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Thanks for the trade! XD

Oh good lord yes! Pants! I can't tell you how many times I've had to hem mine because they're too long and my body type for clothes just never seems to match. Its why I'm glad to have a seamstress as a sister, since she fixes up my stuff and makes it easier to wear.

@Tonton: Not sure. I never seem to get attacked from bushes unless I'm skating past one in Victory Road and a few other places. Maybe you need to be traveling at high speed?

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You're welcome! :)

Lucky, I have to pay to get any clothes altered. xP

Going back to those Mega Stones, it turns out that Aggronite is a Y exclusive after all. Ugh, that sucks. Why are certan stones only in the game opposite to the one where the Pokemon that uses them is found? That's just really stupid.

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Le girls conversation. Actually, Ana, I feel petite women (1.5~1.6m) look more tiny with loooong hair all down to their butt but oh well


You're welcome! :)

Lucky, I have to pay to get any clothes altered. xP

Going back to those Mega Stones, it turns out that Aggronite is a Y exclusive after all. Ugh, that sucks. Why are certan stones only in the game opposite to the one where the Pokemon that uses them is found? That's just really stupid.

Perhaps to incentivate trading features. But I RAGE SO HARD when X players get access to Manectric and Pupitar via Friend Safari, and we Y players don't even see Houndour and/or Aron not even on Friend Safari and have to rely on trades >_> Edited by Quintessence
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Le girls conversation. Actually, Ana, I feel petite women (1.5~1.6m) look more tiny with loooong hair all down to their butt but oh well


Perhaps to incentivate trading features. But I RAGE SO HARD when X players get access to Manectric and Pupitar via Friend Safari, and we Y players don't even see Houndour and/or Aron not even on Friend Safari and have to rely on trades >_>

My hair isn't THAT long lol.

Maybe, that's possible. That is kind of unfair, you're right. :/

Still. I don't like that I'm going to have to play through Y all the way just to get that Aggronite...

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Le girls conversation. Actually, Ana, I feel petite women (1.5~1.6m) look more tiny with loooong hair all down to their butt but oh well


Perhaps to incentivate trading features. But I RAGE SO HARD when X players get access to Manectric and Pupitar via Friend Safari, and we Y players don't even see Houndour and/or Aron not even on Friend Safari and have to rely on trades >_>

I honestly can't believe that's the only reason - not when you're locked into only getting one of each. I mean, I know that Game Freak isn't very often a bastion of common sense, but even that would be such an utter lack of foresight that it's unbelievable. It's entirely more likely that it's that way to encourage players to buy every single game. (Which is just as bad.)

(Predicting that, should the inevitable follow up to X and Y be made - not exactly farfetched, given the plots of space on the map that were prime, unused areas and the entire area south of the map that matches up to France - I entirely expect more of the features that were absent in X/Y that have been "standard" for years to reappear, along with more Mega Stones, etc., and given Nintendo's piss-poor adoption of common sense wireless network policies, all of that content will be sequestered to that new game, forcing everyone to buy it too - no "Expansion Pack" or "Upgrade" for X/Y to bring them up to par, despite those being completely viable strategies now. [And, trust me, I'd gladly drop $10-20 to purchase an expansion pack that added all of the relevant content to the game that I already owned instead of dropping $35-40 on a new one that just had some additions and tweaks.])

(I mean, they haven't even gotten distributions right yet, and those have really been around for over a decade now! Japan has a ridiculous number of Holo Caster announcements, and North America has 3. Nintendo [of America] still seems to think that we should be forced to go somewhere to get certain download events, despite the fact that it's absolutely stupid this day and age to limit it in such a way. Etc.)

(Also, how is it that, with a game based on France, that the legendary Pokemon that are based on the French novel of The Three Musketeers don't have a special event storyline? (Yes, I get that they were "covered" in Black/White/Black 2/White 2, but come on.) I mean, seriously, this stuff writes itself! Then again, I guess it isn't hard to come up with simple stuff that has eluded Game Freak for years...)

Edited by Lord Glenn
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The hunt for a Pinsirite is excruciating...

I found it quickly. It's near the south entrance of Santalune Forest. The sparkle for it is in the tall grass though, so look closely. I tend to have a keen eye, so that might be why it was easy for me to spot.

Mega Pinsir is freaking badass though. :D

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I found it quickly. It's near the south entrance of Santalune Forest. The sparkle for it is in the tall grass though, so look closely. I tend to have a keen eye, so that might be why it was easy for me to spot.

Mega Pinsir is freaking badass though. :D

I think he means trying to find someone to trade a Pinsirite if you have Y Edited by Tonton
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Oh, oops. xP

I obviously don't want to give up mine though, sorry...

And this is pretty much the flaw in Game Freak's logic on making Mega Stones as exclusive as they are. People rarely want to give up one for another or just give one up in general. Whether it's from a completionist standpoint or someone actually plans to use all of them at some point, people are reluctant to part ways with a Mega Stone.

To clarify, I'm not pointing any fingers here, I'm the same way. I'd like to have them all, but I'd not like to give up any as well. Like Lord Glenn states, we'll probably have to wait and see if there's the 3rd title that has access to everything and then some.

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There is no flaw in that logic.

1. People can't get all Mega Stones

2. They'll buy both games to get them

3. ???

4. Profit

That's pretty much my plan. I want both Mega Aggron and Mega Houndoom (although Mega Manectric isn't terrible, to be honest), but I got X. At some point, I'm gonna pick up a copy of Y and finish the story so I can get the mega stones. What I'd LIKE to do, though, is see if I can find a copy at Walmart, as their copies of Y come with a free Mystery Gift code for a Scizor. I mean, hey, free Scizor, it works.

For the record, Walmart copies of Pokemon X comes with a code for a Garchomp. Cheap bastards...

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There is no flaw in that logic.

1. People can't get all Mega Stones

2. They'll buy both games to get them

3. ???

4. Profit

Maybe from Game Freak's point of view. I personally don't see the point in shelling out an extra $40 for a couple of stones and a legendary. No thanks.

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To clarify, I'm not pointing any fingers here, I'm the same way. I'd like to have them all, but I'd not like to give up any as well. Like Lord Glenn states, we'll probably have to wait and see if there's the 3rd title that has access to everything and then some.

Or sequels.

Maybe from Game Freak's point of view. I personally don't see the point in shelling out an extra $40 for a couple of stones and a legendary. No thanks.

I agree. Even though I did also buy Y, it's not fair to those who can only afford one game. Not everyone has a lot of extra spending money.

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Maybe from Game Freak's point of view. I personally don't see the point in shelling out an extra $40 for a couple of stones and a legendary. No thanks.

Well, of course it is in their point of view. This is a valid strategy to make more money with the games, amd as long as there are still people who buy both versions, they'll keep doing things like that.

Honestly, this doesn't bother me as much as event pokemon that have their distribution limited to certain places.

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The only guy I know with a Normal safari is a SF user who won't get the game most likely, so I can't ever get his third Pokémon.

That feels when D:. Does he have an Audino in the safari?

Me and Avarice have normal Types. He has ditto, I have Eevee's. I wanted ditto's in my FS T___T

Well I guess if you really need the Diitos you can go the the subreddit (r/friendsafari). That's how I've been getting the Friend Safaris I needed.

My safari is useless. It's a Ghost type that doesn't give any Pokemon that you can't already find in another SF user's safari. Lame, I know...

Water Safari. They seem common as all hell but at least Azumarill is useful.

No where near as lame as mine. At least Ghost type is interesting and gives fairly interesting pokes. I'm freaking BUG TYPE! And I don't even give cool or strong bugs; I have Combee, Illumise and Vivillon. Try doing anything worthwhile with those.... >_>

That's...actually a pretty decent safari.

I have an Ivysaur safari. Guess it could be worse.

I really need someone with a Fletchinder safari D:

If you're just interested in the Gale Wings I'm drowning in Gale Wings Fletchlings over here. Already finished my 5IV so I can lend out stuff. (Not right now but maybe tomorrow when I have reliable internet access again)

Edited by Interest
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That feels when D:. Does he have an Audino in the safari?

Water Safari. They seem common as all hell but at least Azumarill is useful.

No. Lillipup and Kecleon. I guess it's useful since the former isn't around and the latter is a bitch to get normally.

I see mostly Fire, Steel and Psychic.

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I finally got my hands on a Fennekin TGC starter box! I'd been looking for it since I saw Froakie and Chespin boxes at Target, but Target didn't have Fennekin ones. Walmart, thankfully, had like one or two left. But no Fennekin plushies alongside their Froakie and Chespin ones. :(

People must really like Fennekin around here! xP

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I liked Fennekin until I saw its evolutions. >_<

What's wrong with them? I'll admit that I wish the line had stayed quadrupedal, but when I learned that Braixen and Delphox are also based on mages/witches, I liked them a lot more. Besides, they look a hell of a lot better than Chespin or Froakie's evos. Imo anyway.

Also, either I'm not doing something right here with Mega Gengar or I put it in my lineup at the wrong time, because I didn't even get to the 20th battle in the maison this time. >_> Or, maybe it just doesn't work after all.

Edited by Anacybele
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