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Potential issues/ ideas for an awakening (direct sequel)


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As much as I would love for them to create a sequel to this game, I always tend to put a roadblock up at some point of my brainstorming.

Hate to bring canon into the mix, but If they did, which playstyle would they canonize? Casual or Classic? If classic, that limits the amount of charcters carrying over, as some legit die while others (retire). This leads me to believe those characters would not make an appearance in the main game next go around, and likely appear as cameos in an outrealm or similar paralogue setup. Beyond that, are the paralogue characters in general, some are spotpass most aren't, but they can still be killed in their chapters before they're recruited. Assuming this route was followed, any pairings people had involving the less important story involvement, could potentially be nullified, even by their own mistake. It would definitely make the potential pairings easier to pin down and leave room to introduce new characters to the mix. On the other hand, if casual were to b e canon, then every single parent and child would survive, which would be ideal for most people. However, the amount of work it would take to implement those variables from game one may cause the developers an insane amount of time to allow everyone to mix and match, all the while adding in new characters ( if only a few). There is the potential for a save transfer down the line or password system, which would work wonders. Those left out could have everyone randomized. The biggest worry on my end, is that each recruitement could become glitchy at some point. They did a great job making everything flow and make each father/son or daughter seem authentic in the future of despair dlc. If they could learn from that and bring in a save transfer system or something of the like, I think it would do really well.

It's unfortunate that no more DLC is coming, as the conversations added more depth to the characters, though it was limited by who could converse with who.

I actually wished they would have made 9 more maps based off our friendly neighborhood amnesiacs.

The first would be Emmeryn going through trials similar to Aversa"s paralogue, second Morgon does the same, and finally MU

The second set would be a scramble type set up where the title character could converse with all units. Goes for all 3 units

The third would allow you to recruit 1) Chrom's father 2) Morgan (M)/(F) 3) MU's mother (could be build similar to Morgan from avatar bases)

This is what I'd have loved to see as dlc, but it would have made any potential file transfer to FE:A2 that much more complicated.

So, what would you like to see for awakening 2 (assuming it's made)

Edited by Legendkill3r07
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hmm, they might just do what they did with por/rd where everyone comes back in rd regardless of what befell them in por.

if we do get a game that's set in the same world as awakening, i'd prefer a prequel centered on chrom's father and the ylisse/plegia war that took place 15 years prior to this game.

maybe we can see other character's parents as well? like sumia's and maribelle's, etc.

but in all honesty i kind of want a game with all new characters and a brave new world.

Edited by Anathema
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In a sequel, all characters would return. As for who is the father for the kids and who is the mother for Lucina, Save File transfer feature would solve things. To not complicate the plot, fathers (or mother in Lucina's case) would have zero to little impact on the plot.

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hmm, they might just do what they did with por/rd where everyone comes back in rd regardless of what befell them in por.

Unless you are Largo, in which case you lose an arm for some reason that is never explained or hinted at.

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they could use a modified version of the hard copy to digital save transfer.

Tell me, how would you do it when the 3DS is IMMEDIATELY designed to go to the home menu if the cartridge is even MOVED slightly while the software is running?

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Tell me, how would you do it when the 3DS is IMMEDIATELY designed to go to the home menu if the cartridge is even MOVED slightly while the software is running?

save would move from awakening to sd card to a2. There would be swapping and you'd likely have to reboot the program, but it could be done.
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Tell me, how would you do it when the 3DS is IMMEDIATELY designed to go to the home menu if the cartridge is even MOVED slightly while the software is running?

By working like every other system ever to handle multi "disc" setups.

The game would be programmed to roll between the carts with the A2 main program remaining loaded so it can move/copy data as needed.

Or if that's not possible, put up a free utility program that copies Awakening's data to the SD card, from where it's read. -_-;;

These kinds of things aren't that hard.

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I don't seem them being being open-minded about pairings. D: Just look at Radiant Dawn. Effectively killed off any chance of Ike/Elincia or Mist/Rolf, or Lethe/Ranulf even. Instead you get blech pairings like Boyd/Mist or Leanne/Neasala, despite the "freedom" of pairing and supporting whoever you want. For pairings in any potential sequel, I can only hope Ricken's canon wife isn't Maribelle. D8; I like all his pairings EXCEPT that one.

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I don't seem them being being open-minded about pairings. D: Just look at Radiant Dawn. Effectively killed off any chance of Ike/Elincia or Mist/Rolf, or Lethe/Ranulf even. Instead you get blech pairings like Boyd/Mist or Leanne/Neasala, despite the "freedom" of pairing and supporting whoever you want. For pairings in any potential sequel, I can only hope Ricken's canon wife isn't Maribelle. D8; I like all his pairings EXCEPT that one.

But none of these relationships were implied in PoR. The supports in question are completely devoid of any romance. Just because people grow close, they don't have to automatically fall in love.

Awakening's situation is completely different from that.

Edited by BrightBow
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I don't seem them being being open-minded about pairings. D: Just look at Radiant Dawn. Effectively killed off any chance of Ike/Elincia or Mist/Rolf, or Lethe/Ranulf even. Instead you get blech pairings like Boyd/Mist or Leanne/Neasala, despite the "freedom" of pairing and supporting whoever you want. For pairings in any potential sequel, I can only hope Ricken's canon wife isn't Maribelle. D8; I like all his pairings EXCEPT that one.

jillxhaar tho

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Honestly there's a hardware issue with that... unless you want to say "screw everyone but the digital copy" people.

two options:

go old school and people got a write out a code! It's how the Zelda Oracle series and the Golden Sun games were connected. Gamers these days have it too easy.

create an app that's free specifically designed to get game data from FE13 (when the game is in, whether it's digital or not) and puts it in FE14 when you boot up the app (and FE 14 game is in, whether it's digital).

For dramatic purposes I figure they would canonize different pairings in order to have the most freedom to write.

For new fans sake, I can see them doing a data transfer, with default pairings in the game if there is no transfer.

And unless otherwise stated, everyone survives until the next game. I would have the Avatar kills Grima ending.

Edited by Viewtiful_J
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Next game is likely not going to be an outright sequel to Awakening, unless they go with MU didn't sacrifice self, and we get more Grima.

...Honestly I think the next game would only touch on one playable character from Awakening, leaving everything up to whatever with the rest.

..One who has no development, no anything in Awakening.

..One of the Spotpass Six who appears and disappears without much to him.


Who knows? Hopefully this is the case, and with it comes another salvo of nuclear torpedoes aimed at the sunk Ike/Soren ship.

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but didn't por/rd not do to hot in the sales department?

i mean i love the tellius series and i'd throw money down for a new game in that world, but i dunno if IS would want to revisit it.

Pretty much this. Why would they risk giving another "sequel" to a game that performed poorly (especially on a series that recieved an ultimatum from Nintendo not long ago) when they have supposedly the best selling tittle in the series? Sure they might not give it a sequel per-se, but a midquel/prequel is more likely.

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