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Who to marry Chrom to.


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I'm in chapter 5 in a second file, where I have a female avatar rather than a male one.

At first, I was going to marry Chrom and the avatar, then I got to see their C Support. To say they didn't hit it off very well would be an understatement. I then tried Sully, but I feel a bit unsure about that one.

Olivia is out of the question, since he has C support with two women. Sumia is also off the table, since I wanted to do different pairings in this file.

What are your opinions?

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I'd say Generic Village Girl but you already have a C support.

You can still get Olivia married to him if you marry your females off to one of the males already available before Chapter 11.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I'm gonna say Female Avatar. I found their C support to be rather funny since I went with Build 3 for my female avatar. Plus, Lucina can inherit Veteran for faster level ups. The support may start off awkward, but the later supports make it better in my opinion.

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I'm gonna say Female Avatar. I found their C support to be rather funny since I went with Build 3 for my female avatar. Plus, Lucina can inherit Veteran for faster level ups. The support may start off awkward, but the later supports make it better in my opinion.

I'd also add that some people (me) like the story better when the two are married. (there are people who prefer them to just be friends for story purposes, of course, but still.)

I find their Supports to be hilarious, though i would be upset if they were their ONLY bits of interaction. Since they interact during the story (a lot), the Supports are just funny little 'sidestories'. That's how I see them, at least.

Having them married also changes one scene after... 21 I want to say? Some people like it (me though I'll admit there are some issues), while others don't. But it's there.

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I'm gonna say Female Avatar. I found their C support to be rather funny since I went with Build 3 for my female avatar. Plus, Lucina can inherit Veteran for faster level ups. The support may start off awkward, but the later supports make it better in my opinion.

I'd also add that some people (me) like the story better when the two are married. (there are people who prefer them to just be friends for story purposes, of course, but still.)

I find their Supports to be hilarious, though i would be upset if they were their ONLY bits of interaction. Since they interact during the story (a lot), the Supports are just funny little 'sidestories'. That's how I see them, at least.

Having them married also changes one scene after... 21 I want to say? Some people like it (me though I'll admit there are some issues), while others don't. But it's there.


But yeah, you might also want to try Sully or Maribelle as well; they have good supports, and I don't think Lucina will turn out too bad with either. Also consider that it might make Kjelle or Brady much better as well.

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What Shadowofchaos said. If you marry Sully and female Avatar off to other men early, you can still get Chrom with Olivia. :)

I think Inigo makes perfect sense as Chrom's son and he'd do awesome stuff with Rightful King since he can get skills like Luna, Astra, and Lethality to go with it. ^^

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Make him marry the Vaike

Maribelle makes Lucina a nice mixed attacker due to mods and GARUFORCU and Brady is is pretty much good no matter who fathers him

Avatar!Lucina obviously works well (and gives Morgan rightful king which is always nice) although if you're marrying him based off supports it's not one of the best ones imo. Best supports Chrom has imo is Sully and Sully!Lucina makes her the strongest physically and has a decent defence modifier but iirc she won't have many good skills (although inheriting discipline could work, I did this on my lunatic playthrough and it helped quite a bit)

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If you aren't fond of Female Avatar/Chrom, my best option for you to try then is Maribelle.

It also gives you a hybrid Lucina, Brady is always amazing, and the supports are lovely all around.

Edited by Vashiane
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