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All is Brawl


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Before I get brutally gangbanged for making a topic about a large smash site:

AiB is pretty accepting of just about every kind of person who likes smash, not-brawl smash games included. Like items? Cool. Dun like items? Cool. Good at the games? Cool. Not-good at the games? Cool. Wanna find out how to play Smash64 online? Cool. Think all online smash sucks? Uh. Well. Cool. Both silly and serious tournaments, online and off, get coverage. Plus other stuff. So yeah.

I'm on it, as Mac. Give it a try, really. The only way for it not completely not work for you is if you troll the forums. Just know that you have a somewhat high chance of getting your ass handed to you by some people in the chat rooms.


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There's a whole mess of newbies here I haven't fought... so I'm good for a while.

This and the fact that I don't like sites dedicated to smash I don't what they are about. Smash only forums are not my cup of tea

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There's also general discussion and whatnot in them. You don't ever have to go to the forums to use the place, either.

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There's also general discussion and whatnot in them. You don't ever have to go to the forums to use the place, either.

No I don't want to go there because I will never go to any majoryity topic Smash site ever again.

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So All is Brawl is kind of like a forum in which the pros and the casuals can get along fairly well? Sounds like a nice forum. Not get yelled at for trying to be pro, and not get yelled at for being casual. Nice deal.

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So All is Brawl is kind of like a forum in which the pros and the casuals can get along fairly well? Sounds like a nice forum. Not get yelled at for trying to be pro, and not get yelled at for being casual. Nice deal.

Well... don't forget that there are always retarded trolls.

I'd join there but 2 forums right now, and I'm barely on the other one as it is. How am I still a mod there?

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