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I'm having fun in Lunatic


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I'm actually carrying my team through, in this one. Turns out heavy Avatar favoritism in the very first few chapters payed off, as I'm managing to carry through with quite a big pack.
LIBRA is performing quite well with a +Spd Pair Up (in this case, Dark Flier!Liz).

Currently on Ch.10. (just finished Ch.9, visiting Para.4 after Ch.10) Kind of wondering if I'll be able to train most of my peeps later on, if I do plan on using a bit more (my deployment slots are just about filled). Will the enemy get too strong, beyond my level? :(:

Also, what I meant by "having fun" is a reference to the difficulty probably being a bit too much for a general team. I thought I was going to have to limit myself to The Avatar, Chrom and their family, but that's just too easy and a little boring (I did that once, but deleted it).


Unit       Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res      Class      
Chrom     11.54  27 13   2  13  15  12  12   6      Lordling
Alice      2.33  50 25  24  28  32  19  32  19     Dark Flier
Liz        3.25  35 15  23  23 21+2 16  10  13     Dark Flier
Sumia      2.89  32 12  12  18 20+2  13   8 13     Dark Flier
Virion     5.38  33 12   3 16+2  13  14  15  5    Wyvern Rider
Vaike     10.06  36 13   0  12  11   8   9   0      Fighter
Maribelle 16.17  28  2  12  10  13  13   6 14+2    Troubadour
Gaius      9.35  26 10   1  14  16   7   7   2       Thief
Gregor    10.53            base
Nowi       4.60  25  6   0   4   4  10   4   4     Baby Dragon
LIBRA      4.51  42 17  17  15  15  12  13  18      WAR MONK   
Tharja    10.99            base


Chrom - Great Lord, MAYBE (huge maybe, there) Sniper (A Liz, B Vaike, C Frederick)

Alice - Dark Knight (A Liz & Sumia, C Frederick)

Liz - Dark Flier to battle nun (A Alice & Chrom, B Virion, C Frederick)

Sumia - Maybe the same as Liz, otherwise I'll try Sage so Cynthia inherits Tomefaire. (A Alice)

Virion - Griffon Rider to, uh...I'm actually willing to go for either Dark Knight or Sniper/Ranger. (B Liz, B Frederick)

Vaike - Hero, nothing fancy. (B Chrom, C Maribelle)

Maribelle - Probably Valkyrie or Peggie to Falcoknight/Dark Flier. (C Vaike)

Gaius - Assassin to Hero. He'd make a great support-partner for LIBRA, either way.

Nowi - Interceptor said Nowi is pretty cool all the way through Manakete because she levels up really well, so I might just keep it that way (or go Mage-Dark Night). (C Gregor)

LIBRA - lol do I need to explain?

Tharja x Gregor - Uhh yeah, I really want Gregor Noire.


I plan on using Olivia (Dancer/10 & a possible wife for Chrom), Anna (among my favorites), Henry (same as Anna, also planned to be Sumia's boyfriend), LIBRA Owain, Inigo (if I train Olivia), Vaike Brady, Cynthia and Gregor Noire.

Edited by bearclaw95
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Kind of wondering if I'll be able to train most of my peeps later on, if I do plan on using a bit more (my deployment slots are just about filled).

You probably won't =/. Training units after the first chapters is really difficult, unless you use the dlc. I generally only use the avatar and like 4 more units and their pair ups, most of them kids or characters with an early join time.

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Well I'm doing my first lunatic playthrough using a full team and I was doing ok until chapter 16, where I was forced to grind due to:

Poor handling of experience

Using too many units

From what I read it's best to use a small team so a small batch of offensive units get the experience, otherwise the buffs the promoted enemies have when compared to hard (which are pretty big) may overwhelm your units. Also don't waste experience on units you're thinking of dropping later on, that experience could go on somebody else

I'm not the best person to take advice from on lunatic though. I have little experience in this difficultly and there are others who know a lot more about it

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I didn't exactly grind, but I went through 2-3 Skirmishes (mostly with my Avatar in the lead) to get some experience for my peeps.

What do you say?

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I didn't exactly grind, but I went through 2-3 Skirmishes (mostly with my Avatar in the lead) to get some experience for my peeps.

What do you say?

I also use smirmishes.

I like most of the units you're using too, good luck with this.

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It is *possible*, though? Unprobable, I see it- Seeing what you guys are saying. That's the only Skirmishes I've been on because they started getting out of hand. I'm not limiting myself on Barracks and Renown (almost 3000) because those are fun. Also, I've been using Anna Shops when they were around, because I could obtain nice things early on, like Master & Second Seals.

I might just bench Maribelle & Vaike once I get Brady. Maybe the same for Tharja and Gregor, but I'd need a relatively decent Noire, at least. Liz is actually surprisingly good by herself, being able to 1RKO consistently (high Mag, pretty good Spd) and LIBRA's being awesome as usual. Also, I'm trying to do Nowi x Gaius. I haven't used them seriously before (barring Gaius, in a draft, once)

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It is *possible*, though? Unprobable, I see it- Seeing what you guys are saying. That's the only Skirmishes I've been on because they started getting out of hand. I'm not limiting myself on Barracks and Renown (almost 3000) because those are fun. Also, I've been using Anna Shops when they were around, because I could obtain nice things early on, like Master & Second Seals.

I might just bench Maribelle & Vaike once I get Brady. Maybe the same for Tharja and Gregor, but I'd need a relatively decent Noire, at least. Liz is actually surprisingly good by herself, being able to 1RKO consistently (high Mag, pretty good Spd) and LIBRA's being awesome as usual. Also, I'm trying to do Nowi x Gaius. I haven't used them seriously before (barring Gaius, in a draft, once)

You can also try to pair as much people as you can, even if you're not using them, since the children paralogues give great exp and the enemies aren't THAT tough; I suggest using the spotpass teams to try to pair people you're not using, since they don't give EXP but do give support points.

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I was also considering, for liek, 5 seconds un using spotpass teams, but I thought, maybe that's just an easy ticket? It sounds FE immoral, ALMOST. :(: And at the very first time, I've considered Golden Gaffe, but that's just too silly...

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I want to build Gaius x Nowi, but it's getting a little hard for Nowi's durability, because she's still getting borderline 2HKO'd...on Forts. If I pair her with Gregor, maybe I can avoid that by getting her a level or something, but I want to do Gregor x Tharja as well, and they're fighting in a different area.

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I want to build Gaius x Nowi, but it's getting a little hard for Nowi's durability, because she's still getting borderline 2HKO'd...on Forts. If I pair her with Gregor, maybe I can avoid that by getting her a level or something, but I want to do Gregor x Tharja as well, and they're fighting in a different area.

You're on Chapter 10 right? What Paralogues have you done and what's her level?

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I want to build Gaius x Nowi, but it's getting a little hard for Nowi's durability, because she's still getting borderline 2HKO'd...on Forts. If I pair her with Gregor, maybe I can avoid that by getting her a level or something, but I want to do Gregor x Tharja as well, and they're fighting in a different area.

It's easy to get support points in this game. Just have N.O.W.I. and Gaius participate in at least four battles as Lead/Support partners, and boom, they've maxed out their points for the map. Then you can switch to Gregor or Kellam for the heavy lifting training.

This ain't Radiant Dawn.

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You're on Chapter 10 right? What Paralogues have you done and what's her level?

I've done up to Paralogue 3 (as soon as they appeared) and am halting 4 until I finish Ch.10. The OP has their stats and supports.

It's easy to get support points in this game. Just have N.O.W.I. and Gaius participate in at least four battles as Lead/Support partners, and boom, they've maxed out their points for the map. Then you can switch to Gregor or Kellam for the heavy lifting training.

This ain't Radiant Dawn.

I think the start of her training is heavy lifting, as she gets doubled and 1HKO'd in her start...although she can avoid it with some help, and that's Gregor. Should I use Gregor on her, for this chapter? (they have a C). I didn't do it because I didn't want to halt them building a support (Nowi Gaius)

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I think the start of her training is heavy lifting, as she gets doubled and 1HKO'd in her start...although she can avoid it with some help, and that's Gregor. Should I use Gregor on her, for this chapter? (they have a C). I didn't do it because I didn't want to halt them building a support (Nowi Gaius)

Gregor is her best training partner, because they start with basically an auto-C after their joining chapter, and he gives her exactly what she needs in terms of stats.

You don't need to stop NowixGaius, you just need to make sure that the two of them participate together in the minimum required number of fights per chapter. You can build multiple supports at the same time, you just need to be able to count to four. NowixGaius for four battles (doesn't even need to be a kill), and then NowixGregor for the rest. Or do the NowixGaius ones at the end, like on the boss. It literally doesn't matter.

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Oh...that's actually pretty cool, thanks. I find that Mercenary/Hero bonuses are amazing, and yes, they're what Nowi wants, pretty much. But Tharja also benefits from extra Spd/Def. GaiusxNowi is cool because if gives her Spd/Skill & Mov, which is really cool for having a 7-Mov tanky unit.

By the way, I'm sort of "rushing" (relatively rushing it, going faster than my normal Lunatic pace) because I don't want the Thieves to get away. Do you have any advice on what to do with them? (they have nice items)

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Oh...that's actually pretty cool, thanks. I find that Mercenary/Hero bonuses are amazing, and yes, they're what Nowi wants, pretty much. But Tharja also benefits from extra Spd/Def. GaiusxNowi is cool because if gives her Spd/Skill & Mov, which is really cool for having a 7-Mov tanky unit.

You can do this with Gregor, too. Once you no longer need the DEF support for Nowi, just promote Gregor to Bow Knight. Gives SKL/SPD and MV, just like Thief.

By the way, I'm sort of "rushing" (relatively rushing it, going faster than my normal Lunatic pace) because I don't want the Thieves to get away. Do you have any advice on what to do with them? (they have nice items)

Chase them down with fliers or high-MV units. Generally at this point I have Sumia or Cordelia able to handle the far-flung enemies. Sometimes a promoted ground unit can do it as well (I used Avatar as a Bow Knight). If you need to stall for time, block the exit point for the thieves, which is in the upper left hand corner behind the boss (that's how I did it on Lunatic+).

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Yeah, I want to stall a bit. I don't want Sumia to get most of the guys on the Center/West side because I want to try to give those kills to Nowi/Gaius and maybe some of my other units (like Vaike).

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