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FE13 thief only run


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The Miriel curse(?) strikes again! Only this time, she passed on her secret to Nowi, so now she and Lon'qu have a C support.

[spoiler=paralouge 8-Kjelle]First off, I have to say I've never used Kjelle, so I didn't know what to expect: constant reinforcements. I guess you could view this as a good thing, seeing as how I did this paralouge with the sole intent of gaining levels, but those first few turns were really exhausting, and Kellam, who actually contributed something, had to sit out the rest of the map. I tried and failed to bull rush the boss once Kjelle died, until I realized that the never ending reinforcements had to end because I had to rout the enemy. Not much else to say after that, Henry got a few kills while Gaius picked off mages and archers with his bronze bow. So, I might as well mention what I think of my team currently, more specifically: Gaius. I found out that he needs a pair up partner to survive, because other sword users have accuracy on the wrong side of seventy, however, he is a very precious offensive unit, and I can see him building an A support with Chrom in the future.

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Before I move on with the next chapter, I feel I should clear my stance on Kellam and Henry. And that is, they're at an unfair disadvantage; at the enemy's weakest, these two are fighting a level 19 non-promote with a steel weapon, so even though they are extra baggage until potentially the final grind, I don't feel they're a lost cause.

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[spoiler=chapter 16]I was really getting sick of this level towards the end of my run. I never liked the 'climbing on tree roots' to begin with, but this was painful. So many reinforcements, How I finally succeeded in the level was by bull rushing while killing off anything that didn't use axes. Towards the beginning I decided to split up my forces evenly among three paths, but reinforcements happened. Kellam and Henry did surprisingly well for themselves here, and Lon'qu!Panne was nothing but useful. Garrett ended up killing the boss because reinforcement panic; and now he and Anna are officially married! Therefore, the Morgan paralouge is probably what I'll end up doing next. I really don't have much to comment here because my thought process the whole time was "escape the reinforcements", it was about as bad as Kjelle's paralouge. Here's hoping for less reinforcement panic next time.

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[spoiler=paralouge 12-Morgan]This chapter was...surprisingly easy. I mean, it shouldn't have been because of the massive amounts of sword masters and wyvern lords, but really the biggest challenge was getting Morgan out of dodge, which was easy once I grew a brain cell and realized she could pair up with Vaike. Kellam even got a few kills and Henry got to level two! The most dire situation of the map was when I got swarmed and had to form a wall around Kellam, but everyone could ORKO everything, so it was more an inconvenience than anything. On a completely unrelated note, Panne now has A supports with Vaike, Gaius, and Lon'qu, she's probably going to end up marrying Lon'qu because I always pair those two up, being the two 'almost promoted thieves', with Vaike gaining on them. And, just a little heads up, both Lon'qu and Panne are probably going to promote next chapter, as they're both level 19.

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And, just a little heads up, both Lon'qu and Panne are probably going to promote next chapter, as they're both level 19.

And then you'll break out of the Taguel. The only thing I hate is she keeps her beast weakness.

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Then you should probably go Trickster with her. And after she learns Lucky Seven and Acrobat, she could switch to Assassin.

But if you're completely leveling Panne to 30, don't reclass straight to the promoted classes. Movement +1 would be very helpful to her.

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unpromoted thieves already get movement+1, and right now I'm debating whether to promote her to assassin or trickster (skillset vs ranged option). Flavia alone will have tons of grinding, so I'm not too fond of switching up promoted classes, unless Henry suddenly becomes good after I gave him a Naga's tear.

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[spoiler=chapter 17]All hail the creator of the tonics! After countless resets, I decided to give Gaius and Vaike luck tonics, and Henry and Kellam speed tonics, and it really showed; Kellam managed to double most of everything, actually managed to avoid things, and even took down the boss!(with assistance from Gaius, of course). How the map normally went down was a group of reinforcements would show up, and they would catch either Kellam or an injured Vaike off guard and rexcalibur them to death. The most troublesome units were the aforementioned rexcalibur valkyries with silver bow snipers coming at a close second. Vaike is, unfortunately, doomed to be more of a liability than he should be because of the odd numbered amount of units. Lon'qu and Panne both classed up to assassins as expected, but even though they solo'd a good chunk of the left side of the map, and were the MVPs, they didn't get an s support, strangely. I'm pretty sure the next level will be easier, luckily, and now Anna can use physic staves, and Kellam can use killing edges, but right now I'm trying to decide, who should get the boots?

Edited by Rhys
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