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Day: ♪☆☆◇

11:30 pm

day 184 of my treck through the forest and I have yet to find the golden sphinx....but i must be close....the traps are getting trickier to spot.........and I have a feeling im being watched. This forest has many secrets even I cannot decode. Like for example...why does the moss grow on the south side of the trees, instead of the north? And why is this topic still open? Maybe these are clues......ahh yes....They must be....Tomorow I will ponder these damned questions and find my way to the Temple of Graphics...where the golden sphinx is located....that is...if I survive the night...

What the hell...

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A long way to say "Why is this still open."

Because some people are actually still hoping that a girl will post their pic. Or a girl will join and post theirs like torifae.

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Page 263

Day: ♪☆☆◇

11:30 pm

day 184 of my treck through the forest and I have yet to find the golden sphinx....but i must be close....the traps are getting trickier to spot.........and I have a feeling im being watched. This forest has many secrets even I cannot decode. Like for example...why does the moss grow on the south side of the trees, instead of the north? And why is this topic still open? Maybe these are clues......ahh yes....They must be....Tomorow I will ponder these damned questions and find my way to the Temple of Graphics...where the golden sphinx is located....that is...if I survive the night...

can u find the hidden message?

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I be a-postin' pictures nao.


I like being under things o_O


For Halloween, I dressed up in a straight-jacket at school(Yes MaSu, same one that I wore last time we went). As such, I had a difficult time eating, so I had some of my lady friends feed me. The price, however, was the rights to my own head. There are more pictures, but I don't feel like posting em right nao.


This is from my Japan trip this spring break. I'm pretty sure it was in Hiroshima. Kyomizu temple or something. Anyways, I left my food on the ground( in the bags) to take a group photo, and then the deer( they won't come closer than 5 feet from you normally) smelled the food and started ripping the bags apart to get to it. I tried to save my food, but I got chased around until I finally hid in a bathroom. >.< My food was ruined though :'(

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I be a-postin' pictures nao.


I like being under things o_O


For Halloween, I dressed up in a straight-jacket at school(Yes MaSu, same one that I wore last time we went). As such, I had a difficult time eating, so I had some of my lady friends feed me. The price, however, was the rights to my own head. There are more pictures, but I don't feel like posting em right nao.


This is from my Japan trip this spring break. I'm pretty sure it was in Hiroshima. Kyomizu temple or something. Anyways, I left my food on the ground( in the bags) to take a group photo, and then the deer( they won't come closer than 5 feet from you normally) smelled the food and started ripping the bags apart to get to it. I tried to save my food, but I got chased around until I finally hid in a bathroom. >.< My food was ruined though :'(

Win just for that story.


hey I'm Eaichu



I was bored on MSN, turns out my friend captured the image of me being stupid.

Yes, long hair is long.


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