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Words cannot describe my hatred of this place. The arrogance of the people here knows no bounds. What is off limits? What is not? Obvious having the turtle shell on is cheap, but spamming a move endlessly with no hope of escape for your opponent is called fair?

Basically, I went there, said I was a mid-level player, got my ass handed to me by a "beginner". What the hell >:(

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I've never been there, I don't care if I ever do.

But if you're just making this topic to bitch about how evil those bastards are in their little evil hellhole then I'm afraid the topic ends here, because there have been these types of topics in the past that had people complaining about the pile of crap that is the smashboards.

...How many insults did I use? I was aiming for 5.

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The arrogant members here are total jackasses and I hate their guts. I would of course be reffering to my best friend Mac, and the ever awesome Knife.

I'm not that arrogant... I have skill but the fact that I use jiggs makes me fall back down to earth alot. ^_^

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Brawl is the kind of game that will soon fade from the list of most discussed games.

Remember Melee? How no one ever touched it after a few months? Once that happens to brawl, the smashboards will most likely dissipate.

Serenes Forest FTW.

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Brawl is the kind of game that will soon fade from the list of most discussed games.

Remember Melee? How no one ever touched it after a few months? Once that happens to brawl, the smashboards will most likely dissipate.

Serenes Forest FTW.

Trust me Smash will not disappear if the MLG puts it in it's lineup. In fact it'll only grow even more

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I guess. But I'm done with it, maybe others are as well.

You maybe but me, I could probably play this for a year or two untill the online scene dies

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