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Is this a cool skill combo?


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Lunatic mode context:

I want to pair Maribelle and Vaike and have them inherit Focus (Maribelle) and Gamble, Sol OR Axefaire (Vaike). Now, I know that the +crit. skills are pretty crappy by themselves, but I thought of combinining them (Focus, Zeal, Gamble & Wrath) for a critical-based Brady...now picture that along with Sol (which would help his offense and durability). He could get a potential innate 25% Crit. + insta C-support with his parents and before factoring in a possible +Crit. forge and Wrath.

I'm not exactly going for something wtfbroken here, like Vengeance and some other gamebreaking combo, but a tasty, critical-based War Monk. :):

Also, for Inigo:

Since in my file I plan on doing Chrom!Inigo, he'll inherit RK, right? If he does, I could have Olivia pass down Astra and he'll have a moderately decent Astra and good Armstrift activation rate.

Edited by café
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Yeah, you get the picture! :awesome: ...I also forgot to mention I want him as War Monk as a final stage (since he'll have to go through some classes first)

Also, I'm not sure if I remember wrong, but I recall Focus could activate with a Pair-Up.

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Since in my file I plan on doing Chrom!Inigo, he'll inherit RK, right? If he does, I could have Olivia pass down Astra and he'll have a moderately decent Astra and good Armstrift activation rate.

Azure/Ichigo/Inigo will always inherit Rightful King from Chrom. So yes, Astra will always have at least a 10% proc rate (yay equivalent of 20 skill)

Edited by shadowofchaos
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It can activate with a Pair-Up (makes grinding mages so much easier), but if any other allied units are within three spaces it won't activate.

And yes, no matter what Chrom's son will inherit Rightful King. Most people on here will agree, though, that Galeforce is better since Inigo can learn Astra due to inheriting Myrm from Olivia.

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It can activate with a Pair-Up (makes grinding mages so much easier), but if any other allied units are within three spaces it won't activate.

And yes, no matter what Chrom's son will inherit Rightful King. Most people on here will agree, though, that Galeforce is better since Inigo can learn Astra due to inheriting Myrm from Olivia.

Eh, not exactly a fan of Galeforce...of course it can never be bad to have that thing around, I'm just not one to build a Galeforce-heavy team.

In this case, you could say I am possible going for something rather...flashy. MAYBE.

I dislike his localized name... HEAVILY.

His mother's hair is pink.

Ichigo = "Strawberry"

It's another localized pun, I think. :awesome:

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Don't listen to Richter, he's biased against Berserkers/Wrath!

Well, excuuuuuse me for being unable to ignore the stench of stupidity this skill combo reeks of... Needing to be half dead at least AND isolated from allies? I say "Hell no!" to that crap.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I think you've missed the part where Focus works while being paired up and the fact that Wrath was more of an icing on the cake, since Focus/Zeal/Gamble afford 25% Crit., and then you factor in Maribelle/Vaike's insta-C support (as well as Maribelle's possible Dual Support+ by then) and the possibility of a +Crit. forge.

You only came here to express your dislike towards Wrath, I feel... )=

EDIT: You've also missed Sol. You have no excuse, now. :smug:

Edited by café
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I think you've missed the part where Focus works while being paired up and the fact that Wrath was more of an icing on the cake, since Focus/Zeal/Gamble afford 25% Crit., and then you factor in Maribelle/Vaike's insta-C support (as well as Maribelle's possible Dual Support+ by then) and the possibility of a +Crit. forge.

You only came here to express your dislike towards Wrath, I feel... )=

EDIT: You've also missed Sol. You have no excuse, now. :smug:

Hmph. Even with Sol, I still see it as awful since I can get as much crit without having to be isolated AND half dead. It's not like Sol is reliable after all...

Edited by Levant Fortner
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If you really want a crit build, you should have his pairup buddy use Solidarity+Anathema. Then give your lead unit Gamble for free crit, Astra because it has a ton of synergy with crits, Armsthrift so you can forge up a crit weapon. Then tack on some fillers, possibly Wrath+Vantage so when you crit you basically don't have to take a counterattack.

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But it's still pretty "meh". Maximizing crit with those skill slots feels "meh", like I said.

45% with a killer weapon is plenty for me.

Well of course Killers are great if you're aiming for critical, but they lack 2-range...

If you really want a crit build, you should have his pairup buddy use Solidarity+Anathema. Then give your lead unit Gamble for free crit, Astra because it has a ton of synergy with crits, Armsthrift so you can forge up a crit weapon. Then tack on some fillers, possibly Wrath+Vantage so when you crit you basically don't have to take a counterattack.

This sounds pretty interesting, but I'm afraid Brady doesn't have access to Astra, Armstrift & Vantage...if his father is Vaike, anyway (which I want it to be).

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If you're gunning for crit:

Roll Sage
Weapon of Choice: Katarina's Bolt [Forged: +3 MT, +15 CRT]

Skills [Lead Unit]
Vantage, Vengeance, Wrath, Focus, [Whatever]
Skills [support Unit]
Solidarity, Dual Support+, Anathema, [Whatever], [Whatever]

Weapon is 45 CRT

Solidarity/Focus is 20 CRT
Dual Su+ is 10
Anathema is effectively 10

Wrath is 20

Vengeance is 20 Damage while Vantage/Vengeance is up.

With SagexSage and LB as the last slot, this build pulls ~125 CRT.

26% on Invincisorc, 75% on most things in Apo.

This will terminate most Apo enemies...

But is very shaky.

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