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Skill prioritizing

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I have a question about skills, and how they take priority. For instance:

Morgan is equipped with both Aether and Vengeance, which are Skill based, and has a Skill stat of 52. This makes Vengeance's proc rate effectively 104%, according to the game - in that event, will it prioritize Aether (with a proc rate of 26%), or will Vengeance go off each time with Aether use being effectively impossible?

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At 50 skl, Luna+RK has a 60% chance of producing a Luna effect, and Aether+Luna has a 62.5% chance of producing a Luna effect. The difference widens as you add more skill. If you care about maximum Luna potential, why wouldn't you use multiple proc skills? Ignis can be used instead of Aether for better proc rates but lower damage when it procs (but Avatar's children generally have better things to do).

Sol isn't worth it on Apotheosis even if there wasn't a conflict because Dragonskin makes you deal very low damage without Luna and the healing just isn't noticeable.

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