @King's Rock is trollish and lulzy. That's the combo Maison Ttars run, generically. Stealth Rock because yes. It's much better taking advantage of Agg's defense rather than running full attack moveset imo. Also, there's this steel type move that crushes opponents based on the difference between weights.

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What do you mean "wait for a Stealth Rock tutor"?

And I'll pass on Rest and Sleep Talk. Rest leaves a Pokemon too vulnerable, imo, and Sleep Talk involves too much luck (it could wind up using an ineffective move).

EDIT: I thought King's Rock was only an evolution item? As for the Steel type move you're talking about, Quint, do you mean Heavy Slam?

Edited by Anacybele
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What do you mean "wait for a Stealth Rock tutor"?

In games like Platinum, HGSS and B2W2, there are move tutors who will teach your Pokemon useful moves in exchange for Battle Points.

When the inevitable sequel for XY comes out...

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What do you mean "wait for a Stealth Rock tutor"?

And I'll pass on Rest and Sleep Talk. Rest leaves a Pokemon too vulnerable, imo, and Sleep Talk involves too much luck (it could wind up using an ineffective move).

EDIT: I thought King's Rock was only an evolution item? As for the Steel type move you're talking about, Quint, do you mean Heavy Slam?

And yet, attacking, even with an ineffective move, is a better alternative than sitting there asleep and waiting for the status to go away (if you don't have a held berry to cure it). (Sure, you could switch out, but then you're still left with a snoozing Aggron on the bench, unless you've got someone with Heal Bell in your team.) (EDIT - I do suppose that if the moves are ineffective, you're probably looking at something that might pose a threat to Aggron and probably would want to switch out, however, if Aggron was your only remaining Pokemon, Sleep Talk would at least give you the possible chance of winning...)

King's Rock allows damaging moves to have a chance to flinch if it's held so long as the moves didn't already have a chance to flinch.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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What do you mean "wait for a Stealth Rock tutor"?

And I'll pass on Rest and Sleep Talk. Rest leaves a Pokemon too vulnerable, imo, and Sleep Talk involves too much luck (it could wind up using an ineffective move).

EDIT: I thought King's Rock was only an evolution item? As for the Steel type move you're talking about, Quint, do you mean Heavy Slam?

The set I use with my (shiny) mega-aggron is Rest, Sleep Talk, Dragon Tail and Heavy Slam(can be substituted with Iron Head). Mega-aggron is an incredibly bulky pokemon, but without a way of healing, he's losing a lot of tanking ability. Rest gives him the ability to heal status(that means you can use him as a potential status effect sponge), Sleep Talk allows you to not be a sitting duck, Dragon Tail gives you the possibility of forcing out pokemon that would set on you and Heavy Slam/Iron Head is your stab move(here its a matter of preference, Iron Head has reliable damage and a chance to flinch, but Heavy Slam is potentially more powerful on tons of pokemon due to mega aggron's heavy weight)

Yeah, Thunder Wave + Rock Slide @King's Rock is trollish and lulzy. That's the combo Maison Ttars run, generically. Stealth Rock because yes. It's much better taking advantage of Agg's defense rather than running full attack moveset imo. Also, there's this steel type move that crushes opponents based on the difference between weights.


I though King's Rock didn't stack with move that already have a chance to cause flinching(at least it was changed to work like that in B/W, I don't know if they changed it back in X/Y)

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Thanks, but I'd rather not copy someone else. xP I'd feel like I'm stealing. I'm going to go with Thunder Wave and Dragon Claw. And replace Iron Tail with Heavy Slam.

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I though King's Rock didn't stack with move that already have a chance to cause flinching(at least it was changed to work like that in B/W, I don't know if they changed it back in X/Y)

RAGE 0/10 lamesauce.

Also, pics because yes, although I hate the disproportion >_>

[spoiler=Evolutionary Stones 1]600px-038Ninetales.png vs 275Shiftry.png vs 600px-026Raichu.png vs 600px-121Starmie.png

[spoiler=Evolutionary Stones 2]034Nidoking.png vs 549Lilligant.png vs 468Togekiss.png vs 609Chandelure.png vs 475Gallade.png

[spoiler=King of the Seas]600px-186Politoed.png vs 600px-230Kingdra.png vs 368Gorebyss.png

[spoiler=Trade]600px-068Machamp.png vs 600px-466Electivire.png vs 600px-474Porygon-Z.png vs 600px-589Escavalier.png vs 709Trevenant.png

[spoiler=Evolution Methods]600px-169Crobat.png vs 600px-461Weavile.png vs 462Magnezone.png vs 469Yanmega.png vs 706Goodra.png


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So guys, while we're still on the topic of Aggron, I'm not fully decided on a held item for my shiny one yet. I don't have a King's Rock, so...

Oh, I know! Since I'll be replacing my Aurorus with it, I'll give it that Pokemon's held item. I forget what it is, but I'm pretty sure it was something that increased the damage dealt by moves. So my Aggron should OHKO a lot of opponents with this thing. :D

EDIT: Ah yes, the Assault Vest. That's right. lol

I've also added my Keldeo to my team. I replaced his Aqua Jet with Scald (because STAB and burn effect) and his other three moves are Sacred Sword, Secret Sword, and Hydro Pump. Keldeo's best stats are sp. attack and sp. defense, so I was thinking of swapping Sacred Sword with Calm Mind. But on the other hand, I could swap the Shell Bell I gave it with the Assault Vest I handed Aggron and make Sacred Sword stronger.

Decisions, decisions. xP

Edited by Anacybele
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So guys, while we're still on the topic of Aggron, I'm not fully decided on a held item for my shiny one yet. I don't have a King's Rock, so...

Oh, I know! Since I'll be replacing my Aurorus with it, I'll give it that Pokemon's held item. I forget what it is, but I'm pretty sure it was something that increased the damage dealt by moves. So my Aggron should OHKO a lot of opponents with this thing. :D

EDIT: Ah yes, the Assault Vest. That's right. lol

I've also added my Keldeo to my team. I replaced his Aqua Jet with Scald (because STAB and burn effect) and his other three moves are Sacred Sword, Secret Sword, and Hydro Pump. Keldeo's best stats are sp. attack and sp. defense, so I was thinking of swapping Sacred Sword with Calm Mind. But on the other hand, I could swap the Shell Bell I gave it with the Assault Vest I handed Aggron and make Sacred Sword stronger.

Decisions, decisions. xP

assualt vest doesn't make things stronger, it gives them 50% more special defense. i'd say that if you want to use it, keep it on aggron if anything, because keldeo isn't really meant to tank hits. i'd give keldeo some kind of item that powers up its moves, like a life orb if you have one. if you want to give it calm mind, i suggest leftovers for healing, and assault vest prevents the use of non attacking moves. i'd also replace one of each of its stab moves (or at least replace one of the fighting stabs) for grass knot to hit the quagsire and swampert.

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assualt vest doesn't make things stronger, it gives them 50% more special defense. i'd say that if you want to use it, keep it on aggron if anything, because keldeo isn't really meant to tank hits. i'd give keldeo some kind of item that powers up its moves, like a life orb if you have one. if you want to give it calm mind, i suggest leftovers for healing, and assault vest prevents the use of non attacking moves. i'd also replace one of each of its stab moves (or at least replace one of the fighting stabs) for grass knot to hit the quagsire and swampert.

My Sylveon is already holding the Leftovers, and you can only get one Leftovers (plus it's against the rules in the maison to have two Pokemon with the same held item).

Grass Knot sounds good though, I believe I have that TM.

If Assault Vest prevents the use of status moves, I shouldn't use it because my Aggron also has Thunder Wave now. I'll give it something else.

EDIT: I've figured that out, Lord Glenn. I'm not a noob. xP

EDIT2: Well, scratch Grass Knot, Keldeo can't learn it. In fact, he can't learn any Grass type moves as far as I can see. :(

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But if my Keldeo doesn't have a Grass type Hidden Power? xP

Also, I decided to give my Aggron a Dragon Fang so its Dragon Claw is stronger. But once I get my hands on an Aggronite, that's what it's getting. :D

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Keldeo doesn't need HP Grass since Quagsire (assuming Unaware, since Gastrodon makes a way better Water Absorber) and Swampert get nuked by Hydro Pump. A Choice Specs set with HP Flying / Secret Sword / Hydro Pump / Icy Wind makes a pretty good wallbreaker in competitive matches since HP Flying bypasses Mega Venusaur's ability. Using a Life Orb and replacing HP Flying with Calm Mind is another option.

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That all sounds dandy, but I don't know what type my Keldeo's Hidden Power would be. I know there's a person that can tell you in the game, but I forget where said person is, so can someone tell me?

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That all sounds dandy, but I don't know what type my Keldeo's Hidden Power would be. I know there's a person that can tell you in the game, but I forget where said person is, so can someone tell me?

Anistar City. House by the boutique.

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It's not perfect, said 4 IVs are in HP, Attack, Defense and Speed and I figured I'd evolve it into the Shiny Eevee I like best in terms of looks which is Espeon.

I just really like that green.

Besides it should fetch a nice price for whoever wants it since I don't plan on keeping it.

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Eh, your choice. xP

On another topic, I just finished the Looker story! That was fun, and working with Looker is always so because he's awesome! I was saddened that he had to go, but of course he had to, cause he's Looker. But he'll always be one of my favorite Pokemon characters! And I'm sure we'll see him again in the next region, because again, he's Looker! He might even show up in the next gen 6 game/games, you never know. :)

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Just forgot to tell you that for polls with 5-8 options, the first two places will advance for the next round, so:

Evo Stones 1 (1 will advance)

Evo Stones 2 (2 will advance)

Sea thingy (Kingdra 1 will advance)

Then, these 4 will face each other, for only one of them will reach finals for "Other" Category.

For Trade/Evo Methods, 2 per poll will advance and follow the same process.

Regarding the "Classic" part (Starters, Fossils, Eeveelutions, Legends):

Starters: 2 out of 6

Fossils: 2 out of 5

Eeveelutions: 1 out of 4 (Jolt, Esp, Glace, Sylv)

Other Legends: Latios, Darkrai and Rotom-W(?)

Legend Trios: 2 out of 5

Legends: 2 out of 5. Though 6 with Mew2


And I'm missing Mew/Celebi/Jirachi/Manaphy/Victini's poll, and Deoxys and Genesect and Keldeo and Meloetta NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO

I'll just add them to Latios/Darkrai/Rotom's poll


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Also, I decided to give my Aggron a Dragon Fang so its Dragon Claw is stronger. But once I get my hands on an Aggronite, that's what it's getting. :D

I get the feeling that you are a noob. At least in terms of competitive Pokemon.

You do realize that Aggronite is a held item, right?

That is, if your Aggron holds an Aggronite, it can't hold a Dragon Fang 'cause its item slot is filled... right?

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I get the feeling that you are a noob. At least in terms of competitive Pokemon.

You do realize that Aggronite is a held item, right?

That is, if your Aggron holds an Aggronite, it can't hold a Dragon Fang 'cause its item slot is filled... right?

Um, duh. Like I said, I'm not a noob. I meant that I was going to swap its Dragon Claw for the Aggronite when I got the latter. >_>

Anyway, I think I know why I keep losing battles now. The guy that tells you the potential of your Pokemon said that my team is only decent overall. Merely above average in the case of my Keldeo. :(

Looks like I actually need a whole new team if I'm to really start winning for once. Not that winning is all I care about, I just don't want to suck.

On another note, I no longer need someone to help me dex Articuno and Moltres, I decided to transfer the birds I had in Platinum. I goofed when I also brought over a Celebi though. I assumed that the Pokemon Bank gift Celebi was canceled because of the delay, but I got one anyway lol. So now I have two. I'll probably trade one to Y whenever I get around to playing it.

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