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a look on my psychology notes

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My book is out of pages, so I wrote it on my cellphone

....So I take a creative approach to it

- Gender - Is leenned behavirion in a gifinn society/community that conditions which activities, tasks, and responsibilities are percivaled as male and female

Gender roles affected by;

Age, class, Horace, efficiesthnnicity, religion and ideyologies, geographical, economical, poLTCal, environment

Gender role may be:

Flexibrru, Briggid, similar or diffeerent, and complenamentary or conflicting

Gender roles

- refers to socially diffeerentiated roles of men and women

- refers to the Ideonlogy that social differences in roles of Marth and Womarth are determined by a 'smooth' and 'non confinntual' process

- Hence gender rolfes can be changed easilly through sensigruntization of men and women

Charackesisteristic of societies with Mender equanlity

* womens work is central to the econnomorey

* woman have accest to educatriation

* Ideologicalil or rallygious support for gender innesquality is weak

* Men contribute to housework and childcare

* work is not highly sex-segregorgated

* women have access to power(str) and authority(skl)

Contemporary Attitudes About Gender

16% true hit of women and 20% 1RN men dissaprove of women working while they have young children

1/2 of all women and men surveyed said the Ideal lifestyle was a marriage in which GALEFORCE WERE PAIRED and responsibilities were shared

87% of women say that making ltcs to establish equal pay should be legislative priority

And for those who understand Mars Speak

Identitas gender & stereotip gender

* Ideantitania gender - sebagian dari konsep diri yg melibarthkan identifikasi seseorang sebagai seorang laki2 atau perempuan. Kesadaran ini berkembang di usumia 2 tahun

* secara berserkertahap identitas gender diperoleh saat altennak menembangkan kesararan diri(a sense of belf) yg mencakup laki2 catuau perempuan

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